7 reasons to give birth to children after 30 years


Print this text on good paper with vensels, climbing, so that it is not exhausting from frequent use, and issue instead of an answer to everyone who dips you to give birth as quickly as possible, otherwise the train will leave, the buttercups will be called, and your life occupy cats and regret.

It is easier for you to combine motherhood and work

In the roaring twenties, you just started my career. Colleagues had a bad habit of calling you "our baby" and "daughter shelf." You worked for a reputation - that is, it looked without a ship, I rushed to the embrasure and was not sure about the bosa. Now everything has changed - after at least a decade in the case, you know exactly what you're - and your boss also knows. You have more space for maneuver. You can agree on remote work or save for me the decree some part of the projects, you have a decent insurance, and the chances that your chair will wait for you much higher.

Do you have money

By the way, the blessed times, when you worked from salary to salaries, too, behind - you probably have a small, but proud stabilization fund. Of course, the family will always help you, but somehow it is calmer to know that you do not depend on anyone and you do not have to explain anyone why your child needs a new stroller at the Used Ferrari, and not a freak, bought from the hands of the announcement .

You already have an idea of ​​children

Because half the girlfriends already acquired heirs, and you had time to watch them. Having visited the aunt and a friend-bebisitter, you better imagine what awaits you. And in 20 your experience in the Mamkin part was limited to the game in the hub.

You will be a calm mom

Researchers from the Danish University of Aarhus estimated that women who became moms after 30 were much less likely to scream on their offspring and use subtletoles as an educational method. Perhaps, therefore, children of such "age" Mamas are much less problems during crises of 7, 11 and 15 years. By the way, in Denmark, the average age of the first child is almost 31 years old.

Grandma will be accessible

When you were 20, your parents (as well as aunt and uncle) worked with might and were ready to adore grandchildren rather in theory than in practice. Now they are most likely to retirement, and are ready to actively participate in the cultivation of the younger generation.

And girlfriend too

Because at 20 they were all beat hoof and waited for you, finally, pret the eyelashes and go to the nightclub. If you gave birth then, you would feel thrown on the side of life. Now the girlfriends also beat the hoof on the playground and are waiting for you to join their slender rows. Maternity after 30 will not turn you out of public life - on the contrary, some connections that have won after the comedors and drinking companions moved away from affairs and acquired small, restore.

You will live longer

British study, covering huge statistics for several centuries (boys seriously took up the business!) It showed that women who gave birth to the first child in adulthood, have more chances to live to deep old age. You not only see grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren.

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