12 real stories about how we hooligani in school


Having giving a child to school, you think "Well, there will look tune, even though there will be safe." And then you remember your own adventures inside the walls of this honorable place and make it felt. And, most importantly, everything yourself.



Left to wash the chemicalabinet. Allocated pure chlorine. Two hours stood the heads in the window. Odnoklassnik nothing, and I had a pharyngit for a month.

# 2.

One said "not shake, a fool, it is Bertolet Salt." The second is offended by the fool. Well, they collected fingers from the floor, descended down, called an ambulance. And the blood forgot to climb, of course. What was chemical? Technique spoiled on her. Everything.

# 3.

We were driven out of change from the class to ventilate. And I was a beech, and did not like to stand with a class in the corridor. So hid under the desk. And once it turned out that a classmate was also hidden. I, I pulled out a book and read, and he got into one open window, passed outside the eaves, entered the other, and so walked all the change.


One high school student once somehow rudely pissed to my girlfriend. We were five friends, and there was no life later. The most technicality turned out to be imperceptibly in the dining room with him near and suddenly plaintively refined. So after six months, in his native class, they looked at him strictly, and at the sight of the little girls, he began to hide behind the back of his comrades.


Sucked in the "Republic of the Skid" that the board can be smeared with soap, and then the chalk on it does not write. Washed. So what do you think? Three controls according to the textbook in a row, until the board was gradually cleaned. But worse was that soap, of course, fell to the floor. In our class - two bruises, in parallel - concussion, on the class older than one guy broke his finger. It was ashamed, though, fortunately, the perpetrators were not particularly looking for.

# 6.

Two of our cleverheads staged a hammers on the writings and arranged a duel in the corridor. Hello, at least that, and the broken glass flew off by the girl in her neck, she was then sewn.

# 7.

In physics, an experiment with electricity was done, so one, it turned out, brought the extension cord and plug from home. Neatly the plug was accustomed, connected the experiment instead of the battery to 220. Even the party was charred, in!


I once woke up on the tile, turned on, red pepper. I wanted a little bit, and see what happens. And poured with a tablespoon, probably. As a result, it was instead of work in military safety. And the eyes are red in all girls.


We have one goat faded in a sewing machine the tip of the braid of another girl. I had to cut short.


The school was an old, complex architecture, and outside the building from the third floor went down a narrow stone staircase with railings. In winter, of course, she did not led anywhere. And she was frowned terribly. So we rode on it on briefcases. As the coches in their places remained - I still do not know. And up climbed, clinging for the railing.


Two sixth graders picked up the key to the attic. School standard, roof is flat. Soon there was headquarters and artillery setting towards the neighboring, enemy school. Since basically the attic remained locked, to find the source of the bombing could not long, and the glasses change the enemy school tortured.


One day, three five-graders were left to dudge in the biological office and found a laboratory unlocked. Probably even a bucket of cocaine would have a smaller effect. There were herbariums, collected by post-war schoolchildren in Abkhazia and Moldova, stuffed-up clocks, burozobs and exhaust, covered with rush decades of breads of droke and skew eggs, skeletons of cats and mice skews in boxes, a collection of hoofs and shoulders, I do not joke, tinsels with fossils. And slide glass with some dried crops. Biological studio, after a couple of hours, running into the office, arranged, of course, a terrible hai. The future American ethologist, the future Siberian anthropologist and the future Israeli mathematician stood red, but did not repent of seconds. The future ethologist, as it turned out, realized to fill in his pocket of Belonertites. And correctly did. By the end of the quarter, the bioharder all the contents of the laba thrust.

The article prepared asya Mikheev

Illustration: shutterstock

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