How to create an eyebrow shape that will make a woman for 10 years younger


How to create an eyebrow shape that will make a woman for 10 years younger 37763_1

In the fact that eyebrows occupy almost the most important place in the image, no one no longer doubts, but not all women still know how to choose their shape and tone correctly. But then, both are very strongly affected by appearance - properly decorated brings can visually throw off a couple of years and make a kind of fresh. We bring to your attention several valuable tips that will help make anti-aging makeup.

Do not dilute with eyebrows

Very thin eyebrows that are more reminiscent of threads, have long passed into non-existence and forgotten fashion, nevertheless, some ladies still prefer such a form. And not only that they look very unfulstly, so also visually get their own owner. Unfortunately, those who previously actively pluck their eyebrows under a thin strip are now suffering from the fact that their eyebrows refuse to grow, and if they grow, they do not differ in dense. But it is possible to fix everything, only for this you have to make a lot of effort - to begin with, it is simply necessary to stop them to pull them out, quite, and start the course of masks to stimulate the growth of hairs.

Rim up tips

The main problem with which women begins to fight after 40 is the omission of eyebrows, which is why the effect of a heavy look is created. And the good news is that it is possible to correct such a lack without radical operational methods. It is enough to pull out the corners towards the temples. Experts do not recommend making eyebrows too thick, and also overlook them - because Similar option looks more on young words.

How to create an eyebrow shape that will make a woman for 10 years younger 37763_2

Remember the three main whales of successful anti-aging makeup: 1. The width of the eyebrows should be equal to the width of the upper lip. 2. Wide eyebrows allow you to balance the appearance with big eyes, but at the same time, if the eyes are small, then broad eyebrows will make them even less. 3. If the eyes are closely planted, then it is important not to cry out the base of the eyebrows too bright, otherwise they will seem even closer. And for an open view, eyebrow tips slightly lifting themselves so that they do not look down. Such a small nuance visually pulls out not only eyelids, but also the face.

Forget about Permanent Makeup

Forget about Permanent Makeup forever. It is not enough that the tattoo almost never justifies the assured hopes, it looks unnatural and often delivers a lot of problems. Prepress in advance how the tattoo behaves it is impossible, and it is difficult to fight unpleasant consequences, so it is better not to risk.

If there is a need to hide the scar on the eyebrows and fill out the existing emptiness between the hairs, it is better to select a more sparing method of correction, such as microblading. And it is better to use high-quality professional eyebrows, and in makeup to use powder, sweet or pencil.

Do not use too much color.


As mentioned above, incorrectly selected shape and too bright color eyebrows are seriously added appearance of age. For example, too bright eyebrows will focus on age-related changes near the eyes - they will make more pronounced "goose paws" and emphasize sagging skin. Therefore, wanting to paint your eyebrows, it is better to choose paint, and not henna. In the first case, the dye affects only the hairs, but the henna stains more and the skin, which makes the eyebrows too bright.

Choose the right cosmetics

And if you do not like painted eyebrows at all, then you should choose suitable products for makeup. With the help of a pencil, for example, you can perform the technique of hairsdown - in this case, all existing voids will be filled, and the eyebrows themselves will look very natural. If your eyebrows are dense and rich in color from nature, it will only require a means for laying - for example gel that can be transparent or with a pigment. With it, you can nicely lay the brings and they will not lose form.

Clean the eyebrows

Very often, age changes do not bypass this part of the person - with time, eyebrows can become less and less, lose their brightness. But this unpleasant process can be braked if special serum and concentrates are used. In care of the eyebrows, natural oils can be in the argan oil: argan, castor, rayan, etc. It is enough to simply rub them into the area of ​​eyebrows at night, then the hairs will have both rich color, and sufficient delicate, and a dense structure.

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