10 Makeup Taba for women who shouted thirty


You're already a big girl. And for sure you already know that it is not necessary to poke your fingers into the outlet, drink champagne whiskey, send director to a well-known address - and most importantly, to paint under Marilina (not to be confused with Marilyn).

For all firefighters, we made a summary of the prompts, in which you can look, if suddenly inadvertently childhood will play ... in cosmetics.

Overload tone

Texture of tonal means will be facilitated, make it easier to make it easier. For otherwise there is a risk of getting not a cute face, but a solemn mask. If your favorite tone has become densely, you can mix it with cream. Avoid the "plaster effect" helps a properly selected base for a tonal. Among other things, the owners of dry skin should avoid tonal means with the effect of matting - after some time after applying the cream can be clogged into wrinkles, and emphasize the peeling.

Pallor as a class

In general, bright colors are better changed to softer and warm. If in gentle teenage with a white face you looked touching porcelain snowmobile, now ... well, no one here did not tell the "pale custody." Aloud, at least. But now the pallor looks more like dullness and unhealthy. Do not sin try to refresh the cheekbones and blush. No, well, why Serdyuchka-Style. No need extremism. Take gentle and affectionate. Peach, for example.

Heavy dark eyeliner

Mourning black pencil and earthy brown tones write on you almost Russian on white: "She is tired." But no, no one is tired, nothing is tired! And convince others in this bright pencil, even white. He "reveals" eyes, unlike the "closing" dark. In the lower century, in general, the eyeliner is better not to draw. Here is such an ambush: you draw the bottom of the eye, it seems to be a beautiful strip, as on top - and after a couple of hours - Panda Panda.

Powder in the eye

The fact that the skin around the mirrors of the soul is especially capricious and wants other means than all the rest of the physiognomy, you, of course, know from the tenth class. But here to treacherous darkness under these very mirrors, the hand sometimes automatically stretches with a powder. Immediately tell the hand "Stop" - and then she now all small wrinkles will make big and spectacular goose paws. Here it is more appropriate to work a little on the consilet. And to the consiler - a special base under the consilet. With this approach, the chance that the tone will drive into the folds - much lower.


Like powder, they strive to get into any, absolutely not intended for this purpose of deepening - and create such a picturesque relief on the face, such a 3D effect that it is successfully a continuation of the "avatar" to shoot. Pearl shadows, by the way, from the same opera - only emphasize any irregularity of the skin. Do we need it?

Bright shadows

By the way about the "avatar". A cheerless blue, green or purple, who still ten years ago, made you a rainbow fizz, now they make a mixture of aunt clave, which sold you a filling in the "juice-waters" 20 years ago, and Diamanda Galas. If you do not know how to sing in the same infernal as Diamanda, and you do not plan a career in the tidyticlavina sphere, you will have to throw away the favorite "Sinegylase" (by the way, a good timely topic is to check the expiration date on all boxes!) And experiment with golden, beige and other soft shades. .

Shining transparent lips glitters

Instead of the old image of Lolita, the spring-running ice cream rolling in the spring, it turns out somewhat different. Code name: "Auntie was visited in the refrigerator and the oils were bought." However, too dark matte lipsticks - the other extreme: they will make lips thin, a la "evil teacher". Coral, beige and coffee tones are better fit - plus a non-large outline in tone, for clarity. So that the lipstick does not spread and climbed into small wrinkles, where they are not asked at all.

Forget about the neck

Neck - she is generally a cunning traitor. Live hurry and feel hurry. And looks older face. It will be necessary to ensure it. First, wash no less gentle means than physiognomy. Secondly, to arrange a cold shower or massage in the form of patted with a wet towel. Well, stirring, not to give it to the mercy of fate too! And sometimes it turns out: the face is from one character - and the neck is completely from the other ... Apply to her tone (if the color is different from the face, then another shade), and neatly delete so that there are no sharp transitions.

Wash like fell

Salted from the party, collapsed his nose into the pillow, in the morning I splashed in the face of cold water - and beautiful, like the light of the morning dawn ... In the first year, this secret of beauty has been rolled, and now it suddenly stopped. It is not enough that in the evening the whole combat coloring should be accurately eliminated, clean the skin with milk or another soft tool. Also on the moisturizing cream after this you should not be lazily. And in the morning, the splashing in the face of the driver from the tap is better to replace the ice cube (of soft water). At the same time, they wake up as it should. Oh, hello, new day! How well it is good that no longer need to write off her homework on the windowsill!

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