20 conceptual worst of the last century, and not reached the conveyor


The 50th-70s of the last century for the automotive industry is the same as the era of the revival for painting and architecture. Designers of that time thought primarily about the beauty of their creations, and only then about functionality, ergonomics and practicality. Probably they were not right and keenly were fascinated, but now we have something to see.

Alfa Romeo Bat 5 - 1953

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Handbook on aerodynamics for dummies. In the Turin Auto Show Bat5 produced a real extension. Up to this point, no one suspected that the car could be so mmm ... streamlined. And although the flow production never happened, a lot of BAT5 ideas moved to alpha-romeo serial models.

Ford Gyron - 1954

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It is unlikely that Ford seriously intended to run Gyron to flow. Two-wheeled, unstable, according to the plan of engineers moving straight thanks to the gyroscope - this prototype was more likely engineering delight, than a "serious" car. But what is the idea!

GAZ M-73 experienced - 1955

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It was assumed that on this compact SUV, the collective farms and other functionaries will be driven along the virgin. However, someone from the "strengths of this" did not like the machine, and the Soviet crossover did not want to the conveyor. But in 1996, Suzuki launched its X-90 into production, which also appeared on the characteristics of the damn like M-73.

Bisiluro Damolnar - 1955

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Racing Bisiluro was designed by the architect-surrealist Carlo Molnino for the famous Rider Mario Damont. It seems that the author, first of all, wanted to be "strange," and the technical characteristics are the tenth business. So came out. During the first and only races, the car literally blew into a ditch, after which Molnino and Damont were collapsed forever.

Ford La Tosca Concept - 1955

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Futuristic design is not the only dignity of this model. La Tosca was controlled remotely with the remote control. And it is fifty! Because of the excessive complexity of the design in production, the car did not hit, but the Lincoln 1958 Something from La Tosca borrowed.

Lincoln Futura - 1955

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Experts still call the feet with her double glass cockpit the most eccentric concept model. Apparently, eccentricity and prevented this concept car to become a reality. By the way, Ford safely sold the car in Hollywood, where he was turned into Batmobile for the Batman TV series of the 60s.

Buick Centurion - 1956

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The car is luxurious in itself, but the famous "Rear View" cameras made it, which passed the image of the cars going back at the black and white screen on the torpedo. A full-fledged mobile television studio (in those times, otherwise it did not work) and the transparent roof did this car inaccessible to most consumers. The car, of course, luxury, but not so much.

Aurora Safety Car - 1957

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This is what happens when people do not do their own business. Catholic priest Alfred Giuliano dreamed of being a motor terrorist. And built the safest and most ugly car in the world. Everything would not have anyone any aesthetics, but during the show Aurora broke a total of 15 times. Alas, Father Alfred did not refuse his hobby. He climbed into debt, went bankrupt and, after all, was deprived of Sana. Father Alfred died in poverty. His brainchild has been rotten on the backyards of some kind of workshop, but in the end it was renovated and now occupies an honorable place in the museum.

Chrysler Diablo - 1957

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Chrysler Diablo became the "star" of the 1957 auto show. Actually, for the show, he was created - the usual consumer was unlikely to be able to purchase it. The length of the "devil" - more than 6.5 meters, the hull is decorated with miniature metal "devilish" tridents. The salon is made of leather and velor in red-beige colors. Not everyone is like a pocket. By the way, Diablo is still "alive and well" and is estimated at 4 million dollars. You can purchase if you really want.

Frisky Family Three - 1959

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British racer Raymond Flower invented this economical concept during the Suez crisis. Alas, Raymond rider was not bad, but the automotive designer did not come out of it. The car was considered "impractical in production" and the project was defeated. Sorry. Such mimi.

GM Firebird III - 1959

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Engine-turbine, like a reactive aircraft. Design, like a spacecraft. Management "Joystick". In general, at the end of the fifties, it was a miracle. The creators of the car were hoping that the time would come, when such "fiery birds" will "fly" through the streets. Looks like you have to wait a little more.

Plymouth XNR - 1960

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The main advantage of this concept is the engine power of about 200 horsepower. But on the comfort, designers stuck. The full-fledged windshield was established only before the driver, the passenger was offered to do with a leaning glass visor. True, so that the poor fever did not blow, his seat was placed below the driver's.

Experimental taxi VNIIT-PT - 1964

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Prototype of the urban taxi of the domestic designer Yu.A. Dolmatovsky exists only in a single copy. Bright, roomy, with "ultra-modern" at the time of the sliding door - he could be the first of dozen or even hundreds of thousands. But the idea of ​​Dolmatovsky "Upstairs" was not supported. Probably, the Politburo members did not like the "bourgeois" design.

Dodge Charger Roadster - 1964

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Perhaps this Dodge did not go to production because of the "double" cockpit: after all, the driver and passenger were separated by the high partition. No opportunity to put a hand on his knees with a pretty passenger. Well, what is the meaning in a cool wheelbarrow?

AZLK "Moskvich 408 Tourist" - 1964

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There were only two prototypes of the "tourist". The package included a removable hard top, so that the "tourist" could be like a chic convertible, and quite a "workhorse". Alas. In the production of the car never went. And the prototypes themselves are not preserved.

Dodge Deora - 1965

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Deora, in fact, not a concept, but as a custom, but we could not include him in the selection. This pickup was created to the Detroit AutoMa show and was not originally designed for tract production. But what is the flight of fantasy! Picap's side doors are simply not. Instead of the steering wheel - steering wheel. Not a row, and a Titanic is some kind of (at a price, including). In 2009, Deora was sold at auction for 324 thousand dollars. It is unlikely to be carried by agricultural products.

Ferrari 512S Modulo - 1970

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Ultra-affected and trendy - does not mean good. With all its external advantages, Modulo had a wheel-closed wheel, which allowed the car to unfold exclusively by a large radius. Beautiful, but, in general, meaningless.

Delorean DMC-12 - 1977

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The cult sports car Delorean DMC-12, known on the film "Back to the Future", was produced for some time and enjoyed rabid popularity. True, the "golden age" lasted it for a short time - just longer than a year. Delorean is famous not only thanks to the film engineer, but also because it was made of a stainless steel, which did not specifically paint, which gave the car a completely fantastic look.


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The mass production of Kammback was not launched due to the energy crisis that happened in those years. However, despite the high cost of two cars (in gold and silver corps) were still built for the Vice-President General Motors. Excellent, by the way, the car for the carriage of bulky domestic animals. Do not find?

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