Diavol lawyer: why harmful food is useful


Today, our little adepts of a skimmed wasteless call, we will tell you how you are tragically mistaken about the sweet, greasy and flour.

Sugar - White Death

And sugar is the easiest way to quickly cheer up, which is why the evolution taught us to love honey and dates. Honey and dates, Karl, and not refined, which appeared in our diet recently. With this novelty, we really do not know how to handle. But with glucose and fructose, which are contained in berries and fruits - easily. In addition, fiber from peaches, raisins and other natural products inhibits the process of absorption glucose, and it is not spent on creating fatty deposits, but to solve priority tasks - for example, does not allow you to fall asleep at work and fall all weekends on the sofa.

Fat - fatty death

Because now you will eat this cannascular with terrible butter, and at midnight will turn into a pumpkin. But little fat is almost as bad as much. On the day you need to eat 1 gram of fat per kilogram of weight. Fively low fat food is saturated weaker, so you eat the porridge porridge and ask yet. And just one maaahonic piece of Vologda oil made you brake on one plate. Without fats, many vitamins are not absorbed (for example, A, E and D), the nervous system, skin and hair suffers. Moreover, animals and vegetable fats are useful. You need to ban the transdury - that is, margarine.

Flour ... too, shorter, harmful


Is it just that all the flour? That is, the bran bread, which stimulates digestion and accelerates metabolic processes? And black bread, stressed by vitamins-antidepressants of the group B? And the beautiful Italian pasta of solid wheat, which is saturated, and does not give you to break?

Ice cream - sin

But french nutritionists say no. And in general, this is almost the coolest dessert in the world. The crew actually makes us happier at the expense of tryptophan, which stimulates serotonin production. Ice cream reduces anxiety and helps with insomnia, and the calories in it are not so much - well, in comparison with the chocolate cake. Only choose the one that is made of solid milk without adding palm oil and other fuel and lubricants.

Pizza and Shawarma - Dourborn

Slightly bread in the form of a thin pellet, a handful of fresh vegetables, light cheese and a slice of chicken grill. Sounds like a diet Kate Moss. Tasty, balanced and friends do not arise suspicion that you moved to calorie counting.

Coffee will drive you crazy


Because this is a diabolian potion - almost heroin, from him you have a heart fall off and the eye will begin to twitch. However, if you assume that your daily dose is less tank, then coffee is an excellent stimulator. Neat, efficient and yet legal. He pumps memory, in general, makes you a little more comprehensive and captivates from Alzreimer and Parkinson.

Salt - only sea!

In the sea salt, it seems like more minerals. But today and in the usual cooking salt, all sorts of additives are shoved. In addition, you are unlikely to hamber salt kilograms, and the teaspoon in the day will not affect the mineral balance. Throw into another heresy and abandon the salt alone, too, should not (if you do not have problems with pressure and kidneys). She is the main source of sodium. Those who do not have enough of him, they roam the sluggish, as zombies, are hard to transfer heat and eventually risk an infarction.

Eggs are naked cholesterol


And cholesterol is terribly dangerous, diabetes, stroke and flatfoot from it. It is good that some kind of eggshells American scientists from Yel and Connecticut University doubted this and conducted a large-scale study that did not find any connection between the omelet for breakfast and all these misfortunes. Moreover, the egg protein is well absorbed, and Lutein, which in it is complete, is needed for acute vision. In short, eggs are rehabilitated, cheers.

Milk is harmful (and yogurt - on the contrary)

Milk is absorbed by 98% and, in addition to calcium, contains a bunch of vitamins, phosphorus and thiamine, as well as lactose, which is useful for brains. So drinking calmly, if you in the life lottery did not get allergies to lactose (chances - one to five). But Kefirchiki ... Well, if you like, drink, but do not wait for miracles. Advertising convinced us that without a daily bottle of probiotics, we are doomed to sorrow, spiritual flour and indigestion. But actually the gastrointestinal tract is not a fool and is able to cope from his work without bio-kefir. Moreover, most of the bifidobacteria gets in the stomach, and the handful of survivors gives the ends at the very beginning of the intestine - there are no bacteria there and they are not glad. And from dysbiosis are not treated with yogurts, but special drugs. It is long and silent.

Less than Jora, more run!

Or the first slightly smaller, and the second is a little bit more, or choose one of two. Movement requires fuel, and where it will take if you betrayed the anathema all that air coaline? A tough diet combined with marathons, cross-fitness and combat sambo - the right way to the polish, and not in the model business.

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