12 facts about space that break your brain


"Cosmos is relatively empty sections of the universe, which lie outside the boundaries of the atmosphere of heavenly bodies," says Wikipedia. In fact, it is an infinite space, twisted around himself in a spiral, the true size of which the human brain is not covered due to its limitation. Here are another 12 such facts.

Fact # 1.

The weight of the Sun is 99.8% of the weight of the whole solar system, it is 1 989 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. Everything else is fitted in a pitiful 0.2%: planets, asteroids, meteorites and earth with their pathetic 6 billion people.


Fact # 3.

We are alien to the national plot, but! It is known that Americans spent a bunch of money to develop a handle, which can be written in a spacecraft, that is, in conditions of weightlessness. What did Russians do? That's right, wrote in weightless pencil.

Fact # 4.

If a person falls into a black hole, it will stretch it like spaghetti. This phenomenon is called, you will not believe, spaghettification.

Fact # 5.

Some scientists adhere to hypotheses that about 4.5 billion years ago, an object rang about 4.5 billion from Mars. So the moon was formed (a piece broken from it), and the axis of the earth leaned.

Fact # 6.

According to scientists NASA, contrary to common ideas, when you get into open space without a protective Skafandra, a person will not be frozen, will not explode and instantly will not lose consciousness, his blood will not boil - instead, death will come from lack of oxygen.


Fact # 8.

The diameter of the star-red giant Bethelgeuse is greater than the diameter of the Earth orbits around the sun.

Fact # 9.

If you could walk on the moon, it would have to go about 9 years. To the Sun - 3500 years.


Fact # 11.

The solar system is very young by the standards of the universe - she is just a miserable 4.57 billion years. And it was formed by compressing a gas-pepped cloud.

Fact # 12.

Neptune turns around the Sun for 185 Earth years. That is, we were born, we live and have time to die (and our children too), and in Neptune will be all the same Neptune year.

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