Generated: a complete guide for means of mosquitoes



Only begin to fall asleep sweet, and he is already here. Bzzzzzz! This can be crazy. Stop to endure this disgrace, roll out heavy artillery. We have collected all means against mosquitoes for you - from Eco-Fritth to high-tech. Captures do not take.


Natural oils


Mosquitoes - never an aesthet. They do not understand the charms of natural flavors. The smells of some essential oils, firstly, they are scared, and secondly, they force their detection devices to you. The smells of Lemongrass, Sage, Anisa, Valerian, Lavender and Carnations are especially disabled. Oils can be warmed up in aroma lamps or apply directly on the skin - but neatly, it is still very active substances that can cause allergies.


Trying like a native Vietnamese "stars" contain a large number of precisely those oils that mosquitoes do not like. From these balsams, in general, a lot of benefits are heated, pain and tension are removed, the mosquitoes are frightened, again. But the poorest smell is not transferred.

Bumps and branches


It is not clear, why, on smoke smoldering pine cones, scares mosquitoes on a picnic better than just smoke from birch lanes. The same effect is given abandoned juniper branches or wormwood.

Lemon juice

If you grab it into the skin, he will score mosquitoes for some time. And lemon juice clarifies freckles and pigment spots.



Little box with fork and heating element. The inside is inserted into either a plate impregnated with insecticide or a bottle with toxic to mosquito liquid. Heat evaporates poison and all mosquitoes in the radius of the device are sent to the mosquito top tundra. They act well, but keep them involved constantly not worth it - still toxins, it is not good. For 1.5-2 hours, the Fumigator is able to kill all mosquitoes in a room of 20-25 meters, and then it is better to turn it off.



This is not for the apartment. Smoke from smoldering spirals is caustic and not quite harmless to humans - allergies, asthma and headache are not guaranteed, of course, but are very likely. In addition, they stink as a hellish boiler. In the garden, only in the garden.


Rubber, silicone or cloth bracelet, flavored by Citronella, which does not give mosquito to teach you. Just wear on your hand and everything, the problem is solved. Bracelets are not afraid of water, you can sleep with them, they sometimes look nicely. Manufacturers are born that the validity of these pieces is 180-200 hours, but field tests conducted by independent experts from showed that after 2 days they almost cease to work.

Sprays and creams


Most of the mosquito sprays contain either the same citronella or diethyltolumide - toxic garbage, which in large concentrations can be dangerous. If the diethyltolumide is less than 20%, it will be a little sense from the spray, and if more than 40%, then it can harm you. Observe the measure. Children should not use sprays at all, where this thing is more than 10%. Keep in mind that chemical sprays from mosquitoes often cause rash, swelling and redness of the skin, spoil the lacquer on the nails, and when they get inside, it is better to immediately flee to the doctor.

Ultrasound discharges

There are very small, no more keychain. We are emitted by the unreasonable ultrasound people, which dismisses mosquitoes for many meters around. If the machine is honest and configured correctly, everything will be fine. If something has been settled with a length of an ultrasonic wave, a headache may begin. In any case, such instructors work more average than to be worn.


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Mosquitoes go to carbon dioxide. A person pretty accepted on his chest, stands out more - and mosquitoes first seek to him.

Vitamin B1.

He is thiamine. Good vitamin, suitable, is needed for many processes in the body. But he has another property - it gives human sweat unpleasant to mosquito the smell. People do not feel him, and mosquitoes already sick. To achieve effect, you need to take a pair of vitaminos hours 10 before going to nature.


Mastery mosquitoes, but not very powerful. Even a very strong wind blows them. Therefore, the fan set nearby (approximately in the meter) from you will somete them from the course.


Mosquitoes are not Einstein, just say. Fly well, and they think not very. Here you are tasty you, but a light bulb is burning in the corridor. The smart mosquito would have stayed closer to the warehouse, but the bad insect flies to the light. The included lamp in the next room is not the best tool from mosquitoes, but if there are no more options, it can work, especially if the bloodsucks are a bit.


Rather, tomato greens. Her smell mosquito is also somehow not very. Three-four pots with tomatoes on the window - protection against mosquitoes in summer and organic-tomatoes in the fall.

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