They deliver: 13 Snapshots with couriers


Purchases in online stores and ordering food with home delivery or office - the same sign of our time, like a movie from torrents and love from dating sites. Such services adore workaholics, sociopaths, housewives and ordinary people who do not want to spend a weekday evening on the feats at the slab, and the weekend is on the tenting on megamolylam.

But while the buyer-neophyte is carelessly adding goods to the basket, hoping that the order will wait for it at a convenient time and in a convenient location, his more experienced fellow cancels meetings a week ahead and rapidly rising Zen. After all, whatever you order - pizza, sneakers or home cinema - you will definitely have to hear:

"I'm already going" (how, sleep?)

The correct courier wants to appear effectively: if possible, at the dawn. Of course, much earlier than the agreed time. Online stores, even the most reliable and proven, often resort to third-party courier services. So the time and address of the delivery, about which you "Iron" agreed with a polite manager, for courier, to put it mildly, not an argument. And please bring the purchase "during working hours" - and at all blurry. The work day of the courier has already begun, he wants to free himself up to two, he is already in your area and does not have the slightest desire to return. But you can and run. If you really can't - there is a second option.

"I will after eleven" (your district I have the eighth)

If the meeting at dawn did not take place, only the sunset remains. The courier believes that the purchase of a navigator or hours is a big event in your boring life, and for him not sin and linger on a couple of hours at work. And ordering clothes because of the border most comparable to the best friend's wedding. And yes, he was already in your area at half to the morning, you yourself did not want.

"I don't know how much", how much "(wait a couple of orders and come)

I knew the truth Courier does not spend karma on empty promises. He honestly says that he will arrive "Well, somewhere from two to seven, plus-minus." At the same time, it guess a magical way when you have a planers at work, a meeting with the client, a planned spread of the head or at least lunch and comes exactly at this time. Name this "ass" or "professional smallness", but accept as a given: to go outside for ordering you will have to the most inconvenient time for you.

"I'll go soon" (yes I'm going, I'm going)

Buyers are capricious and require impossible - compliance with agreements. But the courier can calm down. Wherever he was - in five minutes of the way, in two hours or in Nirvana, the answer is always alone. Repeating his "sword" for the fourth time, courier, from politeness, a traffic jam. And immediately asked: "And how do you better get from the subway?" In fact, he has long been sitting somewhere nearby and is waiting for the planenka.

"I can't find you" (explain again, where you)

Map and navigator came up with losers! The correct courier moves to the goal, conslated solely with its instincts, and therefore, slowly. He can make you a reprimand for the fact that your office is indistinguishable from others, not yours, but you live from someone to the offensive far from the subway. He has written on his face that it is ashamed to buy a kettle, without accumulating on an apartment within the third transport. While you recount cash, the correct courier will result in an example of other customers, better: "After all, I only drove teapots yesterday to Pushkin, Eh ..." But if you work on Pushkin or your home address does not allow double interpretations (Moscow, Red Square , Mausoleum), then you will certainly get a courier, all my life supplied teapots in Vykhino. And he "first turned out to be in this terrible area."

"I arrived, go out" (I go, go down)

The correct courier utters this phrase an hour to real arrival. The challenge is to make it waiting for him, and not he. During the expectation, it can easily find out that the courier confused the address or phone numbers. And that he, of course, will "grieve" (and he rides, rides). Buyer is better to capture a thermos and easy reading with me - waiting can delay.

"I'm late, go to the subway" (go out to meet me)

Of course, the courier appreciates his time more expensive. And the view of the young mother, which is shining on the fifth floor at the same time both stroller, and freshly filled microwave, it is even fun. The story of the messenger walks on the Internet, which did not want to get a car "On Dirty Streets", and forced the Customer to fuse to the strategic reserve of diapers without a small two kilometers. If such a horror will pop up in reviews on the store site, the courier has every chance to get a louli, and the buyer is a set of rattles as a gift. But the average customer reviews does not write. Having been taking your order, he forgets and wait, and a march of a shit as a terrible dream.

"We have all the boxes of meal" (and what did you want for this money?)

Yes, this iPhone is gray. Like your face. Life and generally does not shine with paints. The correct courier is always a bit skeptic. Perhaps he himself remembered the box by running it into the forehead driver. Do not confess. And maybe the box really came already mint. In any case, he all sacred for his native store and definitely won't change anything.

"What is there to check - he is warranty?" (if everyone is checked, I will not have time)

I ordered gadgets worth exactly in half-salaries buyers begged to give them five minutes to check. But the courier is adamant. He is convinced that customers still do not know how to use McBuck and Windavo - and what can I understand in five minutes? On offer to drink tea The right courier will always respond with refusal: Obviously, he wants to bribe it with this rubbish pointer to surround an extra minute for the test drive of the steamer.

"I have no time" (no, I can't wait)

The courier delivers not only the covers for the ipads, but also happiness, peace and peace. It is generally almost like Santa Claus, only drunk. It is strange that you do not understand this. However, for an additional fee, he is ready to return in a couple of hours or - so to be - sit ten minutes on the passing of your office.

"Well, we decorated?" (Space here)

The task of the courier is to get money from you and signature. At that moment, when you finish withdrawing the last stroke in the receipt, conversations - if they were - stop, and the smile swells. Scream to the courier in the back: "Sorry, I was wrong! This is not my refrigerator! " - in vain. If he has to go to you again to exchange the goods, he will receive money for two trips, and moral satisfaction.

"I do not have delivery" (you feel sorry for 9 rubles, or what?)

Lessons are never and for no amount. Having delivered pizza for 400 rubles and having received thousandth bills, the courier politely thanks and begins to move towards the exit: probably, these are tips. Broadcast money is only negotiating about significant premium. And having received an accurately agreed amount sincerely offended: here's pimping.

"Yes, by the way" (and here's another ...)

Often, receiving payment, receipt and tip, desperately in a hurry courier suddenly finds the time, and the mood "to chat". If here your capabilities coincide - I advise agree. In addition to urban baakeks, the courier can provide you with useful information about his product (for example, to tell in which pizza it never spits a chef). And your next order from this online store will most likely come in time and whole.

Author - Anya Toropova

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