"I'm ashamed of your house." Very unexpected letter of mother to her daughter


"Dear Pix! There are things that I have long wanted to say my daughter and could not get the spirit. Then I wrote a letter - and did not dare to send it. I know that she reads your magazine. Publish a letter, please, here is anonymously. Thank you very much, "the editors received such a strange request.

And decided to execute it. We hope the girl really read the letter.

Dear daughter!

You are already seventeen years old, in a year you will be considered an adult. We would need to talk to you seriously, but I never learned to lead a lot with you, important, serious conversations. By the way, I ask you for this for forgiveness.

Because everything I have long wanted to tell you, you will see in this letter. Do not be afraid, it is not long - I'm not at all Lion Tolstoy. I wanted to talk to you about the country that you get from me. No, my mother did not go crazy and did not become inherited a crown. I am talking about the country in which we live with you.

After all, the country is a house, only very large. Parents must transmit it to children if not beautiful, then at least cozy and safe. So in which it is calmly fall asleep and joyfully wake up. I am ashamed, but it's not at all what you get. You had to get a country where you can go down the street without fear, because it's your street - and any street your country in your country. Any time of the day. But you get a country where it is almost loud that there is a condition that rape normally and allowed. For example, if you go to an unfamiliar place or at night. And if you manage to kill the rapist - after all, a girl who rarely sticks, so hard to calculate the forces - you will be put in prison.

And there, in prison, you are not safe. Although the law provides for only the deprivation of you, if you are convicted of a crime, you are waiting for mocking and torture in prison. And yes, they are also allowed and normal as rape. You probably have already heard this. I hope you don't think so.

Forgive me for the fact that I could not do anything to your country, your home was safe for you. And did not even try, because I did not know what to do.

You learn a lot and do not meet with boys. I did not say, but it worries me, because seventeen - such a romantic age ... Even more worries me, that maybe you just like the boys, but girls. After all, if you ask me then, what's wrong with you, I don't have the right to say that you are just such a person and you still have a good daughter. I can't even say that you are a normal daughter, the law prohibits me to talk to you about lesbians as either, except for feeding information about them in a negative key. It's good that the law does not yet prohibit me say that it is he who forbids me to speak.

If you are a lesbian, you will be even more dangerous to live here. You will hear insults and you can not tell about yourself and your daughter's life as all the other moms do. If you haveroked for the fact that you are a lesbian, you again learn that in some situations to beat people allowed and normal. And these are not the situation when they bring someone harm.

I did nothing to prevent it, and did not know what to do. Forgive me again.

Parents should live and work so that their children receive education for free and without obstacles, and it would be better education than parents. Only then the country goes forward.

But with me, education has become worse. More formalism, more inspections, everyone is taught to observe formalities and undergo checks, instead of just learning. And to the institute you enroll more than me. I was able to hire you only one tutor ... I did not hire anyone. I was taught normally at school.

Yes, once it was. All you need, you could learn at school, if not lazy. But I did not leave such a country. I could not do anything to the formation remains for you really affordable.

Forgive me.

Parents must leave the Children to the country in which they are preparing better than they were treated in their childhood, and medicine in which became more affordable. Fortunately, you are lucky and you live in Moscow, so you can really get the treatment on time and free. But, to my shame, if you decide to live in another city of your country, you will face the urgent or current help getting more difficult and harder. What seemed necessary in medicine in my childhood, was now declared in excess, and the country is not subject to doctors and bedsist.

Live or die immediately. Not what I wanted to convey to you.

Forgive me and for it.

Forgive me for everything. I'm very embarrassed. But I really did not know and do not know what to do. I am helpless. By the way, I'm still sorry for the fact that you may also feel helpless.

I love you very much.


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