Hero himself. Ten single films


To make a breathtaking plot to the cinema (or in life?), It is usually required at least two heroes: a meeting, drama, climax, forgiveness, Heppi End. But not all people need a couple, in order to become cool. We have collected 10 films for you, which are worth seeing to make sure - to be one cool!

"Buried alive" (director Rodrigo Cortes)

The main character - the fire chaser Konroi plays Ryan Reynolds, and for this the film is already worth looking. One day, as it should be stories with such a name, the floor wakes up in a coffin under several sand meters. It is completely suddenly it turns out that the case is happening in Iraq, and in the coffin there is a lighter and a mobile phone. Hichkokov voltage lasts the entire film, despite the fact that the action takes place on two square meters.

"127 o'clock" (director Danny Boyle)

Arona Rolston is also not very lucky: going to walk in Grand Canyon, he fell, stuck in the cleft, and his hand pressed the stone block. Since save him, the hero has to spend insanely long hours alone. In the interruptions between hellish pain, cold and hallucinations, he records video messages in which it is repent of half of their lives. To spend so much time alone with me - not everyone will endure.

"The man who sleeps" (director Bernard Keizann)

One pretty young Frenchman wakes up and decides that the world around him is now indifferent. He walks in Paris, not paying attention to passersby, aimlessly and imperative, never replacing the expression. Gradually, the visual number becomes uninteresting, as he sees the hero, and thoughts go to the fore - the philosophical text, voiced by for some reason a female voice.

"Victim" (director Michael Greenspan)

Adrian Brody without memory, forest, car with corpse, bag with money and revolver - the beginning of the film is promising. The whole film is wandering through the forest, without understanding what is happening, it is covered with hallucinations periodically - with girls and dogs. The plot is so-so, but Brody in the role of the surviving - good.

"Nadezhda will not fuse" (director Ji Cendor)

The protagonist is not just one on one with the ocean, the director does not give a chance to learn about him with the help of monologues or memories. Yacht, man and sea. Of course, the beginning even amuses - the hero of Robert Redford wakes up on his yacht from the fact that the drifting container with Chinese sneakers struck the hole on his ship. A hole to patch is easy, but to choose between a temptation to surrender or fight for life - it is already capturing.

"Leon" (directed by Luc Besson)

Yes, technically in the movie there is still a bunch of characters, but they are all around him. An unlike, lonely, beautiful killer, who is not able to love people more than a room bush. The classic of world cinema that psychos is treated with other psychos. Even if you watched Leon a hundred times, one hundred first will not be superfluous.

"Gravity" (director Alfonso Quaron)

Not everyone to survive men, beauty can also save themselves, and the world around. Sandra Bullock in a 20-kilogram scaffle and dozens of thousands of kilometers from the ground manages two hours to keep the viewer's attention. She fights, fights tirelessly for survival, because as we remember since the time of the "Alien", it is useless to scream in space, no one will hear you anyway.

"Martian" (director Ridley Scott)

Another story away from the ground. This time Matt Damon and his garden on Mars. It is not very clear what is going to be stronger: whether astronaut will save, or whether his potato will go. Modern Robinson, stubborn and inventive, it is interesting for him to observe how to do ten years ago for the heroes of the reality show.

"Lok" (director Stephen Knight)

Tom Hardy was very surprised by such a big and dramatic role, and finally reheated his handsome handsome. His hero is a hard driver Ivan Lok rides on a car from a native Bermingham to London to get to the hospital to a woman. Not a beloved woman. While he is in the car, he will lose everything: family, work, plans for the future. And all - by phone, with son, wife, woman in the hospital and her doctors. An hour and a half he rides and says. And you look and listen.

"I - Legend" (director Francis Lawrence)

Of course, handsome Will Smith is the main character-loner hero of all time. Abandoned New York, Zombies and Dog - it should be noted that this is the third film design of Richard Matson's cult novel. But to become the main last survivor before and after Will Smith did not manage to anyone. He communicates with mannequins, fights walking and believes that this is not the end.

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