Aerophobia. No longer afraid!


Refusing out of foreign trips, and spend vacation at the cottage? Between the aircraft and train always choose the last? To the airport you are fiber under your arms, on the way Piccina Valerian? Well, hello, dear aerophooth! Let me disappear: you have never been unique.

While you read a tiny first paragraph, the sky rose at least three hundred sides. And at this very moment, about five thousand aircraft dangles at the top, and 80% of the poor fellows are now experiencing a wild attack of panic and move all their non-original fears in the mind. The same thing they move and you, when you hold the ticket to the flight.

"Negmen! This garbage with wings is iron! It seems to me that it is some kind of miracle that she knows how to fly! "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_1

No wonders, and ordinary aerodynamics. In order to understand the principle of operation of the aircraft, it is not necessary to be scientists. When you go in the car, open the window and exhibit your palm under the oncoming air flow. Do you feel how the flow pulls your hand up? The higher the speed, the greater the lifting force. In other words, the plane simply cannot do not take off.

"And if the engine will refuse? Here is RRRAV. And silent! And that's all! "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_2

It's not even funny! According to the theory of probability, your chef will give you a duplex in Manhattan than the engine will refuse. Do you believe in the chef and in Manhattan? Unlikely! Then how do you think about the engine? In addition, in modern aircraft engines are usually several, and one running one running in normal mode to fly to the host airport and calmly sit down. And if I went to that, the plane is able to sit down with non-working engines. Remember about aerodynamics. She, unlike the Chef, is always for you!

"Well I do not know. I'll think about the stone down, so everything is cold, "

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What? What kind of stone? Actually, the plane physically cannot "strike" from a height of 10,000 meters, because it is designed to plan slowly and gently (googled about the "air pillow). He seems to roll along a canopy hill from the air - relies on the hill with wings, slightly lowers the nose and moves carefully down.

"And the wing can fall off! Airplanes are always very scary "mashut" wings, especially when landing. I personally saw! "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_4

Oh yeah! As for "hopping wings" - it is really scary! Because if you're about it somewhere else, you laugh. Remember and tell others - on serial planes never had no cases with falling off wings. Never! And the fact that the wing when landing vibrates is an absolute norm. So it reacts to different loads. But if the aircraft would not "wave," would be much worse. However, he then simply would not take off.

"Turbulence is afraid. It's very dangerous. Maybe bad end "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_5

Nobody talk about it! Turbulence - regular aircraft oscillations caused by vortex wind streams. It occurs when passing through some types of clouds, and absolutely safe. Overloads, which while experiencing a plane, much less than those with which the car is found on an uneven road.

"About air pits then what do you say? Also tell me what is safe? Yes?"

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_6

Not. Do not say. How can it be safe what is not? Aerial pits are only illusion. Blende! The downstream air flows are replaced by rising due to the pressure difference, and there is a false feeling that you are falling into the hole. In fact, the aircraft just slightly loses the speed of lifting vertically, without losing the speed of horizontal movement.

"There are still pilots that are all sorts. Well, there, the train will rise to the place of the commander. Or influenza from kvs. Or he is drunk at all. Maybe his mother-in-law jubile yesterday was or "Today the cat gave birth to kittens yesterday," and he is joyful for the steering wheel "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_7

Actually, there is such a thing as a quoted crew. And there are still regulations and checklists who really and seriously observe. Everything is checked, from the appearance of pilots, up to the storage period of the Madfins supplied for dessert. It is assumed that a person may admit a person unhealthy or, soaring God, inadequate, maybe only ignorant or ... or Aerofob.

"You still tell me that all the aircraft are new and modern. For some years fifteen, or even more. How to fly and not afraid to fly and not afraid? "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_8

Fly and not be afraid! Firstly, airplanes are regularly inspected, check before each departure and make full maintenance every 300-500 cycles (sometimes more often). And secondly, airplanes are not perishable yogurts. Fifteen years of service for liner is an average term. Five-year-old plane - and a teenager at all.

"I understand. But after all, fall - the same! Fall! Why it can not happen to me? "

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_9

Repeat, dear aerophooth. This very second above you in the sky is not one and not two, but tens of aircraft. Each of them easily boils right on your head. Why, instead of running in the shelter, do you calmly click on the screen and darn tea? Don't you have to stay at heart now and look at the ceiling?

"When I fly, I can not control anything. It's horrible"

Aerophobia. No longer afraid! 37747_10

In fact, life is such a thing that attempts to control it are always quite meaningless. No one knows what happens across a second. It can happen anything and with anyone. But it is unlikely that it will be connected with airplanes. Because they are possible the most reliable and predictable, from what is in this world.

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