Public conscience: Do you not shut up, a cute inner voice?


PICS continues to write a chubby reference book "Myths and the legends of the peoples of the inner world." Today, dear readers, we will tell about the most influential essence, which firmly sits inside each of us. About conscience.

No, it is not necessary to say that some on the site of the conscience of the hole. The conscience is all. In this problem. Because the conscience has a voice. And he, damn, says.

Very nice, king!

Scientists are still arguing about how to determine this very conscience. While there is such a Koriy description: Conscience is the need for a person to be responsible for its actions, which is aware of the sense of internal discomfort in violating its own moral rules. But if you think, it turns out that conscience is our everything. Without the participation of conscience, we can only breathe, drive blood on the veins, sending impulses - well, in general, to conduct a saturated physiological life.

And any other actions - absolutely any! - Must be first approved by our inner king. Imagine? She drives us! By the way, about physiology - and here the conscience launched her tentacles. So why not blow your back to the back passersby? The same.

They say the king is unreal!

In the sense - conscience is imposed on the outside. Society, culture and especially religion with all these of it "do not kill, do not steal, do not whistle in the room." Not really. Everyone has their own internal code of honor, just many of the voices of conscience sing to unison. So we simply agree to steal, let's say not good. It is not imposed on us. If it were possible to impose, no one would have stolen - logical?

How do you send a petty king?!

The problem is that the voice of conscience often prevents us from living, because with him all the time you have to negotiate. And he, the dog, is also dissatisfied with the way we do it.

Here, for example, you do not like your girlfriend's husband. And you do not want to see him at the bottom of birth. Straight to say? You will offend a person. Sit that everything is canceled? Lying is bad. Tolerate his presence? Yes, here is a way out! SHAZ. The conscience immediately whispers that you could not restrain and naughty him for the fact that he will hover the cigarette in the pot with Ficus, and it will be ah-ya-yai. Not good to rude! And now you spend half a day with your unique life to somehow agree with the conscience. So that she did not bite you.

You are not silent like a stump, I can't one work

At the same time, if you apply to your own advice in a difficult situation - it will say at least something intelligible. It will start to pour artures, bills, amendments and additional paragraphs, and then overloaded and turn off. And you are raveling this porridge. And then she wakes up and with ecstasy it clings to you. What to do something with her muffinny?

There were demons, do not deny. But they are self-orded

If the conscience nibbles you for something significant, it's easier to recognize - yes, it was a case. Fucking, I repent. If you look for guilt, conscience will be delighted and will release an extra pair of fangs. Poisonous. Because blaming others in your mistakes - it's not good, oh how good.

And still fight for the honorary title of house of high culture of life!

But the labels do not need to hang on themselves. Of course, the temptation is great to declare himself with the most terrible person in the world and to suffer from this occasion. But it is necessary to say another thing: only the dead are not mistaken, they do not sweat. Living people make mistakes, this is normal. You can worry about this. Stamped yourself forever - no.

Will you fucking offended, death?

Next, it is necessary to understand whether there is a reason to experience flour conscience. Well, okay - such terrible flour conscience. Pump and pour oil into the fire - favorite entertainment of our inner king. So first it costs to soberly analyze the degree of your guilt. May not be boiled in boiling water, oh, not that.

You ignored my question about the tape recorder!

Unfortunately, the voice of the conscience can not be shuffled until he exposes all its valuable considerations. No need to hide. There is what the case is - conscience, let's say, gnawing up you just for the fact that you again selected mom. And if you do not listen to her - she will begin to nibble you for the fact that you made my mother and still hiding head in the sand like an ostrich. This is not what gate.

They can't shout, they long ago dead

But the conscience can even be stuck when she recalls you about the affairs of the past days. If you behave well - she is bored and she offers you to send. About how you fifth grade strip out the girlfriend abroad. No one! Shoot it boldly, everything will turn out. In the end, remind people about their mistakes - it's also not good. Yes! To make yourself an inner hatcheros - let the conscience itself conscient for such a shameless behavior.

Oh not like, oh Haltur!

It is impossible to deceive conscience, unfortunately. Complete.

Oh, yes you, your wellness, bounted!

The voice of the conscience must be listening very, very carefully. Because it often lies on turns. And so he is already ashamed of you for not greeted with the neighbor. Although it knows perfectly well - you do not greet it for five years, and if there are no inner entities on the letter C - you would spit the neighbor in Borsch. With pleasure.

That's what a cross-grading cross does!

Unfortunately, there is only one way to make the voice of the conscience shut up at all. We'll have to look for a way out of the situation that is gnaged. Apologize to the offended, tell the truth to be deceived, and so on. If the situation is incorporated - you have to suffer a little. Alas.

Yes, they will cut the heads and all the business

However, everything is not so scary. Conscience flour - the thing is extremely unpleasant, but not deadly. It will pass.

What a life is yours, the dog is fatigue!

In general, conscience - good thing. Surely you know people who seem to be not. That is, she has them, but some kind of stupid. Sooner or later, they remain with their charcoal conscience alone. Because there are no fools with them. So, analyze your life path and thank your conscience for being so talkative. Infection.

And you will be cured, and you will cure you too, and I will cure me

And if the above tips do not help, then this is not a conscience. This is already neurosis. With this - to the doctor.

Well, Aufyderman, Good Bai, Orevuar, in short, Chao!

Photos: shutterstock

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