5 tips to help women be always beautiful


5 tips to help women be always beautiful 37787_1

Stand straight, feel confident and believe in yourself - all this elementary tips that should be a habit. But, as any woman says, who ever looked in the mirror, the secrets of beauty are also very important, because the feeling that you look better than everyone can become a real stimulus in everything.

Many believe that in order to look better, you need a lot of time and money, but it is not. Experts say that most women need to pay attention only to several basic secrets of beauty and acquire some of the essentials that will help look better and feel great, without spending years and not devastating the wallet.

Tip number 1: Never underestimate the force of moisturizing cream

Experts say that no matter what skin is dry, normal or even fat, if there is enough money only on one skin care product, you need to find a good moisturizer.

"Sometimes everything you really need is a good moisturizer and a soft detergent ... and the face is cold for the years," says Professor of the New York University of Rod Narins, Doctor of Medical Sciences, President of the American Society of Dermatological Surgery. - When the skin is dry, each wrist "is emphasized", and the person looks older. "

Doctors say that a girl from 20 to 30 years old, moisturizing means will provide it with the necessary protection to prevent the premature aging of the skin. But what is the "good" moisturizer. Dermatologist Charles E. Krutchfield III, doctor of medicine, describes this as follows: "This is a product that will do everything from mildly add moisture to preserve the level of humidity achieved, and its type should be based on the individual skin needs."

If the skin is normal and dry, you need to look for moisturizing agents containing alpha hydraulic acids. They can help the skin independently produce more moisture. If the skin is very dry, it is better to choose products using a technology called vesicular emulsion. This technology uses microscopic spheres, which are alternating layers of moisture and water, which are slowly released during the day, so the skin gets constant moisturizing.

If the skin is fat, you need to find a lightweight and gentle moisturizing cream. It should be borne in mind that fat is not moisture, so if even on the skin excess fat, it still needs moisture.

Tip # 2: Sunscreen - the best anti-aging product

Before you think about visiting a plastic surgeon and before you put half of the salary in an expensive anti-aging cream, it is worth simply applying a conventional sunscreen. Although most people know that it reduces the risk of skin cancer, few people guess that it is also an amazing lifehak that can help keep the skin young.

According to experts, the reason is that when the sunscreen blocks harmful sunshine, it also blocks the effect of aging. The sun affects the production of collagen in the skin, and without collagen, the skin will not naturally save its moisturized, young look without wrinkles. If there is a lot under the sun, the skin will shrink long before the occurrence of old age. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if not to ensure proper protection from the Sun, then only a few minutes of daily staying in the sun for many years can cause noticeable changes in how skin looks like. Not only more wrinkles and thin lines will appear, but also more freckles, pigment stains and vascular stars. The skin itself may look a rough and wrinkled or flabby and sluggish - and all this thanks to the sun.

Sunscreen can protect the skin from these harmful rays, so even if you spend most of the time on the street, then the face with a smaller probability will not look older than real age. Specialists advise you to choose sunscreen with sunscreen (SPF) 15 or higher. If it is necessary to be under direct sunlight over a long period of time, the cream should be applied again every hour or two.

There is another option: before applying makeup to use the usual sunscreen (it must be applied first before doing something). Then during the day to add additional protection, you can use a light translucent mineral powder. Such powders contain natural sunscreen, and because they are usually not accumulated on the skin, it is worth adding protection throughout the day.

Tip number 3: wisely approach the choice of cleaning agent

If someone uses in the bathroom only with soap and ordinary water (no matter, it is a girl or a guy), he should review his strategy of cleansing. Dermatologists say that one of the best beauty councils is to use the fastest detergent that will be found, and it is economical to use it.

Although there is a temptation to wash the face several times a day (or even more, if the skin is fat), it will not help if you use too "hard" product, especially soap. This can harm skin. Also too frequent washing (more than two times a day) can damage the natural lipid barrier, a protective shell of a lubricant that retains the skin healthy. As soon as this protection is lost and the integrity of the skin barrier is broken, the skin becomes dry - and this means that it can crack, peel, grind, burn, etc. It also means that a person may look older than his years.

Tip number 4: Use the right tools for the right goals

A woman can have the best shadows for the eyelids that can be bought for money, the most luxurious base in the world, the bronzer straight from the cosmetic bag of supermodel. But if she does not have suitable tools for their use, all the advantages of these funds will be reduced.

What is "correct" tools. Tassels must be soft and gentle, and also be made of proper material. If you give a brush in the shade or blush, and they will turn from it before applying to face, it is a bad brush.

Tip No. 5: Update Hairstyle and Makeup every 2 years

Experts say that if a woman does not remember when the last time I changed the hairstyle and makeup, it was already too long ago. Ideally, the image, including hairstyle and makeup, should be updated at least every two years. And it will be better if the styles will change greatly.

Keeping your bright appearance, any will look younger and modern. Nothing is so old as a woman like an outdated hairstyle and makeup.

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