How to be happy everywhere: 20 tips for inspiration


As Starina Hemingway used to say, happiness is good health and short memory. If you have neither that, neither, rejoice, because that we have collected for you a manual from 20 points on the topic "How to gain harmony and zen, without departing from the cashier," that is, right here and now.

    Eat what you like

Chocolate, huge burger, sorted soybean sprouts, dumplings with mayonnaise or a roast of herring with milk. Nothing personal, naked biochemistry: the food that we really like increases the development of the dopamine hormone, which, in turn, is responsible for our good mood. The method is cunning, but as an infrequent one-time measure to feel happiness - comes down.

    Start the morning class

Waking up, not enough for the phone or computer, but spend a couple of hours so as not to be ashamed to remember the day. Morning sex, unhurried breakfast, charging or just extra five minutes in the soul (hussars, silent!) Early make you happier than a piece of plastic with electronic filling.

    Do not envy

If the successes of friends promulgated in social networks make you green from envy and feel deeply unhappy, there are 2 outputs. First - stop already hanging in Facebook and go make it so that you feel good, the second is aware: you absolutely do not know that you are hiding behind all these photos and likes, the probability that the author is not so happy - exactly 50% .

    Do not spend time in regret

Sorry about the past - the most destructive and unnecessary thing, which can only be imagined. Life is what is happening here and now, while you argue with sad memories. Okay, you became mistaken, but who was not wrong? Leave the former and the Duma to Russian classics, and I myself go to drink tequila or champagne (if everything is completely bad - mix, but not to scold). Haipe, maybe you will not become, but at least you will have to have fun.

    Stop thinking about the opinions of others

Life is too short, so that your undoubted happiness interfere with some conventions, even if this is the opinion of the cousin Lyuba, who has nursed you when you still loved the bare booty. Without a clear conscience, do what I like and makes it possible to feel happy: jumping with a parachute, listen to the lute music of the 16th century, behave as a short-lasting snob and do not care that people think. The main thing I remember that your freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins, so the hopop will be better left in the past.

    Do not make excuses

Justification is a pathetic attempt to negotiate with the conscience and not feel shit if I did like shit. In essence, a waste of time. Admit to at least myself that "no time" is most often "I don't want", leave an excuse to a weak spirit and have already lived happily and honestly.

    Be healthy

"In a healthy body - a healthy mind," they thought, it seems, Spartans, and it is difficult for them not to believe. In fact, it is difficult to be happy when rheumatism or malicious virus overtakes, so we will be banal - do sports! The half-time running, among other things, it helps to unload the head (especially in minus 30), and regular physical activity does not allow you to stick to you all sores, leaving you time and effort on any no darling happiness.


At least once a month, you choose the limits of the "Work-House-Work" route and travel! If there is no opportunity to leave regularly away, then look at your city by the eyes of a tourist: go to new bars, explore new areas and enjoy legal tourist sibertism with a camera and a guide. In addition, travel is an excellent prevention of age-related diseases like marasmus and dementia. You, of course, you are not threatened, but warned - it means armed!

    Do not worry

It's time, finally, admit: the perfect world exists only in the movies. In the reality of the glossy picture without flaws, you will not achieve, even if we master the photoshop of the eight-dimensional Level. Therefore, relax and stop worrying if you are not the perfect figure, not the perfect novel or not perfect friends. Firstly, all these things must first of all make a real pleasure even being far from perfect, and secondly, you are not Carrie Bradschow.

    Work with pleasure

At work, you spend most of your time, more than with family and friends, so make sure that you were at least interesting to you. There is no more correct way to feel like an unfortunate loser than suffering and start from 9 to 18 with a break for lunch.

    Take sex

In our brain there is a special "reward center", which throws into the blood already mentioned above Dopamine every time we do something, according to the brain, good and useful for survival. We have excellent news: sex is one of the most qualitative ways to please the brain. And it is very nice!

    Hawva and love yourself

Even the great did not be bored to make themselves to make themselves compliment, others: in the end, they did not praise themselves - no one praise. So do not hesitate a couple of times a day to look into the mirror and say, Asta La Vista, Baby, Ayill Beck, Aya Yes Pushkin, Aya Yes Sukin Son What is your clever and well done.

    Believe in the best

The process of the emergence of a person is so complicated, incomprehensible and still really not studied, which is surprising, as we all tear away to be born. Let's start at least with the fact that the sperm of your dad walked around 50,000,000 of its competitors, so that you come out. 50 million! This is more than the population of Poland, Spain or Canada. Congratulations, Dude, yes you are lucky!

    Dream with benefit

Dreams are the easiest way to feel happy, because everything is possible in dreams. We have not already 13, and not even 20, so we suggest dreaming constructively: if you want to hur over the intestine of the offenders on the fan, then go to the saber possession courses (remember about the Criminal Code!), And if life without a statuette "Oscar" is not a sweet To begin with, acting skills.

    Remember the eternal

From the point of view of eternity, our life is shorter than the life of a mosquito, and to the nearest planet to fly as much as we did not dream. By the way, right now we are on a piece of hot granite in open space with a mad speed, hell knows where. We do not know how you, and it is very, very, very much!

    Sleep widow

At least once a week, turn off all the alarms, sleep how much will fit and do not even think to experience a sense of guilt on this issue: scientists have proven that first, it is possible to sleep in the future (for example, before Saturday Bucket), and secondly, during sleep All the same dopamine is produced. So sleep calmly.

    Look at the cats

The feeling of happiness is including a sense of one's own need, importance, and even better - indispensability. If you are afraid of responsibility and do not decide to start a personal pet, just look at cats, enotics and other cute animals at least on the Internet. The attack of unfulfilled happiness and mimimi is guaranteed.

    have a rest

To be relaxed and relaxing is vital for a happy person. It is not worth sacrificing with the rest of the sake of work (it will always be a lot) or money (we will be honest: there will always be a little for them), rest is holy! In addition, do not deny yourself the pleasure of daily relax, even if it is a banal felting, nonesthelnia and watching the series.

    Look at the life-affirming movie

A hundred and fifties to laugh at the experiences of the old woman Bridget or be afraid with Lieutenant Ellen Ripley - a guaranteed dose of pleasure and happiness, if this is a truly favorite movie. "Depraved teachers - part 3" - also the option.

    Do not be afraid of change

Any changes - a reason to look at life under a new angle and find new reasons and opportunities to be happy. No event is obliged to be steep, cheerful, unforgettable, stunning or ideal, but it can become such. Or maybe not. Be always ready, like a pioneer, and remember that everything is in your hands. And may strength be with you.

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