Popular beauty lifehaki that should not be repeated


Popular beauty lifehaki that should not be repeated 37812_1

In the modern world, when you need to do much, lifehaki has become very popular. Many of them really help live better, more interesting, saving. But at the same time some of them are better not to apply never under any circumstances. Consider a number of popular, but very harmful beauty lifehaki, which can never be repeated, and also tell me why they should be avoided.

Red lipstick as salvation from bruises under the eyes

Permanent inapplications, unbalanced diet, stress and poor ecology negatively affect the state of the skin, and first of all the troubles occur under the eyes in the form of bruises. To quickly disguise the unexpectedly arising flaw in the course goes all that only at hand comes. One common method is the use of red lipstick. It is advised to apply to the problem area, and then use a tone cream. Such a council promises to hide all imperfections.

And what really? This lifehak can be safely called useless and non-working. Bright lipstick can be mixed with a tonal cream and give a direct opposite effect - a bruise will appear under the eye. But this is not all, the fat texture of the lipstick is too heavy for the fine and delicate skin of the eyelids, it can also be the cause of excessive dryness and irritation.

Resistant tonalnik from powder and moisturizing cream

The beauty gurus say that creating a tonal cream is easier than a simple - for him you need to mix the usual moisturizing cream with crumbly powder and, voila, - the taller is ready. In addition, they also assure fashionistas in the fact that such a means is very resistant, has excellent covering properties, does not score pores and cares for the skin.

And what really? It turns out the heterogeneous mass, which is very difficult to grow. The task of a high-quality moisturizing cream is to penetrate the deep layers of the skin, so its texture is often much easier than the tone. That is why the self-made means of beauty once or two will score pores, will cause inflammation and acne.

Toothpaste as a tool in the fight against acne

Probably one of the most common lifehams, which promises rapid getting rid of acne. It is enough just to influence the inflammation of a mint tooth paste and leave for a while. Menthol, allegedly, will stop the inflammatory process and remove the redness.

And what really? Mint toothpaste when applied to the skin can cause even greater irritation and even burn. Such a fight against acne can lead to a direct opposite effect. For rapid getting rid of acne and removal of redness, experts advise the use of ordinary eye drops. You just need to moisten with your cotton disk and remove for some time in the freezer to cool. Such a homemade patch has thorough properties, so applying it to the problematic areas of Krasnut will indeed become less, like the inflammation itself.

High cheekbones due to cocoa, cinnamon and nutmeg

Since the contouring has entered the fashion, millions of beauties around the world seek to make their features more expressive. But not everyone affects high-quality cosmetics to create a spectacular makeup, and in order to fill this disadvantage, multiple recipes from "Samodellkin" are invented. Some beauty bloggers, for example, assure that the drive can easily be replaced with cocoa powder or a mixture of cinnamon nutmeg.

And what really? Despite the obvious absurdity of Lifehak, they still found those who decided to try it in practice. Is it worth saying that such cosmetics does not hold at all on his face, referred to clothes and nearby things, and the fact that still remains on the cheekbones, creates the effect of dirty skin. And this is not to mention that these products can provoke allergies.

Drawing up the arrow using forceps for eyelashes

On social networks, you can see an interesting advice that promises to quickly get cherished smooth arrows using kerler. To do this, just cover it with a pigment with a pencil for the eyes, and then apply the instrument for the purpose. As a result, the line is imprinted as close as possible to the growth line of the eyelashes and create a neat smooth arrow.

And what really? Creating smooth beautiful shooters - the eternal problem of many girls. That only for this does not use Beauty Broggers: both plastic cards, and forks, and napkins, and tape and a lot more. But those who tried to test the method with Kerler assure that everything is not so ideal as they are presented - in fact, the color is not evenly transferred, and stains, which is very ugly. The makeup artists advise better to allocate several hours and still learn how to draw smooth arrows without unnecessary tricks - it is much easier than to conduct such experiments.

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