Sexic Men 2015


We in generally love cool men - you have already noticed. So do not escape, we are again for our own - instead of dressing up a Christmas tree and buy a shampoo on an industrial scale, the editors held a meeting and amounted to a hot ten most charming men of the year - as usual, extremely subjective.

10th place. Richard Armiture


Going out of the image of the cosmode Torin Cupcake, Richard turns into a real dandy with impeccable education. The growth of this "gnome", by the way - 1.87 m. Naughty-s.

9th place. Daniel Craig


The only spy with a carpenter. Or potatoes. But very sexy potatoes.

8th place. Peter Dinklaj


Raise your hand, who believes that Tyrion Lannister in the "Game of Thrones" is the coolest. Well done, hands can be lowered. Peter Dinklaja in a pair of "Golden Globes" and "Emmy" plus all sorts of small awards a bunch of ruinsulat. He is 10 years old as married, raises his daughter, lears the dog around Kevin, drives on scooter, vegetarian and clever. For those and love.

7th place. Michael Fassbender


This year he was Macbeth and Steve Jobs, and next will return to us as a magneto. But we love him not for acting flexibility, but simply because it can be simply put in front of the camera naked and a half hours to watch, not taking off.

6th place. Mark Zuckerberg


The guy with a baby in his arms is still hotter than a guy on a wildly unremitted motorcycle, we always thought so. And you know a lot of people who are so much you live, ready to give 95% of your giant state of charity? And often you met billionaires who marry school girlfriends with a modest appearance? That's something. Well done, Mark.

5th place. Chris Pine


Captain Kirk from StarTrek in the coming year will again lead his ship to the expanses of the universe. Obaha with a specialties and a Russian grandfather somewhere in the wildlife of family history, a philologist for education and, by the way, a bachelor is loved by such.

4th place. Harrison Ford


Khan Solo returns for the steering wheel "Millennial Falcon" and in our hearts. Learn, young man - the legends of the screen of the 70s did on the century.

3rd place. Eidan Turner


I do not in vain in the "Hobbit" gave an entirely Evanowelin Lilly, and the rest is anyone. A good year for the gnomes was issued at all.

2nd place. Matthew Lewis


We all cannot rejoice at the wonderful transformation of Neville Dolbupps. Next year, the film "See you with you," in which Matthew will play the boyfriend Emilia Clark. I agree, Khalisi is the most handsome.

1st place. Benedict Cumberbatch


Dude with a strange name and an even more strange face, no tanned cubes and biceps size with a rugby ball, but also you - Benedict got almost in all lists of the hottest men of the year, including our. Large hello to everyone who believes that it is enough to grow up a bristle - and all the girls in the village will be yours. Not a mussful one, you know.

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