How to effectively restore hair: reliable ways


How to effectively restore hair: reliable ways 37791_1
In winter, the hair is constantly hiding under the caps and scarves, which is not entirely useful for the hair. If the head does not cover, the cold will also have a negative impact on their condition and health. In the spring, hair does not become better, as the body is experiencing a lack of vitamins.

Constantly on the hair is influenced by different negative factors that can cause great harm: medication, frequent stress, unbalanced nutrition, etc. But every woman wants them to look perfect. And this can be achieved, it is only important to adhere to the professional councils for hair care.

Recovery with rapid oil

This is the easiest, inexpensive option for restoring damaged hair, which women enjoy over the years. With this oil, you can not only restore your hair, they helps to stop their falling out, get rid of dandruff. You can use both one top oil, rubbing it into the skin of the head, and noticate in the complex with other hair beneficiaries, which will speed up the effect of recovery, hair recovery. You can use a cosmetic product or pure oil that can be bought almost in any pharmacy.

Application of masks

Help hair can provide special masks. There is a huge number of masks recipes that are easy to prepare at home. In order for such formulations to be effective, it is important that all components are fresh, mixed to a homogeneous state. The head with the mask is closed with a film and wrapped in a towel. It is usually washed away after half an hour, but it is also possible to other times that is usually indicated in the recipe. Rock up the composition is better not just water, but a decoction of nettle or chamomile.

Lack of keratin

If the hair becomes brittle, then keratin is not enough in their structure. You can replenish its number in different ways. You can go to the salon, where the masters will conduct rehabilitation procedures with the use of professional funds. But this is a fairly expensive option that stirs not all. At home, such a procedure can also be carried out. Products in which large quantities contain keratin are rosemary oil, lemon and aloe leaves. All such components are mixed and applied to wet hair for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. Already the first application will give its result, but it is recommended to spend it several times one time a week.

Lamination of hair

When it becomes necessary to make your hair beautiful as fast as possible, that is, there is no time for long rehabilitation procedures, you should pay attention to lamination. Many consider such a procedure exclusively salon. Indeed, many masters in beauty salons are engaged in its holding, but at home can be achieved good results.

For home lamination, water is required, nutritious balm and gelatin. Gelatin is divorced in warm water, after which the balm is added to it. The resulting means is distributed evenly through her hair and is left on them for four hours. Be sure to look at this time in a towel or handkerchief. Wash this composition should be neat without shampoo. The remaining film will hide all flaws.

It is worth noting that this option makes hair beautiful, that's just such actions do not affect their structure and to fully restore them it will be necessary to undergo a full course of treatment using masks. In order for the therapeutic effect to be preserved on as long as possible, you should reconsider your nutrition and take care of the hair.

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