8 elementary ways to become pretty more than anyone


No matter how much growth in you, what color you have and what brand of shoes - people react at all. The impression of your person can influence rather strange and unexpected things.

Think what you like everyone

Because if you think about the opposite, you will act accordingly, it is possible to act respectively, to look anywhere, just not in the face of a person, and drown yourself under the nose. There are many similar studies, and everyone gives the same result: if one of the pairs of unfamiliar with each other people said that now he will have to talk to a person who considers it attractive, attractiveness really increased. And vice versa.

Forget about "And I"

When we tell something, we are waiting for people to admire our experience, skills or at least the ability to stick into wild situations. And not at all competitions at the spirit "And I was cooler." So try not to bombard the interlocutor with the facts about your life.


Psychologists from Sweden appreciated the test photos of approximately equally attractive people, but some of them have slept on the eve of the photo session, and the part is not. The worse the man slept, the less attractive he seemed. It is clear, dark circles under the eyes are little painted. And with personal communication, it is still sad - brake and ability to speak only about inclippes in the number of virtues of the secular lioness are not included.

Ask Board

This is the easiest way to make a person melting and show yourself in all its glory of his awareness. The subject of the board is not important, the main thing is to show what you consider it an expert, guru and an expert. We like more people who helped us than those who help us.

Don't attack personal space

You can acquire a long-standing girlfriend, not a girl with which you met half an hour ago. You can stand closely to your beloved, but not to a barely familiar person. The minimum distance is 50-70 cm. And if, when talking with you, a person has a little retreats back, stop in vain.

Careful with a smile

A wide smile - the rate is more for America. Our culture is designed so that the smile causes alertness: she wants to laugh at me? In my hair feathers from the pillow stuck? Or maybe just with idiot? Or will the super-vacuum cleaner begin to sell? A disassemble smile looks strange and tense, and if there is no reason for her, then also straining around. So forget about Hollywood and smile only if you want.


Any closed posture - whether it is crossed hands or an aroused handbag - pushes people. It is immediately too stupid that you will not drink close - so why stuffed in pleasures?

Do not overdo it with perfume

The less he is noticeable, the better. A strong smell scares not only mosquitoes, but also people. It is physically hard to stand next to a person who smells like a flower shop on a hot day. Even more difficult to appreciate his charm in such a situation.

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