Returned alive with love: divorce and "Afghan syndrome"


After each war, psychiatrists addicted work - soldiers who survived the horror of the trenches cannot get rid of it and join peaceful life. Sometimes shock from the experienced so huge that even the strongest psyche cannot cope with it. In post-traumatic stress disorder a lot of everyday names - "Afghan syndrome", "Vietnamese syndrome", "Chechen syndrome".

Although the PTSD is also in those who powder did not smell. After all, in essence, no matter what kind was the surviving nightmare - any terrible event can become a psychological trap. And, although the PTSR is more likely to associate with terrorist attacks and accidents, a heavy divorce can also lead to the fact that you will feel like a fighter under the art-rider.

General anesthesia

At first you won't notice anything special. Well, we divorced, think. You will transport the boxes to a new apartment, buy a ticket to Madagascar on May and even wonder yourself, as you calmly perceived everything, even if the divorce was accompanied by a crash of the basics and the liver rejection to each other. Many people who survived PTSR mention the feeling of their own insensibility - everything is as if under anesthesia, without the slightest emotional response.

This consists of a severity of post-traumatic stress disorder - it does not collapse on your head immediately after the traumatic event, and lightening around the angle to jump precisely when you give yourself a chocolate medal for the resistance of the spirit and self-sufficiency.

Syndrome because of the corner

While the head is engaged in life, the "Afghan syndrome" sits quietly, but it will manifest as soon as everything will be settled and life will return to the rails. Then then you realize what happened. All episodes that you would like to forget - treason, violence, scandals and threats that accompanied the collapse of the family boat were taken.

And this is not just memories - they are distinguished by amazing obsession, worse than the seller of wonderful vacuum cleaners. They will dream every night, and these dreams are bright and convincing. Memories rolling unexpectedly - along with all the emotions that you experienced at that moment. Such flashbakes may be accompanied by sweating and tachycardia, pressure surges and the need to immediately die into the toilet "in a small" - so the vegetative nervous system responds to the danger that it considers real. Sometimes you even seem to hear the noise of long-standing scandals.

Gradually, memories acquire the nature of obsession. You need to talk about what happened - not just a couple of times to tell a friend about how cattle he is, and how he squeezed with you through the court of a mop and a crib, but again and again aloud these events again. The surroundings are strained - you will send your story wherever neither the Walter Sobchak from the "Big Lebovsky" fell in the Vietnamese War, even discussing the game in bowling. You understand what you behave like a fought plate and people shake from you, but you can no longer control the flow of word if.

Forget all

People with PTSR are trying to get rid of the memories that turned their lives. You wanted not only to throw away all things that resemble a divorce about hell and former - you will delete all his friends from social networks and those who could like his status. You will panicly avoid not only those places where you have been together, but also those where there is a chance to stumble upon him or even his acquaintances.

And attempts to forget everything are quite successful. One of the characteristic features of the "Afghan syndrome" is the deformation of memories. Sooner or later you will find that you really can't remember some moments of your life on the eve of the divorce. You know what exactly happened, but no picture in the head no longer arises. Memory can even carefully pull out a former husband from memories - for example, you will remember our birthday in all the details, on which he was present, but you will have the impression that in fact it was not there - there was no single frame in my head With his face.

When to beat the alarm

Insomnia, uncontrolled attacks of anger or longing, inability to plan even the closest future, problems with socialization, when the prospect of meeting friends seems to be as disgusting as the idea of ​​staying at home, worsening memory and concentration - all these signs are characteristic not only for PTSD, but also for Any strong stress. And they do not improve the situation. Without the treatment of "Afghan syndrome" can torment you for a very long time - months, if not years. During this time, you can easily lose friends, work and faith in the fact that you are a worthy person.

Psychiatrists say that the month of all this symptomatics is already a sufficient reason to flee to the doctor in dies on a boss foot. If the nervous system is not surpassed by this challenge for 4 weeks, then the chances that you can regain yourself without the help of psychotherapy and soothing, small.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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