Magic pictures


When you see these drawings, I want to take and get inside - like Alice in the castorgal. Artists who illustrated their favorite books of our childhood were the most real wizards. Now we argue - you will not only see the room in bright colors in which your bed stood, but also hear the mother's voice reading a fairy tale at night!

Vladimir Suteev

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Vladimir Suteev himself was the author of a multitude of fairy tales (for example, "who said" meow "?", Famous for a wonderful cartoon). But most of all, we love him for all these inimitable hedgehogs, bears and bunnies - books with a Sheyeevsky beast inspired literally to the holes!

Leonid Vladimirsky

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Leonid Vladimirsky is the most cute in the world ruined the wise, iron lumberjack and a cowardly lion, as well as the rest of the company that tasted in an emerald city along the road paved with yellow bricks. And no less pretty Pinocchio!

Viktor Chizhikov

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Without the drawings, Viktor Chizhikov did not do any number "Murzilki" and "funny pictures". He painted the world of Dragunsky and Uspensky - and once took and painted the Immortal Olympic Bear.

Aminadav Kanevsky

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Actually, Murzilka himself created an artist with an unusual name Aminadav Kanevsky. In addition to Murzilki, it owns the mass of recognizable illustrations of Marshak, Chukovsky, Agnia Barto.

Ivan Semenov

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Pencil from "funny pictures", as well as many drawn stories for this magazine, Ivan Semenov drew. In addition to our first comic, he also created a lot of excellent drawings to the stories of Nosov about Kola and Mishke and the story about "Bobby visiting Barbosa".

Vladimir Zarubin

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The most cool postcards are drawn by Vladimir Zarubin. He illustrated books, but these umous New Year's squirrels and Eight Martovsky will now ring collectors separately collect. And correctly do.

Elena Afanasyev

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Very characteristic (and such correct!) Soviet kids were obtained by the artist Elena Afanasyeva. Without nostalgia is impossible to look.

Evgeny Charushin

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When the words "Mimichish" had not yet been, the most mimic artist was already: this is Yevgeny Charushin, chief specialist in animal life. It is impossible fluffy kittens, shaggy bearish and laid sparrows - so I wanted to strangle them all ... well, in the arms.

Anatoly Savchenko

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And the most fun and Skodny in the light of the beings were obtained from Anatoly Savchenko: the prodigal parrot of the Kesha, the lazy Vovka in the trident kingdom - and the same Carlson! Other carlsons are just wrong, that's all.

Valery Dmitryuk

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Another King of Zador and Hooliganism - Dunno Valeria Dmitryuk. And this artist equally successfully decorated with adult "crocodiles".

Heinrich Valka

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Another famous "crocodile" - Heinrich Valka - wonderfully knew how to grab the characters of boys and girls, as well as their parents. It is in his performance that we present the "minor on the moon", "Vitu Maleeva at school and at home", "Hottabycha" and Heroes Mikhalkov.

Konstantin Rotov

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Karicaturist Konstantin Rotov portrayed the most fun and bright (despite the fact that black and white) "Adventures of Captain Lunned".

Ivan Bilibin

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Ivan Tsarevichi and Gray Wolves, Fire-Birds and Tseign Frogs, Golden Cockerels and Golden Fish ... In general, all the folk tales and fairy tales of Pushkin are forever Ivan Bilibin. Every detail of this slapper and sorcerer sorcerer can be considered infinitely long.

Yuri Vasnetsov

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And even before Pushkin, we were entertained by riddles, fun, Soroki-Beloboki, "Koshkin House" and "Teremok". And all this sparkling carousel was overflowing by the paints of Yuri Vasnetsov.

Boris Dehteraev

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When we growled to the "thumbnail", "cat in boots" and Perro with Andersen, we were transferred to their countries Boris Dehterev - with the help of several magic sticks: color pencils and watercolor brushes.

Eduard Nazarov

The most chic Winnie Pooh is at all at Shepard (although he is also good, which is there), but still, Edward Nazarova! He illustrated a book, and worked on our favorite cartoons. By the way about the cartoons - it was Nazarov who painted the funny heroes of fairy tales "Traveling Ant" and "lived - was the dog."

Vyacheslav Nazaruk

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Smiling baby raccoon, Friendly cat Leopold and a cunning couple of mice, as well as sad mammoth, who was looking for a mother - all this is the work of the artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk.

Nikolai Radlov

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The serious artist Nikolai Radlov successfully illustrated children's books: Barto, Marshak, Mikhalkov, Volkova - Yes, I also illustrated that they were reissued a hundred times. His own book "Stories in pictures" was especially famous.

Gennady Kalinovsky

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Gennady Kalinovsky is the author of very bizarre and unusual graphic drawings. His manner draw perfectly harmonized with the mood of the English fairy tales - "Mary Poppins" and "Alice in Wonderland" were exactly what "Strant and Strant"! No less original - brother rabbit, brother Fox and other funny lads from the "Fairy Tales of the Uncle Rimus."

G.A.V. Traugot

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Mysterious "G.A.V. Tragoth "sounded as the name of any Magic Hero Andersen. In fact, it was a whole family in a row of artists: the father of Georgy and his sons Alexander and Valery. And the heroes of the same Andersen they had such lungs, slightly negligently - about it is about to take off and melting!

Evgeny Migunov

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Our adorable Alice Kira Bulychev is also Alice Evgeny Migunov: this artist illustrated well, literally all books of the Great Fantasty.

Natalia Orlova

However, another Alice was in our life - from the world cartoon "Mystery of the Third Planet". She was created by Natalia Orlov. And the main heroine artist drawn from his own daughter, but the pessimist of the green - from her husband! Honestly, we sincerely sorry that in these worlds it is impossible to settle all again. But to visit to look very much. And in the company of own spinograms - especially. Not Winxes are single, in fact, child fantasy to feed!

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