5 lifhats that will help remove hair paint stains from face and hands


5 lifhats that will help remove hair paint stains from face and hands 37767_1

Many women love to paint their hair at home, not in the cabin. This is relatively fast, much cheaper and provides fairly decent results. The minus is incredibly high risk to stain a face.

Fortunately, on the Internet there are some pretty simple lifehaks that will help prevent it. Naturally, a number of them are full of khushy, so today we will consider the advice of hairdressers.

Tip # 1: Prevent Spots

Of course, it sounds obvious, but few know what can be done. Before applying paint on the hair, you need to apply a thin layer of vaseline or gentle oil (for example, olive or coconut oil) on the hair growth line and near the ears to "create an obstacle between the dye and the skin.

If you do not want to smear Vaseline (although it is well washed off), you can try to apply the dye to the "dirty" hair on the second day after washing, and not for recently washed hair. Natural fats for the scalp will add a "layer of protection" from paint spots.

Tip № 2: Use scrubs

Although most beauty experts recommend using a chemical exfoliating agent for the skin of the face, rather than an exhausting agent with a strong scrub effect (it causes more harm than the benefit), this is the only case when abrasive is allowed in a similar means. If nothing helps, you can gently dissolve the scrub spots from paint on the skin. At the same time, it is impossible to push strongly, because it is fraught with irritation of the skin.

Tip number 3: Make-up removal means

If someone google, how to remove stains, he probably read the "tips" on the use of a lacquer, windex, alcohol, etc. And now, no circumstances should be applied to the face. All this is extremely strong substances that can cause redness, rash and general irritation.

Tip number 4: Use more hair paints

It sounds truly insanely, but applying the remaining dye on a stain made on the skin can really help remove it.

After painting the hair, you need to take shampoo and apply it all over the hair growth line, mixing it with a droplet of hair paint. As a result, the stains will wash off faster.

Tip No. 5: Clean the toothpaste

Everything is simple - you need to take a clean toothbrush and toothpaste without gel (very important item), and then gently wipe the stain on the skin. The process must be repeated once a day until the marks from the paint will not completely disappear.

It is worth noting that this is a rather aggressive cleaning method. Toothpaste removes skin layer, not just a dye. Therefore, you need to use a small amount of paste and be sure to wash the skin well.

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