# Prokino: We looked at it for you: "Fifth Wave" (USA, 2016)



Experienced viewer - a big fan of films about aliens. Therefore, the tired of the dragons, surviving and other applicants of the Oscar, desperately wanted to watch a movie about the next seizure of our long-suffering planet in order to make himself a pleasant. An experienced viewer will not learn to be afraid of his desires.

Crowner, spoiler. Intergalactic inside spoiler. Do not read if you do not like spoilers.

On the autumn forest runs the young high school student-blonde, waving automatic machine. And this, so that you have not doubted, not an automatic with a gas. The forest suddenly ends, and the blonde cautiously sneaks on the post-apocalyptic American village in the postpocalyptic American store 24/7. Slowing through the pockets of stew and bablogs, our heroine suddenly hears the noise that is coming from the corner, and terrible leads in the dark with an automatic side aside. In the corner lies a semi-dimensional guy and directs a gun on a blonde.

Picking on each other. One and a half minutes of the screen time "Throw weapons - no, you throw", the heroes come in a dead end, but the guy surrenders. Throws a gun and stretches for the sinus with another hand. The blonde immediately releases the guy's turn in the head and discovers that the guy tried to get a cross. The heroine is experiencing, the Darwin Prize Committee applauds.



"Who would have thought that I would run through the forest and kill people," the blonde says sadly (her name is Casey, suddenly someone is important) by an irrigation voice, "even recently, everything was different."

The experienced viewer is immersed in a long flashback, transferring to a standard American teenage party, where Casey drinks drinkles and ineptly Cadre Captain School Football Team named Ben. Typically, such pieces end with unplanned pregnancy, but it all ended with an alien invasion.

At first, a huge iron thing appeared in the sky and hung over Oregon. Instead of re-read the script of the "Independence Day" and call Will Smith, the inhabitants stuck stared at the sky of the week two.

And then the "first wave" happened. The first wave cut off all the human electronics, and half of humanity immediately suiched at the wheel. Another quarter died from longing and disappointment due to the impossibility of poke the smartphone. And then the "second wave" came, this time - not metaphorical.


A huge wave that brought all coastal cities in Tartarara, small islands and, of course, Japan. The remaining humanity fastened the pathos on the topic "Humanity has not yet been able to win, yes, two weeks before Cassiopeia doom" and a little face.

The third wave came in the form of gennometric bird flu, a little more disrumbering the redoubts. At this point, the father of Casey came to mind with a fresh idea - to leave the house to the refugee camp. Well, who is a woman and who have children, they understand that dads also do not have such fresh ideas in the heads.


In the refugee camp there was a fun - bonfire, a tent, skiing around the stoves. And then in general it was flooded - the military arrived at suddenly working machines. And they said - we will take everyone to the secret military base, safely there. But first of children - humanism has priorities. Children were taken to school (experienced viewer sobbed) buses, and adults were collected together for briefing.

The main military uncle said - My civilian friends, we will have a fourth wave. Aliens are already among us - they can take our appearance. We learned the children to check, but adults - not so much. So, sorry, you are not going to children, you will have a little quarantine here. Adults began to close a little, then the military shrugged and shot everyone to hell. An experienced viewer hastily made himself a reminder that the military should say: "Sir, yes, sir," and not "let us down from here, I have a gun."

Casey, who went beyond the younger brother and was late for the bus, looks out of bushes, as the valiant army shoots the valiant dad, and post-Factum goes to the night, sobs, takes the machine at the only fallen army machine and goes to the secret military base on foot. Because she promised his brother a bear.


Meanwhile, on the secret military base, children demonstrate aliens (looks like a larva of someone else's, by the way, the designer learned the copy-past), insert subcutaneous chips into the neck and reported that they, children, is the last hope of mankind. Therefore, now they will be taught to shoot them and fight, and then they will be sent against the army of aliens.

Children are somewhat discouraged, but the word of a significant adult turns out to be stronger than anyone: "Uncle, I apologize wildly, and you are healthy at all?" A little brother Casey is also taught to shoot and fight, he has already been eight years old, alien, trembling. And the commander of the branch of Brother Casey by the strange coincidence is appointed captain of the school team named Ben, whom Casey ineptly Kadrila at the start.

The chief military uncle tells children that, according to intelligence, the fifth wave will come from day to day. Experienced viewer imagines a brave American scout, who wanders on a hovering ship in the stratosphere, the larvae stainlessly with a paratrooper and whisper into the microphone buttons: "I inform the exploration data - the fifth wave will come from day to day, and, by the way, Maidi, I, I, I, It seems close to failure. "


Casey goes on the highway, sadly looking at the cozoi of cars when she is shot down. Casey releases the automata towards the alleged enemy and loses consciousness.

The main military uncle informs the pioneers heroes that scientists managed to invent helmets in which other highlighted in green. Now these helmets need to be tested, forward, kids, the birthplace will not forget you.

Casey comes with a bandaged and with a dropper in his hand. This is a wonderful prince by name, it seems, Yaton. Pick up and saved. Casey Prince first does not trust, and then trusts, because he is very beautiful.

The prince is caused to conduct Casey to his brother, but asks not to count very much that the brother is alive. Casey says that I do not care, I went, I promised a bear.

Small killers take off from a secret military base (perfectly illuminated, of course) on helicopters, armed to teeth. Children planted in the city feature, where they are shooting off with opponents, highlighted green. At some point, the Got girl from the team comes to mind that all this is somehow very stupid. Experienced viewer with her completely agree.


Girl-Goth says - Nunafig, I demobilize. Pulls the chip from your neck and immediately highlights green. The captain of the Football team Ben sled down and pulls out his. And also highlights green. No matter, - shouts Ben, - green - these are not different, green is people. Those who without chip. We were deceived, the military - cochahi, we shot people, the military that is aliens, and the fifth wave is me with you.

Children offer to dump and partition from bushes, but Ben left the Casey's little brother on the basis of a small brother - apparently, did not want to take a man without a teddy bear. Therefore, Ben returns to pull out a member of his team, so he is a good captain.

Meanwhile, Casey sleeps with an excellent prince in fallen leaves, and then suddenly discovers that he is different. But the prince says - I'm not different, I was, but then I met you and realized what love was. Now I am a man. Believe me. Casey does not believe and proudly leaves the night, the experienced spectator is rapidly sick in the basin. Nerves at the experienced viewer or to hell.

The main military uncle, who is actually different, displays Ben on clean water from the pollink and is going to execute. But the secret military base begins to explode, and it comes to mind (or what they really have there) that someone attacks the base. Who would have thought.


Ben, taking advantage of the turmoil, runs and faces Casey, which waves automatically and teddy bear in turn. They are cooperated, find a little brother Casey, try to run, but they catch them. And when everything was missing, the larvae of a stranger, who loved and became a man. The larvae of all wins and the price of his life explodes the base.

However, the Chief Military Universe is calmly evacuated and even trying to shoot from the helicopter of runaway heroes. From an imminent death, they save the Goth girl who returned nothing at the jeep. Because the goths are not thrown away.


Little brother Casey sleeps in a tent in an embrace with a bear. Ben and Casey look at each other with a meaning. Girl Goth rolls his eyes into the sky and dreams of time when you can again gather with fun friends in the cemetery and call on Satan.

Other, "says Casey by an offshore voice," the hope believes is our weakness. They are mistaken. Hope is something that will allow us to win.

Children smile each other and drink boiling water from iron mugs. An experienced viewer brings to a mounted tear and understands that the main cant of the film is not a plot at all. The main jacket is that the film was shooting Columbia Piccherni, and had to remove Disney. If the children in the breaks between the automatic queues sang and danced - it would be perfect.

Painted for the larva of someone else's: Alexander Smilanskaya

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