Main mistakes when painting hair


Main mistakes when painting hair 37810_1

The modern palette of paints for hair has already about 150 shades. In such a variety it is easy to get confused and it is difficult to determine the right color, but the process of hair coloring is not less complicated. After all, it is important to get that shade that I want and hurt the hair as much harm as possible.

That the result justifies the expectations, and the hair remained to the maximum healthy - just follow the advice of professionals and do not allow common errors.

No primary consultation

Even if the hair painting is planned at home without the involvement of a specialist, to consult with the master still need. Collect her hair without a council of a specialist is how to take tablets without a doctor's prescription - can entail a number of very unwanted consequences. Specialist Assess the condition of the hair, recommends the most appropriate, competent care after staining and will answer all the exciting questions, which will avoid plenty of unpleasant errors in self-staining.

Painting on unwashed hair

Main mistakes when painting hair 37810_2

It has long been not relevant, at least still alive, the myth that before painting hair, in order to save strands, do not wash them in a few days before painting. Modern dyes have a rather mild composition that does not destroy the structure of the hair. And if ammonia compositions are used in painting, even the greasy shell does not save curls from damage.

To correctly reveal the depth of the tone of the hair, the latter must be clean and completely dry, otherwise the color can be gone. In addition, laying agents and dust can remain on dirty hair, which can lead to unpredictable results in color.

There is no clear idea of ​​hair condition

Evaluation of the depth of tone is a very important stage in the process of staining. Specialist needs to be aware of what types of chemical procedures have been applied to the hair in recent years, and it is important to keep anything. There is a big difference between the salon and home painting, so if you have previously painted your hair at home yourself, do not tell the master that Painting was made in the cabin. Otherwise, a specialist will take action on the basis of your little lies, which will lead either to spotted or less saturated color.

Main mistakes when painting hair 37810_3

Different unpleasant "surprises" can occur when staining after straightening the curls with keratin. The composition could be applied incorrectly and unevenly, why the hairs was subjected to a change too unevenly. In this case, staining will be lying on stains. So that this does not happen, the master should feel the client's hair - where the dye needs more, and where is a little less.

Incorrectly selected color circle

Main mistakes when painting hair 37810_4

With the help of the color circle, the master understands which tones to use in staining in a particular case that the new hair color is saturated contrary to previous experiments. So, for example, to eliminate the yellow shade on the hair, the paint is taken, located in the color circle opposite this tone, in the case of the yellowness - it is blue. Thanks to the laws of color, it is possible to make an ideal formula for selecting dyes and the percentage of the oxidant, thereby pre-pre-opposing the final result.

Not observed time of staining and not taken into account the nuances of hair painting

Many girls (and some inexperienced masters) mistakenly believe that the longer the paint will be on strands, the brighter and the color will be rich. There are many nuances here. Despite the fact that the hair is located on one head, the structure may be different. In the area with the finest and porous hairs (edge ​​zone), the pigment is absorbed far faster, so it should be painted at the very end. But the tips of natural hair may be much darker after staining, if in the process, the paint was applied first on them, but only then for the whole length. And there are many such examples, but only experienced masters know about them.

Blind faith Glossa

Main mistakes when painting hair 37810_5

Very often, the girls choose their hair color simply seeing him somewhere in the magazine, for example. It is necessary to learn times and forever - it makes no sense to come to the master with a picture and say: "I want the same." First, the master is not a printer and cannot repeat everything exactly, secondly, you should not blindly trust the images on the gloss, where competent lighting and photoshop is used, which strongly changes the real tone. A specialist can try to make the most close shade, but demanding this should be immediately prepared for the fact that the result will still be varied.

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