Rules of life Agent 007


What boy did not dream of childhood about the career of superagen? Which of the girls at least once in life did not imagine himself on the spot of his beloved? He is irresistible, hopeless and immortal. His name is Bond. James Bond. His vital philosophy is suitable only to the most bold and confident.

007 About work

"When you're going to work, you should not drink more than one gland to dinner." "Any business that brings more than ten percent of the profits and which should be engaged after nine in the evening - dangerous." "Women are needed for rest. In the work of their charms and feelings only a hindrance. "

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007 About enemies

"The only thing I can say with confidence is that if some person tries to destroy me, I will destroy it." "The meaning is to either kill the enemy, or force it to capitulate." "A man is judged by the greatness of his enemy."

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007 About women

"The only problem with beautiful women is that they do not know anything about protection." "There is just one way to understand that the woman really loves you. You can only make sure in bed. " "Love one woman is not enough for me. I do not mind "Rent a room with a good view from the window." But for James Bond, the same appearance from the same window is, perhaps too. " "If I ever get married, I get married at the stewardess ... If I do not find a stewardess, I will not have anything to do how to marry Japanese."

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007 on other pleasures

"Polbutalki champagne is good in front of breakfast, but in the evening with champagne can be a bust. Champagne harmful to the sleepy dream. " "Tuxedo tuxedo mint." "The best glass is the one you drink the first."

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007 About the game

"In the poker, you count not the cards, but a player sitting on the contrary." "With the big attention and fantasy is played by the game, the more win." "All life is a card party with death. So do not fall in spirit. Looking a cigarette and rejoice that everything is still alive and you can still delay deeply. "

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007 about fate and good luck

"Whatever your chance, it must be loved, not afraid." "Follow your destiny, be pleased and rejoice that you are not a wonderful commander and not a reporter of the provincial newspaper, spoke and missing." "It is necessary to look at the chance, as a woman who should be conquered carefully, but to master it decisively." "Well, everyone has his own hobby ... Moisen!"

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