The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out


Men sometimes devilish sitres, insidious and inventive as they relate to Lifehakov, which in a decent society do not assist, but there is no urine to refuse them. The enemy should be felt in the face, we decided, and gathered the most hellish of them. Also now know it!


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_1
We do not know who the first came up with that the cold begging his vile smell, but men immediately took advantage of this and decided to use it for themselves. Seriously: some individuals are so lazy that they will wash sweat jerseys and shirts, so that they fold them in the freezer. Then get and worn as if nothing had happened. Brrr.


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_2
Almost all men without exception pick up a finger in a nose when they think that no one sees them. And some even do not care. But it is not safe, but the fact that they love to ride the balls from the goat and sharpen the balls: who is on a napkin on the table, who for the sofa. Why can not do it in the bathroom?


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_3
Since for many men, a pedicure is from something from the area of ​​homosexuality, so never, then they use for their flabbing, sorry, hoofs, remedies. For example, sandpaper. We are not smoking now.


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_4
Obviously, men on the subconscious genetic level are in the brain fear to die from hunger. Otherwise, we do not know how to explain the addiction to leave in a saucepan, pan literally a couple of food spoons and forget about it. And then you open the refrigerator - and there is a bad yoghurt standing and your hands pulls you.


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_5
It. Strip. Their. Cogish. Yours. Manicure. Scissors. And you can treat it as much as you like to take others, buy him still a dozen - everything is useless. Finds yours and cuts. I would kill!


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_6
Food should be a lot! Therefore, he cuts all such srackers that you can feed three, and the remnants are also a cat with a dog.


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_7
SuperLifehak: Why buy new, if there is cool and favorite old? And to convince that these pants are already disintegrating atoms - it is useless. I still wore it in the ninth grade! Great sweater! - And he was.


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_8
In the head of each man built by Lifehak called "in the garage". Or "on the balcony." Or "in the closet". As a result, when you go to the notorious garage, you find there a broken chandelier, a bearish skin, a wire, old sledge, Phaneur and Accordion. To the question "Why ?? Usually follows the sacramental "What if it is useful?!".


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_9
In sex, we are terribly infuriates Lifehak "Cumshot and fell asleep." And you are sadly fleeing in the bathroom to wash yourself, or wipe it with shorts (but still sticky). Or the condom used is later detected in an unexpected place!


The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_10
Some men are confident that if you jump quietly, no one will notice anything. And calmly they do, while you do not wear a refrigerator and you will not bring a bucket, unable to understand why so stinks!

Teaching - light

The most hellish man's lifehki - we want it to figure out 37858_11
If for each unnecessary minute spent in the toilet, men were extracted, then most of the families would live without well. There you can do so much, sitting on a pot! Read, shindle in facebakes, play, negotiate and business correspondence! So sit. And under them is splashing what is not sinking. Horror!

Nasty remembered: Yana Stan

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