25 more languages ​​of love: Du Sproshen Lyamur?


    There is such a well-known book of the famous psychologist Chepman - "Five Languages ​​of Love". We decided to develop it and supplement!

    If someone forgot, the brief content of the book is such: we all say "love" - ​​and everyone implies different things. For one, the main expression of the immortal feeling is physical contact, the other feels beloved when he gives flowers. And sometimes we do not understand each other - and begin to show and prove our love with each other with an interesting object in the way. She wants to bother, and her taps are revealed ... or vice versa.

    Chapman for pointed rapprochement proposes to learn each other's languages ​​and highlights only five pieces: words of encouragement; Attached time; presents; help; Touch (immediately hugs, kissing and sex). He himself says that there may be a bunch of dialects. So we thought - and began working on the dictionary. Join!

    1. Raise. He is not therefore bought you a T-shirt with Miss Piggy that he wants to offend. And because he loves. When you are visiting friend's friend's troll, the people of the mackerel and are preparing to work in seconds. And this is just a mutual passion, and they will not stick against her.

    2. Just pressing. Over Sunday battle of two Jacodmites, over the horoscope of Sasha Smilanskaya, over Mr. Binin and the neighbor Juno Nikorovna. To orgasmal sobs and sshryukov. But not with strangers. Only for love. Nor Lulza before the wedding!

    3. To argue about the structure of the universe. Another type of cerebral intima. You gently touch his model Friedman, he will guide the law of Hubble. After stormy mutual fluctuations, you fall exhausted and happy. By the way, without jokes: For many, passion is expressed in the discussion of all sorts of precipitors!

    4. Argue. It is possible not about the quasars, and not about the pipes. You can, at least how to clean the carrot - along or across. If only it would be hot, passionately to hoarseness. Do you disagree with us? Do you have six arguments that it does not happen? Hurray, you love us!

    5. swear. You can even not about carrot. It is possible without reason. If only it would be hot, with exquisite curses and grabbing for a frying pan ... then - to tearfully put up, leaving a couple of terrible expressions about the stock - you still have many such happy moments.

    6. Write SMS. With the signs of punctuation or without, with a reservoir, emoticons or just three brackets, with "I have Liu" or "No, I will not rush rebellious enjoyment." The main thing is that in your pocket constantly wrapped and oppressed, and your fingers caressed the smartphone!

    7. Invent nicknames. Bunks and other zoo, sun and the rest of the astronomy are the stone age. Intimate name may be mega-creative. I know a couple in love, in the moments of tenderness calling each other in a gentle word "SPACE".

    8. Together to dangle the world. This, of course, the "dialing time" dialect, but special. His carrier nafig does not need the time to be given to him near the washing machine. Only injecting you on the fellow manchuria or emerging from the bottom of the Grand Bazaar, he will feel unearthly ecstasy with you.

    9. Improve. Pygmalion of any gender and love is not love if its object does not lose weight by 12 kg, he will not learn Swahili and will not reach at least the street. That is, the first stage of enlightenment in Buddhism of Tharavada.

    10. Do not struggle with cockroaches. You no longer soap a cup, and around your computer is not alone, but the sump brood, but I still love you exactly as you are. Baby don't Change.

    11. Constantly pull. "Where are you?", "What are you doing now?", "Went? And what? "," 20.04, are you alive? " Yes, love evil.

    12. Be interested in the affairs of your beloved creature. Inhuman effort will to learn what an offside is different from Havbek and root for his team. Even more inhuman effort will remember what powder is needed for embossing - and sincerely admire the consequences of this natural disaster.

    13. Study with his friends. Having amazed by their knowledge of offside or embossing. And the depth of the knowledge of the person with whom they are familiar with the pot, and you are two months old.

    14. Listen carefully. Do not interrupt. And nod. Hour listen. Two listen. Listen to everything. And then not to ask asking: "Chevo-Oh?!", When you give out: "And today everything happened as I told you on September 8 on how I worried on April 23, 2006."

    15. Endless to dig in relationships. "And what did you feel when I bited you?", "These are the consequences of child injury! You bused grandma? " That's how mawing love - not passes, no. Boys come across and such a language of love. But rarely, and sorry.

    16. To simply told the "poor chicken". This is not quite a "support word." Support words: "I realized that it was not so in your problem, and I advise you to solve it next way. Point first ... "- Now they never roll. Forget. Just say: "Poor my little chicken." Oh, yes, baby. Make it with me yet.

    17. Tell pipe. You have not thought yet, and I already felt. What? You still have not thought about it? And I feel it for two weeks! Think let's already - you don't feel?!

    18. Make senseless madness. Why did he jump from there? Because she loved her very much. Why did she then send him a volchethnik to him in the hospital 139? For the same reason!

    19. Like. Fill your hand and steamed the key here is not enough. And then a favorite creature can see doubt, jealousy, soution, deceit or indifference in your life. Like not only abundantly, but also with all my heart. You can not? Train on the cats!

    20. Sat links. On quotes and enotics, gifs and lubki, analytical articles about the history of virginity and tests "What old woman you will be." It is not spam. This is Amor.

    21. Sleep together in the literal sense of the word. To poke by organs, if you wish, you can almost in any adult and a mocking creature, but then do not break off on the night with the "chef-two-counter", and sweetly stupid on one pillow - this is far from any.

    22. Cooking borsch. This is a whole separate language. And entire separate crawls. And an endless passion.

    23. Rewrite and blend. Beat cups, confused in code locks and drive the station. Because it is from great love and strong experiences.

    24. Leave alone. Do not send SMS. Do not touch nor Havbekov nor tubes. Even borsch do not cook. Just give a little rest. Yes, love is not sighing on a bench, but a difficult mental work.

    25. Put together in the serial. This is a universal mega language in which all five are harmoniously connected. And physical contact (on the pillow), and the words of support ("not, watch, they are there ofigel there, yes?" - "Stopudov!"), And attended time (four seasons), and gifts ("And I downloaded the fifth today! "), And help (" throw more chips, please! ") ... We will do this right now! All Pouches End Love.

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