5 real strange and funny Halloween stories from our readers


Once for Celts Halloween was the most terrible day (more precisely at night) in the year. And for modern Russians (and not only), he became a reason to arrange a small carnival and ... It seems to be in a story. Several such stories shared our readers.


And in the lesson quietly as in the cemetery

Once upon a time I taught law research at school. And so on Halloween (he was on Sunday), we climbed a party with classmates. Prepared as follows. We had every "terrible" food, I dragged a pumpkin, we all dressed up in different costumes: damn, drowning ... I was a maniac nurse in a bloody bathrobe.

Already far over midnight, the girlfriend gathered to go buy more alcohol. And then I remembered that tomorrow I have a lesson in the morning at school! And I have nothing with me, and I'm far from home. As it was, in a bloody bathrobe, I got and sat near the bookcase. My book "Ethic Lawyer" rushed to my eyes. I grabbed it and quickly completed.

In the morning, washing the makeup, with smelly pumpkin in the box (it was drunk per night), I came to school with such bags under the eyes. From clean clothing there was only black. He entered black with a pumpkin and a hoarse voice said to children: "Now I will tell you about the ethics of a lawyer." Everyone listened to how fascinated.

Moreover, it was my most impressive lesson. When I spent offset, some children swam in some topics, others were confused in others. But lecture on ethics of a lawyer they set out by heart.


Young years, all the poor. Came with a girlfriend in Halloween in a cafe, literally for the last money. I sit down and I want a dessert terribly, but there is no money. And I want. And no. There is something in the corner, after a few seconds, the light begins to flash, then the waitress in the corner squealing something and we see that in the hall pours with water from some kind of broken pipe. The light goes out finally, something was closed there due to flooding.

The manager is resorted, sniffy and says that there is another room, everything is OK there, and transplants us. And as an apology, he proposes to choose a couple of desserts from the establishment. Girlfriend looks at me with round eyes and says - what, the witch, right here so much the cake wanted?!

Very necessary to bring the victim

When I actively sao-saved, I began to call one man in these dates to these dates and demand to give him a black cat. From different numbers, he was pretended as if he was not him, and all that. And what is there Halloween in Israel, I didn't even mind. While the uncle and I did not meet closer.

At first I asked adequately, and it was good that I didn't have black ones: then the valves broke him and he began to threaten to submit me to the court / come to my house to pick up a cat (whom, I didn't remind) by force.

I did not have time to walk before the police, as he disappeared. I hope not because I found what I was looking for.


About fifteen years ago, at most time of the year and day, I first got seriously angry with my beloved spouse - I will kill God, I don't remember, because of what, but before the bloody boys in the eyes. The last outbreak of the excessful pure mind did not give a conflict to go to the stage of the Molubiyism: an angry wife, as it often happens with choleric natures, slammed the door and proudly retired.

The night in a single October surrounded from all sides, in the dark sky, the clouds hung low, watering the rain, the dogs were thrown, and the black branches of trees creaked in the wind. In this night, the trends must be worn to rush, and it was quite obvious that this evil - me. Well, I thought so at that moment. Fortunately, the case was in the country village, from where everyone was already afraid and no one fell towards towards.

So, I came out, it became, the evil on the road and rushed, and the darkness followed her. And this is not a Gothic metaphor now: roadside lights are not just Gasley - they were noisy and the devils were romantically exploded. I walked, and behind the bubbles, and the glass was wounded. Back with a beer bought in a nightcloth already in complete darkness returned.

Fully recognizing the fact of the existence of such a spread in our latitudes, as the worker who did not follow the voltage of the rural substation, I still remember this moment of life with tenderness.

A smile!

It was in time when schoolchildren were not dressed on Halloween, and the Orthodox activists did not try to ban it. But the advanced young people have already arranged parties in the costumes. I dressed the vampire at such a party, it looked very impressive, the costume was collected in advance, I prepared makeup. Only the lenses of the red was then not to get, still sorry.

And the next day I already run to work. And from the party I went to so much that I only change clothes and gallop in the office. I then worked for the state and communicated with the population about different documents.

Of course, it was noticeable for me that I walked all night, so I was understood with the understanding of how the employees are shy around me.

Day worker walked normally until I got drunk tea. A pair of sips, and suddenly, mom, what is in a cup floats?! And this one of the overhead fangs drank, finally! And the second is still in place! I can only imagine how visitors felt when they came with documents, and they met a girl with vampire fangs.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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