Light marrying fairy tale: Guess the movie in strange reviews!



Pics.Ru went to watch that the voice of the people sometimes reads about our favorite immortal ribbons. And we were very surprised. Here try to guess, for example, what kind of paintings are these reviews with "film", "imhoneet" and "rutracker".

To read the answers, put the mouse line under the review: they are written on white on white.

Tiny and autistist

*** It is like a clean and bright fairy tale told Mantno, but leaving the same clean and bright impression. This must be able to! ("Dogma")

*** Despite the timing (3 hours), the film was interesting. It is surprising that, in principle, there are no vivid events or intrigues in the film (all major actions come closer towards the end). The narration is calm, free. In some sense, the film can be called a fairy tale. Take at least the behavior of the warders: they treated criminals as children. Again, the victory of good over evil, and, in principle, the end is quite positive. Although from which side to see ... ("Green Mile")

*** The film is the quintessence of all vices of Western society. The heroine is a contused lack of communication with peers and acknowledged papani schizophore-exteroidal part of the female, which brought themselves no one. Whether an angel, or if the Messiah ... Her chosen is working in a porn shop (!) Clown-scar from the room of fear ... urgently understand !!! ("Amelie")



The plot is practically no, no scene carries for a second, attempts to the youngsters to seduce the autista - boring, and so on. ("Leon")

*** The picture contains an idea leading to the mistrust of people to each other. I do not think that from her viewing at least one person has become easier to live in this world. Rather, people from it become less friendly, more selfish, capricious, because the feeling of illusory reality does not lead to anything good, but, apparently, there are few people know about it - the rating is high and on the film search, and on IMDB. I do not impose my opinion in this case, but I personally have a rule for myself - if you want to achieve something, then your egoism, its weakness and distrust of people. I have IQ 141 now and I know how to get rich ways - I don't think it's just that I got into my hands. ("The matrix")



I forgot that I watch movies: I was next to the heroes, they lived in reality, and I was with them. System ... It is necessary to break the system so that people did not die due to any TP. ("Flying over Cuckoo's Nest")

*** The fact that this film is chosen by spaticrous dialogues, noticed everything. That's only in the meaning of these dialogue dialogue, perhaps not many. The raised them as a masterpiece, they only amazed, as closely the screenwriters were close to their own thinking. And it is not at all surprising that the superficial, the simplest person shows the sensual approval of this spanning of cinema. From the first minutes I was struck by this, eclipsed by all the nuances of the plot, void! These stupid, disgusting dialogues, in which there were not a drop of meaning, isn't that the district cattle with the vocabulary in the word "fucking" instead of commits and "your mother" instead of the points, amazed me and made it without the stupid film plot unbearable. Each story carries such a charge of stupidity and ignorance, which I want to be unwittingly washed, in parallel counting minutes before the end of this flow of dirt. For it is necessary to wait for the final, because something should happen, because all my hope was to climax. But in the end, it turned out to be so harmonious with the whole idea of ​​the film that I was not even surprised. ("Pulp Fiction")

*** The film, maybe, good, and the scenery are excellent, and the game of actors is good, but too much dirt. The banality that sounds: "All people are miserable insignificance and everyone needs to satisfy themselves," here it is rarely sophisticated. It's good that Happy End. ("Dogville")

Film about great love for yourself

*** A 50% film consists of nonsense and idealization, idealization and nonsense. Removed to stick money with masses. The identity of the maniac - idealized and implausible to misery. Those who were at least once interested in real murderers will understand me. Everything is calculated to cause sympathy for maniac, and therefore sympathy for the film. Although, I admit that the acting game, director, operator work is all at the highest level, that's just ... All this is a shell. Artistic value is still there, but it is not enough to grieve. The film is empty, unrealistic and of those that I call Limondvilk. Everything is done to squeeze the viewer as a lemon - squeeze emotions from it, and for emotions money. There is nothing more. ("Silence of the Lambs")

*** In one fine evening, I decided to add my film to this picture, as it was heard, and the reviews hint. Seriously, what kind of sending came from the creator of this picture, I did not understand. The plot diluted with the scene of the murder (weak, honestly). But! What is saved here, Duck is children's pornography. Tell me there, but the gentlemen are good, in no criminal film so this topic did not succeed. Sex in adolescence, prostitution and plans for children's tanks. This is not a criminal drama, but sending to rape. What is the friendship here, what kind of paddle in front of the eyes. Want a drama about friendship, see "nice guys." ("Once upon time in America")

*** 10 points without a doubt, although the woman who wrote the letter I do not feel sorry, I do not understand her, because it was clearly made to understand that her romantic train was left 20 years ago, so all her subsequent snot and images of the victim annoy. ("Love affair at work")



Dadistic pseudophilosophy

Why did the idea of ​​self-destruction become so popular? The answer to this question in the table of contents of my recall. For those who did not understand: Dadaism is a direction in art that arose as a reaction to the first world war. The adherents of this direction believed that in order to avoid the repetition of tragedies, it was necessary to destroy the culture, because then neither disputes, no aggression. Of course, it is nothing easier to destroy yourself and become free, it is equivalent to suicide. Instead of finding a solution to a problem, just kill a person in yourself, create a stupid likeness of the animal. If in your understanding it is precisely this freedom and meaning of life that please put this silly film. ("Fight Club")

*** Holding to old traditional methods, we again get an epic picture, with a stunning plot and inspiring to continue the ending. Stylized film still brings fruits, because in each genre it is worth investing something original and specific. It turned out to be high quality enough, and inspires the hope of a successful continuation of this series. The original story and its development keeps in tension and under the influence of the atmosphere of the events occurring in the Middle Ages, seem more than real. Moreover, some of the episode is revealed by some essence and the meaning of all this action. The only thing that violates this idyll is a small comic content, even to say an insignificant amount of humor. Satira is present only in the exposition, and in the future humor somehow loses its role. I think this is a disadvantage, because in each film of humor should be a sufficient amount. ("Hobbit: Unexpected Journey")

*** The film is very good, but the heroine is disgusting - greedy, calculating, hypocritical, proud gadz, for which only she itself and money, walking along strange heart and destiny. We must give her due, she does not hide it very much. Maybe it is necessary to succeed in life. About this film they say that he is about great love, everything is true - he is about great love for himself. ("Gone With the Wind")

Press diapers in memory



Women are shown in the cartoon much more aggressive, cruel and strong than men. At the same time, they receive sincere pleasure from violence. Among the heroes-men there are several characters with frank inclinations of Pederists. Some smash each other in the pope, others are changed in women in the style of the end of Wurst, the third gives the intonation in the voice and manner of behavior. You will objected, they say not all the secondary heroes in the cartoon are shown by pederars or feminists. Yes, not all. There are still such wonderful characters like "wonderful kids" with ugly faces and dripping saliva, or a blind old man, as one of the main characters for laughter. It did not cost the cartoon and without animals, however, most of them are either subjected to violence or die. Funny, the cartoon for children, what is there, the more deaths - the more funnier. Well, this is for psychos discharge. ("Mighty")

*** It is drawn by immaculately, full of nonsense passions and other non-political sickles. Sitty for big. What do children in him in addition to bright see? Or, by virtue of its young limb, this is just put on this in the eyes, but not in mind? Cartoon one of the best a priori. From it, the vital humor and other essence of American entertainment culture splashes from it. Calcher here is present in all scenes, but in places specific. But especially the bulk apple is always with a worms! Can fellings to such a product, children will become an order of magnitude better than their seven-year analogues. Just watch and absorb, and then press in memory and consciousness is a wet diaper! ("Shrek")

*** It would be ridiculous if it were not so sad, such a thought comes to mind while watching the film, the comicness of the situation is hidden by an instructive story telling about the egoist and a cynic, which is alien to all, but the efforts of all-friendly "higher forces" received an endless second The chance to correct and stand on the right path, and the infinite chance is apparently especially inseparable ... ("Groundhog Day")



In general, the film looks pretty alive: the story is simple, develops gradually, the rudded guns shoot at the right moment, just the last half hour I want to shut up and stopped running apart. It's just a movie to which thirty years, so they say there with some strange intonations, wear strange clothes and make the most ordinary things for strange music. ("Radiance")

*** Want to see the system of power in society, the level of its spirituality and culture, moral foundations? Look at this film. Although the events unfold on another planet, but it is perfectly clear that everything concerns our society. On the ruins of the "Evil Empire", that is, the Soviet Union, rebels a new world order. Society as such ceases to exist, and instead there are scattered, indifferent, intimidated and infidelizing in anything, selfish, immoral, treacherous screws. Total state control over man! On the one hand, digital technologies, the Internet, mobile phones, ATMs, and on the other - immorality, the fall in spirituality, the increase in pressure and control of state Mahina. Prophecy comes true?! ("Kin-Dza-Dza")

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