10 simple trucks that from each girl will make beauty


10 simple trucks that from each girl will make beauty 37807_1

Any woman always stays in a constant search for new Lifehas of beauty that will save it to save time or improve makeup. In fact, everything is simple. There are a bunch of tips, what and how to do in the minimum time and with minimal funds spent.

1. Tie the hair in two tails to make a beam that will not break down

If some girl is tired of constantly making a "bun" from the hair, which ever disintegrates, she should try to make two tails first, and then "twist" them together in a bun.

2. Get rid of carcass lumps with a napkin and a clean tassel

Many are faced with the problem of such annoying lumps on the eyelashes after applying a carcass. To make the "natural" eyelashes, you must first wipe the grouse for a carcass with a damp cloth, after which you already apply mascara. So it turns out to get rid of lumps.

3. Mark eyelid dots in order to draw the same cat eye

Previously, the so-called "feline eyes" were known to the fact that they were difficult to make symmetrical, but with the next lifehak you can be sure that they will turn out absolutely the same. You just need to mark the corners of the eyelid by points where makeup should end, and then apply it.

4. For flawless skin you need to start with the use of a tonal cream in the center of the face

Too much of a tonal cream near the hair line or on the jaw line often looks too stupid. It is necessary to make that the tank looked naturally, applying it first in the middle of the face, and then evenly distributing it on the sides, all over the face.

5. Save time with hair twigs, first tie them

Curling of your hair in the usual way can take more than half an hour, but in fact you can do less than 5 minutes. Just need to tie the hair into a high tail, dividing them into three or four parts. Then you need to scroll each part in turn, after which the "dissolve" the tail to get amazing wavy hair.

6. Use various types of lighting at home to test your cosmetics

You can make sure that the makeup looks flawless and naturally before getting out of the house. To do this, look in the mirror using the backlight on the phone. Bright light will show all the flaws of makeup.

7. Use coconut oil for moisture

Coconut oil can be used differently to guidance "marafet." In particular, it can be used on dry skin as a moisturizing agent or as a hair mask to make them healthy and shiny. It will also be nice to apply it as a moisturizing shaving cream.

8. Moisten dry skin on the legs during sleep

If someone has problems with dry skin on the legs, you can massage the feet with a moisturizing agent or vaseline before bedtime, and then wear socks overnight.

9. Use liquid eyeliner on the eyelashes to look like this is not using makeup

If the girl has blond hair and she wants daily makeup to be natural and as easy as possible, you can try to use a liquid eyeliner at eyelashes instead of a carcass. You just need to hold a pencil on the eyelashes to pick them up.

10. To save time, wash only bangs

Your next lifehak can be tried if there is no time to wash your hair in the morning before work. Just need to wash the bangs and the separation line between it and the rest of the hair right in the sink and dry it. No one will understand that in fact the head is not a drop.

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