10 simple ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes


10 simple ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes 37798_1
Dark circles arise when blood vessels are expanding under the eyes or when the clouded veins lead to excessive pressure in these blood vessels. Also, the causes of this phenomenon may be excessive salt intake, pollutants, poor skin elasticity, as well as genetic predisposition.

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes are quite simple, and there are even ways to do it with the help of refrigerator products.

1. Tomato paste

You can make a paste, mixing two grated tomatoes, a spoonful of lemon juice, a pinch of chickpea flour and turmeric powder. The paste must be carefully applied to the eyes and rinse them with clean water after 10 or 20 minutes. If you do it twice a week, the skin tone around the eyes will become lighter.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon can help remove dark circles under the eyes due to the whitening properties of vitamin C. It is necessary to apply lemon juice with a cotton swab around the eyes and wash it off in ten minutes. Using lemon three times a week will make the skin tone around the eyes lighter, and ultimately dark circles will disappear.

3. Cucumber

Applying pieces of fresh cucumber or freshly squeezed cucumber juice can significantly reduce dark circles. And if you make a row from the cucumber juice for the night, it will give fast and efficient results.

4. Almond oil

Another natural ingredient, which is effective for dark circles under the eyes, is almond oil. Before bedtime, you need to apply some almond oil on dark circles. It is necessary to do this for at least two weeks, and dark circles will disappear completely.

5. Leaves of mint

Mint leaves can be used to calm the eyes, as well as to get rid of dark circles. You need to put fresh mint leaves on the eyes, leave them for 10 minutes, and then wipe your eyes with a clean cloth moistened in cold water.

6. Orange juice and glycerin

It is necessary to mix orange juice with glycerin and apply this mixture around the eyes. This remedy will not only help get rid of dark circles, but also give the skin natural shine and make the skin around the eye softer.

7. Ice.

Ice or ice water can provide a cooling effect for the skin under the eyes. You can take a package with ice and put it on the eyes for 30 minutes in the morning after awakening. It simplifies blood flow and removes extra osmosis pressure on the eyes.

8. ration

What the person eats is displayed on his face. So, you should add green vegetables, vitamins and fruits to your diet to get the best results. Bananas, mango, oranges, spinach, greenery, carrots, eggplants and carrots can also have a good effect on the skin around the eyes.

9. Regular exercises

Regular exercises, though they will not help get rid of dark circles under the eyes, but can improve the blood circulation of the body and face. Daily exercises stimulate breathing and make the skin fresh.

10. Sleems of sleep

Good night sleep helps a person feel better, and also eliminates circles under the eyes. Health experts advise 6-8 hours of daily sleep so that the face will look "fresh" and did not have traces of edema.

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