If a man suffers from crooks ... perhaps he has a valid reason!



What, if you can't be able to go to the subway, and there one unshaven muzzle took two two sites at once, and then three places? I guess him probably mentally, the mockery photos in the social networks lay out with the hashtag "# of crook"?

Fu so be. He may have a valid reason for which he cannot shift his knees closer than half the meter.

He gives birth

You remember what pose did it? Here. It is clear that it can only give birth to a man only from alien, and with such a stiffer to seek medical help, the FSB will give you to experiments. It is necessary to endure when it grabbed in the subway, and hope that the bag put on the eggs quite well covers the crotch. And, most importantly, silence, so that neither the sound nor the movement of the face is not to issue yourself. Do you imagine how hard? I pity the poor fellow.

He can not sit on the pope

We are not doctors, we do not know exactly what trauma makes it impossible to sit on the buttocks and makes it strangely bending the torso in order to rely on the bottom of the back, but in such a pose really hard to keep knees close to each other.

He has an invisible cat between knees

So if a man shifts his knees, then crushes or rolong the cat. And who does this with the cats by goodwill? Only heartless creatures. Not he. He is not like that.

He has swollen saints

Maybe someone came to him. Or hit. Or bit. In the sense, the insect bitten. Or also climb. There was such a story a couple of years ago: a drunken man managed to pinch everything, trying to hover the train on the go, but not in Tambour, but at first ordinary doors outwardly. And letting them in scatleton. So, maybe, there is now everything is blue, terrible, lost for evolution and it is impossible to concern that the hips.

He gave a sacred vow

In critical situations, consciousness issues very strange arrangements, and a person can have a sorry to promise God to do something very strange: "I swear that in life there is no longer a piece of meat, if only I find me in this taiga!", I promise never to mane If I manage to smear off the corpse found by me in the hotel "or" I give vows not to keep your knees closer than half the meter, if I survive after this selection. " Will you imagine what to walk with such a vow, eh?

Took a place for his imaginary friends

He still really trembles to the only comrades who played with him at school and went to his parties at the institute. And the soulless all of this trembling do not share what to do. Do not explain with the surrounding: "There is a single-eyed Mike, my best friend!"

Wants to feel warm knees of neighbors

And imagine, if he has even imaginary friends, and then there is no, and you have to seek any opportunity to feel human warmth? In this case, of course, he will reap, sowing on a free space between busy: this is his only chance to feel if not elbow, then even knee support. Two knees. Little comforting illusion.

Afraid fall to the floor

People have strange phobias, and the life of the hiking is not given to everyone. Suddenly, about the poor man there is no one to take care, but not to leave at home he cannot? Then he has to tolerate and fear of the intersections, and the fear of the crowd of people, and the phobia that appeared when he was small, drove into the subway on the seats shoe, hanging on his legs, and with a sudden stop fell to the floor. In general, it holds as it can. In all senses.

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