The famous tourist island of Egypt gave Saudi Arabia


The last 30 years of Egypt and Saudi Arabia Ryano argued about the accessories of two islands in the Red Sea. Conflict at some point in the open confrontation, as well as the third country - Israel.

Now everything has become Okay: countries finally agreed. On April 9, 2016, two islands - Tiran (tourist) and Sanafir (not tourist) finally handed out Saudi Arabia. This was stated in the Government of Egypt.


On the one hand, this is the very story that is peaked in our eyes. And on the other, it is unknown, it is good.

For example, what will happen to tourists - now no one knows. In the sense that there are now hardly to carry Saudi Arabia. Previously, Tyran was brought to the island of Holidays in Sharm-Esheikh, the fashionable resort town of Egypt. The coast of the island has 4 coral reefs, which attract snorkels and divers from all over the world.

Until this time, Tyran was considered part of the Egyptian Reserve - Ras Mohammed. At a minimum, because there are 7 types of all sorts of waterfowl, and there are also mangrove trees.

While the island is constantly being three international UN observers, who are followed by order.

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