Peace, friendship, chewing: 11 proven tips for successful reconciliation


It is only in the cinema heroes after split a couple of dozens of excellent plates of each other about the head, easily and easily romantically reunited in bed. In life, everything is much greasy: for a start, for example, you will have to remove fragments.

So that it was not painfully painful, Pics.Ru prepared for you a manual, how to make up without harm to health. Well, or with minimal losses.

Rule 10 seconds

The Chinese believe that the best fight is a failed fight. Sometimes in the heat of quarrels it is better to breathe deeply, to count to ourselves to 10 and only after that continue to shout, swear and throw things. I really want. Often, even a short pause can save you from the scandal, then you don't have to put up!


If the quarrel was serious, then the first thing you need to do is cool down. As the classic wrote: "Face to face. Persons not see. It seems big on a distance ", he, however, finished not very, but who is important now. Exhaled, drink wine, go to ventilate or just get into the other room / bathroom / in the kitchen. Dreaming can be reached into such an irreparable and destructive garbage that the doctor evil will be asleep from envy. Take care of the villain, let him live.

Do not attract arbitrators

In no case, do not attract mom, dad, grandmother from Stavropol or Lenka with which you are friends from the first class. First, it concerns the only two of you and your relationship, and secondly, wanting to support you with stories about whether it is a goat, outsiders pour oil into the fire and inflate a quarrel (and you only have a family service - His So sorry to beat!)

Take advantage of the pause

Add a constructive! Enough to regret myself and thinking how you were offended and what kind of poor and unhappy are you. Take advantage of the moment and try to honestly appreciate your relationship, the reasons for which a quarrel happened, and joint prospects for the future. Do not give yourself - it is also the bottom. If you are truly ready to be with this person, then neither scattered socks nor dirty dishes will stop you. But, as you understand, the situation "he is so good when sober" is not an option at all.

Determine borders

Any reconciliation is a compromise. You still agree to get fish - he is not against this dress, you are preparing food - he is vacuuming and so on. In this matter, it is important to first honestly determine for yourself the inner boundaries, which you can not be able to do under any circumstances. For example, you will never live with his mom or write on it during sex, or tolerate His threats and - God forbid - beatings. Only if I decided - it is impossible to give up and manifestations, so try and defined the borders with the mind, and not because "Mom said that it was necessary."

Do not hold back emotions


Any quarrel is a stress that needs to be survived. If you want to suffer, posing with your hands and play Drama-Queen - do not hold back yourself. If you want to slam the door, proudly go to the night to look for new friends and arrange priorities, - be careful: is it really your desire or attempt to manipulate? If the second is not on all, it works, like that come back with flowers and champagne - and you are not waiting for you, it will be awkward.

Do not try to manipulate

Manipulation is terrible and absolutely unnecessary in the relationship, especially under the condition of chaotic use. Well, who will be pleased to do what I do not want, especially if it is forced to be improved by cunning psychological playing? And in no case allow you to manipulate yourself, do not work on all this "If you were not so hysterical, you could talk to you normally!" - It is gaslating in its pure form and to a real disorder near.

Not blackmail it

Blackmail is a way to nowhere. Not to mention the fact that the statements "And if you immediately come with me, I will go out in the pants to the balcony, frozen, sick, die, and then you will understand everything, miserable people, and you, Gad, regret!" Somehow is stupid sound from smart and beautiful you (especially if on the street +30 in the shade). Or "I come back with you, if you buy me that dress!" - Well, seriously, you checkered or riding a dress more important or your teamwork?

Be sincere


Tell him how you were bad while you were in a quarrel, tell me that you felt like you were lonely and how was upset about what happened. Do not be afraid that he will consider you a weak, stupid or infantile - the ability to talk about his emotions so that the interlocutor understands, it stands dear. Sometimes it seems in general that all problems in people occur for two reasons: first, they do not know what they want, and secondly, they do not know how to talk to each other.

If you're guilty - recognize guilt

Agree, it is very difficult. Almost impracticable. But sometimes it's still worth going with the forces, come on the throat of your own song and what else is usually done and say something like "Forgive me, please, I was wrong." It is not necessary to wait immediately after that fanfar, confetti and salute, and that your offended partner will touch, turn you into a dizzying dance and you, holding hands, beat towards the sunset. But at least you will run the reconciliation mechanism, and this is already a lot.

If he asks for forgiveness - Sorry

It is not necessary to experience it for strength, arranging the tests and specifically tormenting it with imaginary discontent. For forgiveness, there are no schemas like "For this forgive every other day, and for it in a week" - Forgive when you are ready, but in this case it will be honestly to warn that you are still offended and not ready to wait for him a white bra as a flag. But remember that it is not constructive, depressively, and also they say that they are treated on offended water. Fine, of course, but we still heard something about the balconies.

Ekaterina Kuzmina

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