Super test for each and everyone: What is your epic mother?


We are all someone's children, it is understandable. But what of us mother, you need to look yet!


Question 1 of 8. Your child brings the fourth two in literature for a quarter. Cool wants to talk about it. Your reaction?

The teacher seems to have to learn. If once, at once, the assessment of knowledge goes bad, it means that teaches badly.

Let's, first, we agree that this situation is not conflict. Just a work situation that can be solved by the pleasure of all sides.

Oh, yes, we know these two in literature. It is enough not to agree that Natasha Rostov was an ideal woman.

I swear that I will make anything in the next quarter, except for the top, the child in literature did not receive. Mother will no longer disappear.

Yes, let's talk about it! Why is my child clearly offend and what do you want to tell me how to tell these twins?

With the classroom, of course, I will talk and find out the situation in more detail. In the meantime, buy a baby ice cream. He is so upset and scared.

You know, the literature in life is not the main thing. And mathematics, too, if I went. The main thing is a good person to be.

Question 2 of 8. Best Sunday Breakfast For Baby - This is ...

Puffs. The most family, the most domestic breakfast in the world. Never get bored.

The one he has cooked for mommy. Especially if there is brine and scrambled eggs with bacon.

The one that is cooked with love.

Cooked together by recipe from the favorite book for your favorite songs and no before afternoon.

Healthy. Useful. Balanced. And in order to look trigger, like in the picture.

Any breakfast will be tasty after morning cold dough or a small jogging and a contrasting soul.

Any favorite dish will come out, except, of course, pie with whipped cream.

Question 3 of 8. What moments, in your opinion, are truly united by a family?

Good family dinner. Especially if you know that he is waiting for you every evening.

The common trouble that we will have to survive, remaining family.

Common opponent.

Victory over a common opponent.

Triumph of one - the pride of the whole family.

Quiet evening conversation in the semitime after a long walk along the country's surroundings.

Let's assume that the family is one, as if inside it, they did not quarrel, by default.

Question 4 out of 8. Your child came up in kindergarten with another. Your reaction to the message of the teacher about it?

We will definitely talk about it at home!

I am very distressed that in my child so much aggression.

Oh, these are children. They always have a headache.

First, tell me the main thing: who won?

It was not mine. My would not get caught.

And what does a staff psychologist say?

If you can not children, ok, let's be sacred with his mom.

Question 5 out of 8. Your child is very, very much asks you to your puppy. In addition, his best friend just bought a puppy! Your reaction?

The dog is a great teacher of a sense of partnership.

To begin with, seek to care and play with a puppy along with the other, okay?

Puppies are very cute! Especially senber officers.

No problem. But if at least once I am in a puddle, throw out on the frost.

Let's better take PSA from the shelter, no one wants to start the poor.

Better cat. Black. Or naked. So original.

Only the most thoroughbred. And only for the year on the top five.

Question 6 out of 8. The class teacher believes that the hot passage of the child theatrical circle affects its performance. What do you do?

But after all, the child himself is happy, how do you think? If there will be no bobs in a quarter, let's just calm down.

How bad is? What do you think it is now and in the future will give for socialization theater, and what school?

I will do everything to a child and engaged more, and the theater did not run. He took - go to the end.

Solved. Until finished a quarter without triple, the mug will no longer see. This always acts.

I am sure that the school obligation also fools on the theater career of my child. What do you think, do not cancel school?

I will come up with something so that classes in the circle helped to master the program. All guys.

And with such trifles, she decided to break my peace? Let honestly compete, who is reproached, the School Theater or the School Theater.

Question 7 of 8. The best reading the child for the night is ...

... A book that you sama loved in childhood.

... Stories about the exploits, legends about heroes.

... something cognitive.

... Something, after which dreams will be especially bright.

... Gospel.

... Something is short enough to fall asleep not a parent.

... old good children's fairy tales.

Question 8 of 8. The best way to take a child for half a day is ...

... come up with a fascinating adventure.

... To do the child for half a day.

... give him finger paints and a simple painted wall.

... give him an inspiring task inspiring him.

... the tablet is not more reliable.

... call to visit another child.

... to plan to sort out the treasures with the mezzanine.

The next question is complete to start re-

Test author: Lilit Mazikina

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