24 Exercises that make your brain work better


We spend time and money in order to achieve the perfect press and tight buttocks, forgetting that the brain is no less in need of daily workouts.

Neurobika or "brain training" - a complex of simple exercises, which in a short time will put your memory in order, intelligence and concentration.


one. Close your eyes and try blindly to dress, take a shower, walk around the house, finding the things you need, collect your eyes closed with your eyes, prepare a simple breakfast ... However, observe the safety equipment and do not overestimate yourself. 2. Make some familiar action with only one hand. For example, cover one hand tie, scarf or shoelaces on shoes. 3. Are you right! Frames a toothbrush in the left hand and try to clean your teeth! Butt the buttons in the shirt with a native hand, take a cup of coffee in it (see, do not burn). Make your brain to work out the areas that are used to lazy and condensively watch the neighbors.
five. An excellent way to shake the cigarette in the skull is a new smell. Any unexpected and unusual fragrance perfectly spoys the rusty gears of your brain. 6. Go to work? Choose a new unexpected route, even if it is longer.

Production gymnastics

7. Change the usual order in the workplace. Stop the paper basket, tilt monitor under a different angle, download new wallpapers. eight. Close your eyes and very carefully walk around the room, trying to determine the location of familiar objects. Find this feature remote and turn blind conditioner. nine. Read out loud from a sheet, overwhelmed upside down. Give the load to your right hemisphere 10. From time to time, work with a mouse and telephone is not a leading hand. If you are not an ambidexter, of course. eleven. If possible, write a handle, not print. Develop your flag mechanical memory
13. Compete with a stopwatch. With age, our ability to focus weakens. The tick timer will force you to focus. Presentation, report or information search on the Internet - Assign a harsh time to perform any task and forward. Do not try to get away from the distance fourteen. During the meeting or meeting, try not to sit. Report and discussed standing.

Neurobik for dinner

fifteen. Dinner in absolute silence. And I myself do not pronounce a word. Concentrate on taste. sixteen. Change the usual area of ​​dinner. Do you like a pizzeria at the subway? - Ploy in the sushi bar on the contrary. Get used to dinner at home in the kitchen? - Cutting table in the living room. 17. Feel the taste of food by closing your nose and slowly chewing and swallowing. Now he grieze. This will make the taste receptors and the part of the brain, which is responsible for them.
nineteen. During the domestic meal of perky dinner, sitting on the floor. Any change of the template gives your neurons load. twenty. Take cutlery (knife and plug) "on the contrary." The plug is right, the knife in the left. Dinner will take a little longer, but the brain will get a good kick.

Neurobika on vacation

21. On vacation is the time to make a new hobby. The unexpected it will be - the better. Do not hesitate to take part in different entertainment programs - drawing, modeling, dancing, music ... Even if you do not succeed in any of these strange classes, your brain will be grateful to you.
23. If you relax abroad - we master one word from the Aboriginal language every day. If at home, then you will have any vocabulary (you can even philosophical) and with the same perseverance, with what you sweat on the exercise bike, download the gray substance. 24. Laugh! Laughter is not a sign of fool. It activates the prefrontal bark of the brain and helps the body to produce dopamine, which is important for mechanisms of perception, memorization and concentration ..

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