Yanush Vishnevsky about feminine leadership, "black protest" and real masculinity


Yanush Leon Vishnevsky is one of the most striking Slavic Prosers of modernity, a singer of love, a fan of women - and not only in the sense that usually invest in this definition. In December, the AST publishing house comes out the translation of his book "Time of Desires" - a collection of essays, vital observations on a variety of topics and, of course, stories about love and hatred, dreams and hope. These are sincere texts about the deepest feelings.

We talked with Janusche that remains behind the fields of the text - about the place of women in his life and the worldview and events of the Polish Autumn, and the most interesting was completed.

I'm not feminist


My girlfriend, Mulgegette Domagal, the chief editor of the excellent women's magazine "Pani" (she is a feminist and understands this) says that I idealize the woman, and this is affordable. They say that I put a woman on the pedestal. They say that a woman's pedestal put to look at her skirt. But all I learned about women for life, leads me to the conviction that women are really better than men.

Of course, I for women to be equal to men the right to implement their capabilities.

Women are responsible, multitasked, sympathetic men and stuffed up to achieve their goals. When I studied physics in Torun, with me in the group there were forty students, seven of them are women. When I ended my studies, fourteen people remained in the group. Seven of them are women. Women are inborn leaders.

When the firm in which I worked, seriously suffered from the crisis and began to go for the bottom, the American authorities sent us a new director, a woman aged. She lived in a hotel for two years. Fly visiting family across the ocean. Once I was sitting at work at eleven in the evening on Friday. She entered and asked: "Yanush, no one is waiting for you?" I can not imagine that the boss-man asked this, and was not delighted with that I was sitting until the morning. Do you know what her directory led to? She saved the company. This is the question of women and leadership. By the way, I now live in the country that the woman is managed.

Women read a lot, Much more men

On my meetings with readers 90% of those who came - women. Statistics says most of the visitors to libraries, buyers in bookstores - women. They wonder what other people think, and they read about it. Publishers benefit from publishing books about women, I think. Let them publish.

I survived several generations of "non-people" fashion

Children of flowers, punks, metrosexuals, LambeSexuals ... It's interesting. In fact, no, not interesting. What's the difference.

Birth of daughters changed all my life

I served five years on the fleet. But I realized that the man makes a man only paternity. I realized that I was now a man when I saw my daughter.

I could not participate in the "black protest", I was in Germany

So I am in solidarity hung a black ribbon on the antenna of my car. But my daughter went to Warsaw and went outside to protest. Her young man, too, although it seems, did not understand what they are actually engaged.

Woman should decide on maternity

Not a politician who knows nothing about motherhood. Not a priest who does not know anything about the family. In Germany, a woman can go and make a safe abortion in tax clinics (perhaps who also paid). So it should be.

I will say what is a real Christian abortion prevention

I am Catholic. I go to the church on Mondays, I like it more - talking with God alone. Once I came and saw the nuns teach several African women to wear a condom on a banana. This is, I understand, work to prevent abortion.

What is happening in Poland is an example of how far the case can go when politics and church are not divided. It's horrible. It is good that this time the politics were frightened and retreated.

I am romantic


People in Western Europe are practical in love, in eastern - romantic. I have long lived in Germany, but I remain the Pole to the depths of the soul. But my daughters are more likely to the German, they look at the fact that their relationships are not only an attraction, but also comfort.

Sit down a feminist is the best thing that may be for a man. If she is engaged in love with you, you know that she exactly agrees. Does not solve this problem, but just wants you.

Violence for women - terrible

In Poland, in Germany, many women suffer from domestic violence everywhere. We live in the twenty-first century, and it continues. This year, two days before the day of the fight against domestic violence on the Moroccan public television, women were taught to bring makeup over traces of beatings. So, as if everything is fine and the only problem is a woman beaten by a woman - it looks beautiful.

In the magazine "Pani" a promotion is going - "Beats only weak." Famous people act within its framework against violence. My portrait there also published with the signature that I am against violence. Because I am against family violence.

It is fine that so many women in Poland came to the "black protest"

In defense of your rights when they are trying to take away, you need to protest!

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Photos provided by the press service of the Publishing House "AST"

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