SMS, Viber or Skype? What does your communication style say about you



Our moms had only two and a half option - a letter, a postcard and phone (if lucky). Nowadays, the ways of communication are growing more active than cats in the spring. Everyone chooses a favorite method of communication and despises those who for some reason cling to another.

Pioneer: Messengers

Messengers, messengers, bring more of these delicious messengers! Viber is already touched, urgently install WhatsApp. No, while whatsapp swinged, he managed to become pop. All go to Telegram.

This citizen is literally impossible to catch anywhere - while you are looking for it in WECHAT, it runs away in Vipole or some fresh messenger, new, with heat with heat. And sitting there in the corner, by passing out like a lone hamster. Novators always remain incomprehensible and alone, such a life.

Tactful: SMS

Inventory. "I will be late, buy Potato, SPSB, XXX" - and all, the idea of ​​reported. Lapidaric and accurate SMS is almost a hockey. And the main thing is its dignity - respect for personal space. Speaking SMS, how would you allow the recipient to pretend that nothing came to him: "Oh, sorry, just now I saw" and "there was no money in the account." So the SMS is the weapons of tactful and those who are inappropriate to spread with thought.

Sociable: Mobile Phone


SMS - for the shkolota and bombardment of the former. People of goodwill slightly pick up the "Call" button. Hi, sleep? And what are you awake? Woke? And I have insomnia, let's get up. What does it mean - "I'm uncomfortable now"? Yes, I now all quickly surfting up, in short, listen to - Yakin threw his mumper and rides with me to Gagra!

Combat extroverts must thank the god of high technologies for mobile phones every day. This is a holiday that is always with you and direct access to your neighbor's brain. It doesn't matter that the closest, like young gibbon, dangles on the handrails in the subway, instructs the heir, fights with a runaway soup or sleeps. But it also can always be important to say "this is not a telephone conversation" and to dig a nearby rate!

Epistolar Engines: E-Mail

Humanity has been drunk, messengers came up with messengers, chats, sms and even before the figs of the ways of lightning communication. But the fans of the epistolar genre on such a foam will not catch. The letter is always solid, even if it consists of one word "OK".

Why do we need chat or messenger, when the mail itself works exactly in the same way - well, the smallness is clumsily, long, and the addressee sometimes nervously hinds the ears, seeing the classic Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re.

Lazy: Skype and video conferencing


Long bureaucracy! Why write "OK" if you can collect the entire fair company in video group and say this "OK" by a human voice?

It doesn't matter that the Internet is fighting in the morning in the morning in the morning, in the background, as if Tatar-Mongols ran the chandel, the dog has jumped in the dog. Say homemade "Sha!", Tighten the mood with a mord of the blast, cross the router and go on the ether. You see how comfortable! And so it would have to print the letters with his finger, and even fooling with spelling. Mukhtara, by the way, do not unwind - the lazy people are still three times.

Antiquary: Stationary Phone

Saints heaven, what is this sound? Why is this box tagnet? What should I do to stop it? AA, this is a landline phone. Hi, granny.

Now they enjoy only sellers wonderful vegetable cutters, those who are mistaken by the number and people who still want to say to the "young lady, connect" into the "lady's tube. But wait. Now your own grandchildren will grow, they will become neo-hipsters and start buying stationary phones on the flea markets - because only they give a warm analog sound.

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