5 Beauty Councils for Mature Women


5 Beauty Councils for Mature Women 37805_1

Some beauty tips are not intended for a certain age. It does not matter, 19 or 90 years old woman, she should listen to the following wise advice: always use sunscreen, drink plenty of water, never smoke and regularly play sports if she wants to keep the appearance of his skin in perfect condition.

Since the face and body change with age, wrinkles and pigment spots appear, cosmetics should also change. Cosmetic products that are guarded at 20 - 30 years can no longer work. Therefore, we consider some advice on makeup and beauty that will help better express the natural beauty of the face.

1. Hide circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes once mean that simply get tired and sleep a little, but when a person becomes older, it may seem that these signs of exhaustion never disappear, even when they rest well. In the process of aging, the already thin skin under the eyes becomes even thinner, showing the blood vessels under it and forming dark circles under the eyes.

The answer lies not only that they need to be "disguised" them, because too much cosmetics in this area will look ridiculous. Instead, in dark areas under the eyes it is worth using a light base, and the tone is lighter than on the rest of the face.

The aging causes the water delay in the area under the eyes, as well as did the lack of sleep and allergies in his youth. To avoid the "underscore" of dark circles with swollen eyes, you need to sleep and buy anti-aging eye cream for the night.

2. emphasize eyelashes and eyebrows

People often say that the first thing they notice in another person is his eyes. There are several cosmetic changes that can be done as agreed that the first impression at the meeting remains pleasant. As for eyelashes and eyebrows, many may face the need to achieve maximum effect with minimal costs, since eyelashes and eyebrows are thinned with age. First, the eyebrows must be clearly defined. Then you need to use a pencil to "fill out" places where the hair is less or not at all. Eye-eyelashes are even easier - a good volumetric mascara "waves" them and attract attention to the eyes.

Perhaps many are used to using eye shadows and eyeliner to attract attention to eyes, but the mascara will be a more useful tool as aging. Although with age, all skin becomes sluggish and wrinkled, this phenomenon is particularly noticeable on the eyelids, because the skin on them is initially thin. It interferes with mature women to wear "flickering" shadows or a shade of "metallic" - these products can attract attention to folds. Similarly, it is best to find an alternative to a liquid eyeliner for an eye, which also tends to highlight wrinkles on the eyelids, accumulating into them.

3. Care of the thinning hair and the search for a suitable hairstyle

Men are often considered more attractive when their hair is gray, but, finding these first gray hairs, the woman breaking his head rushes for hair paint. The key to staining aging hair is to match the age, since studies have shown that people can accurately guess age regardless of the color of the hair. This means that instead to repaint in a blonde, which will look artificially (a common mistake made by aging women), instead you need to find a way to provide a thin contrast. For example, the caramel shade is suitable for aging blondes, while adding light strands can help beauties with Voronene hair looks in adulthood.

Not all women are well referred to hair paint, therefore, even if someone prefers a natural gray, it does not mean that she was lucky to get rid of the need for hair care. All women face the threat that their hair will become more dull, thin and prone to fragility with time.

To counteract that the strands become stronger, it is worth trying shampoo to increase the volume and avoid haircuts that "strain" hair, including too narrow tails and chemicals. Woman's hair is also a barometer of what is happening in her body, so a healthy diet combined with beloved stress removal can create real wonders with hair. If a lot of hair falls out, you should contact the doctor. Some states, such as women's alopecia, have genetic and hormonal causes.

As for the haircut, aging is not a reason to immediately crop all the hair. The face form can suggest how appropriate; For example, round faces are well combined with shorter haircuts. The volume of strands will also automatically "cross out" a lot of hairstyles, since many of them are simply impossible with very thin hair.

4. Use less tone cream

If a woman is shy of thin lines and wrinkles on her face, she may have a temptation to apply more basics and a consilert. Nevertheless, this solution will lead to the opposite - wrinkles will only stand out. All this excess makeup accumulates in folds, attracting a look at the place that you want to hide.

To avoid this, you need to use the approach "less, more". Moisturizing cream is always necessary, because it "lines" the skin, but then you need to evaluate brighter and dark plots on your face. Instead of simply applying a tone cream to the whole face, you first need to use a consillion to get rid of shadows and sharp lines and hide brown stains. Then you can finally complete the makeup with a translucent powder.

5. Make thinned lips Bole blond

In a survey conducted by the Cosmetic company Ultima II, women over 45 have shown that lipstick is the only element of beauty, without which they cannot get out of the house. Nevertheless, make-up experts divided in their views on the best way to apply this product. The essence of the question is that the lips of a person are thinned with time. Some experts believe that the contour lip pencil should always be used to lipstick to give lips a little more clarity. Others believe that the pencil for the lips is not needed, claiming that he only creates a very sharp line, which will not bring any benefit and so thinned lips.

Regardless of whether a woman uses a pencil, she should reconsider the choice of lipstick. The lip gloss will create a smeared effect, making lips thinner, and even if someone loved the dark shades of lipstick all his life, maybe it is time to move to brighter shades. Dark lipstick will look only tougher with age, so brighter shades will be of great importance.

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