# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Secret Materials" (USA, 2016)



The experienced viewer mastered the first three series of epic return of the cult series and believes that the experienced viewer needs to be given for the harmfulness of milk. Or cocaine. Or cunnilingus. Do not essence, but give something, please for the harm of the experienced viewer - it is very bad for him.

First episode. Melodrama

No, they wanted a political thriller, but they didn't come out of them, because the agent Mulder managed to say to various women in 45 minutes: "You must trust me," and the SCALLY agent said to Agent Mulder: "I worry about you, as a doctor. "


With the latest well-known those who looked at the ninth season (do you exist at all?), Fifteen years have passed the events. Mulder and Scully are no longer a couple, Mulder sits at home unshaven, and Scully works as a doctor and sews new legs to the ears with children who were born without ears. Fate reduces the heroes together with the help of a crazy video unit, which daily tells its ten million subscribers on the insidious intergovernmental conspiracy. The essence of the conspiracy is that this is not aliens all the previous nine seasons kidnapped innocent people, but an evil intergovernmental organization. After the conversion of the alien ship in the 40s of the last century in the midst of the deserted American desert, the evil intergovernmental military took the remains of the alien pilot - and let's imagine his DNA by middle managers, trying to create a hybrid of man and aliens. This is such a conspiracy terrible. The experienced viewer flinched and, just in case, ran to the crane, check - is there water?

The video block driver is lucky Mulder's agent into a certain secret laboratory and demonstrates an alien ship of a local assembly. It is a pity to look at Mulder - he understands, nine seasons chased fek.

Mulder spars on the chest of the old good departure of the FBI Skinner and says that they were all deceived, and we believed. And then Skinner (Forere FBR) says Mulder (retired agent): "Well, do something!". An experienced spectator sighs heavily - the FBI is no longer it.


The "X-Files" department, designed to withdraw the spores for clean water, again assembled. Scully makes the ninth control sigh in Mulder's head: "I'm worried about you," and the camera goes into a luxurious house, where a luxurious old man inserts a cigarette in the tracheos, is dragging and speaks to the handset: "We have problems, they opened the department of secret materials again" .

Under the titles and familiar to pain anxious music, an experienced viewer is trying to understand why a person who knows how to build alien ships with zero inertia and imagine alien DNA in innocent managers is forced to smoke through the tracheostos.

Second series. Thriller

The only relatively wonderful series of three. Exceptionally because at least a genre is set aside. Well, the main serial rebelnik Dag Savant in the role of the doctor evil cheated, which is.


So, Dr. Evil puts terrible experiments on pregnant women, imagining all the same alien DNA in their not born children. Children are born with terrible genetic anomalies, and Dr. Evil then treats them. Nothing, but he began with his own wife, who is now sitting in a mental hospital (an experienced viewer even looked a little bit - at least in a mental hospital show the tenth season "X-Files"). When the wife discovered that her five-year-old daughter was able to breathe under the water, then the scandal had rolled her husband - they say, did you beat the experiments on the child? And I get trash, I, by the way, I also work ... As a result, Dr. Daughter took and hid, and the pregnant wife ran away, fell into an accident, crawled out of the car, cut out of his child's belly, and a child ... uh ... left. And now he has grown and looking for his sister. Why is it unclear. Maybe it wants to learn how to breathe under water. And Mulder and Scully see him first, and then help him. Brother finds his sister and kills his father. Such an Happing End.

Do you need to say that the heroes almost do not remember the government conspiracy?

Third series. Comedy category D.


On this series, an experienced spectator died, shouting. Therefore, this text writes his disembodied shadow. Imagine what happens if Tarantino takes the sense of humor, and everything else is left. Presented? Well, this is how the third series of the tenth season "X-file" looks like.


Yes, nafig, you still do not believe ... Well, the plot. In the forest runs a maniac taking the throat to people. Rare witnesses draw a monster, which sprinkles blood from the eye. Mulder google textbook biology and finds a horned lizard there, which just splatters. Whether in order to self-defense, or after viewing the footage. Apparently, the second, because the experienced spectator with blood from the eyes was already spiled apartments so that the blood above the ankle rose.


Agents decide that it is a werewolf. Happy man, at night - a horned lizard. The assumption is quite logical: nights of horned lizards - at least the buckets of catching. Especially if Friday or holidays. But no! Not there was something. Unexpected turn. This is not a person who turns into a lizard at night. This is a lizard who turns into a person in the afternoon. Ate?

Lizard, I must say, looks amazing. Grim, about forties. And from the back of the lizard in general on Ihhthyander performed by Vladimir Korenev looks like. So wait for a desperate cry: "Guttiere!". And the lizard is extremely dissatisfied with his position. Be a man disgusting. People lie, betray and remove the shipped trusk. All this angry lizard pumped on the head of confused Mulder.

Mulder squeezes with a lizard liter of Viskar, catches a real criminal and shakes the lamps - you helped us very much. Lizard says - no problem, please contact in ten thousand years. Mulder says chivo? Well, yes, nods a lizard of a horned head, I am a very ancient lizard, I have a hibernation for ten thousand years, I hope I do not wake up a person, everything is good, it was very nice to meet you. Mulder says: "To me too."

Here is such a plot there. Yes.

Well, it is necessary to say that about a terrible government conspiracy, because of which, actually, and discovered the "secret materials" department, no one remembered at all? Even a lizard.


An experienced viewer wants to kill someone slowly.

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