10 useful tips for those who go to the subway


The subway is a great type of transport, if you know his little secrets and some features of the psychology of passengers.

Rule of distant friend

If you have noticed and leave the car, when everything is already breaking into it, then look over the heads of incoming people. As if you see someone away. Then passengers will rather react. If you stare an angry look in someone's concrete rhinos of you, you are guaranteed to flood.

Rule of straight back

To calculate those who are going to go out on the next station, pay attention to people who wake up (or rather, cease to pretend that they sleep), folded glasses, hide smartphones. And also consider body language. Before entering, people are automatically straightened and tighten the legs closer to the sofa.

Rule of forest trail

If you enjoy the same route every day, remember (on the columns on the platform, the patterns on the tile), where the doors of the car you need when stopping. All trains get up on the same place with a small error, so you will have a chance to enter the first and accommodate comfortable.

Rule of magic staircase

Escalators have their own characteristics. Faster just moves the one in the center. But to quickly go to the escalator, it is better to choose the extreme left and the left side of the queue.

Empty Vagon rule

The wonderful cars at stations without transfers are central, and with transfers - extreme. If somewhere at the station there is a low ceiling hanging over the platform, the least people will be guaranteed under it, because people are subconsciously afraid of such places. This is where you need to enter the car.

Rule of men on ventilation

If a lot of men are sitting in the car, look at: a couple of harvester representatives of a strong floor, spreading their legs, easily takes 3 places for two,. They can always be (and necessary) ask to move.

Rule of plankton

School excursions, office workers and grandmothers with trolleys have their own rings and flows. Look at what time with whom you come across. Sometimes it is enough to get out of the house or from work 15 minutes earlier or later than usual, and instead of the stuffed train, you will get pleasantly empty.

Rule 30th

Look at the calendar! A new ticket is better to buy a couple of days before the end of the month, otherwise one morning I will get stuck in the queue of irrequisite fellow citizens and all day will go to the pump.

Rule of distracting factor

If a noisy company poured into the car, a fight or scandal is brewing, first of all ... Check the bag, pockets and wallet! "Scandalists" often work as a cover from pockets.

The rule of the meeting place

In the Moscow Metro, try not to appoint meetings on the Arbat and Smolensk, China City and Komsomolskaya. First, everyone is confused, and on the last people who are waiting for the meeting, torture passengers running on three stations on the issues.

P.S. Rule "of the weakest camel in caravan"

If you are going by the company and someone behind the train, everyone needs to return to the point on which the group broke up, and not try to guess, the document reached Toropigi. It is especially important to explain it to children.

Source photo: Frames from the "Metro"

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