Red and white: how to order wine, so as not to scatter and not disappoint


We agree immediately: this is an article for those who neither Belmes will not make sense in wine and do not distinguish the bald Barolo from the Decadent Shenon Blanc, even if they jump on them because of the corner with the cry "BU!". This is an article for those who think that decoupage is stickers, pungent - something offensive, and Vintage is a junk from the street market.

We appeal to those who simply do not mind sticking around the cup in a pleasant atmosphere, but in a wine list understands only prices. Here are a few simple rules that will not give an greatest restaurant for you to the thread, using your naivety.

Food and degrees

A simple rule: the harder items, the harder it should be wine. To be frightened, getting off and sick, yes. Therefore, to all fat meat take Vinishko stronger 13 degrees. And to a slender chicken breast and arugula - less. Usually in the wine map of the variety are located from the lungs to heavy, so that simply with a smart look of poke into the top lines, if I ordered something moderate, and in the bottom, if you expect hot.

Second bottle

In order not to seem to be puzzles, fans get drunk in restaurants on the last shishi often choose the second or third at the cost of the bottle. Say, do not think, I have a lot of pockets, but today I am in such a modest mood. Big mistake. Because the restaurants see the tricks of nishbrudes through, and the second at the cost of the bottle is often some kind of obscene acids for three kopecks with a wild mark. If you do not want the whole evening to press Chateau de Tetrapak at a price, 5 times more than real, take either the cheapest, or something a little more expensive.

Sparkling - Policy Wand

Bubbles are suitable almost to everything and funnyly shook in the nose. Excellent walk at least with pigly, even with cream-brulee. Just do not take champagne, otherwise you will have to sell the kidney to pay in a row (and still you will have to wash the dishes in the restaurant's kitchen). Champagne wines are for those who fly to work on their own Jew. You need to becocked or kawa - it's about the same thing, but for the sane money.

Glass or bottle?

With a hike question. On the one hand, the glass of Wints can cost 300 rubles, and the bottle of the same Vints itself is 800. In a bottle, about 5-6 glasses - count myself, as the Kabak owner is welded. On the other, somehow take a shame to take 0.7 and find that it is impossible to drink this marching spoting. If there is an opportunity, do this: first take a glass, and then, if the wine is like, ask a person to drag a bottle. If there is no such possibility, see the previous point - take sparkling.

Chardonna will not pass

Do not think, we love Chardonna very much. Everyone loves Chardonon. Most and other names do not know. People watch the menu, sweating from tension, and poke into the only familiar word. That is why the markup for Chardonchka in many places is just godless.

Do not be afraid of homemade wine

If you do not spend the evening in a babeline barbecue, and you go to walk the family phyanites into a more or less decentive place with a strong reputation, and moreover I wanted to spit on the subtleties of wine selection - take homemade wine. It is the cheapest, and in decent institutions are quite good. This is usually either the best that can be found in the tetrapak segment, or something spacious, but a bottle, the fact that the company-supplier sold a restaurant at a reduced price in exchange for some mutually beneficial buns.

Ask Sommelier

Seriously, do not hang out. Everyone is drawn or corded experts, and the guy in a vest, threatening a bunch of time and money in the courses of a sommelier, sticks out in the corner of frightened cake and thinks why he did not go to tractor drivers. He will be only glad to shine knowledge and pick you something cheaper to Dorada.

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