9 most terrible male nightmares


Everyone knows that real guys do not dance, do not cry and do not cake. Real guys lead Porsche with one left, right hug someone else's blonde and at the same time earn money with a pleasant voice. The pops of them are firm as a walnut Krakatuk, the bright armpits, and they are not afraid of anything.

Approximately this way is shown by real men in movies that packs Hollywood, Bolivood, and the rest of the advanced Wood to clog the already unbalanced maiden brain. In fact, the man, of course, fear. From "Mom will burn" to "Why leave?". By vile blackmail, bribing and eight liters of Chivas Rigala, PICS gathered the most complete selection of men's fears.

The first nightmare. "Eye eye, tooth, corn, bikini zone, heart." In other words - fear of doctors.

The man of the subspecies of Vulgarian appeals to the doctors only after he sees a bright tunnel, and at the end of him the unclean confession unclean. That says it all. During the rest of the time he drinks, eats, lying, nervous ... does not crack yet. RIP.

The nightmare is the second. "I do not want to marry, so Viktor Petrovich is not married from the financial."

For a logical note, that from Viktor Petrovich for years already ten as the sand lies and he has enuresis, furunculosis and a runny nose, a man does not react. A man does not like to marry himself. First, it is expensive, secondly you never know that it will grow out of his wife. I took a fragile nymph with a crystal voice, and I had to dilute with a little across myself wider and the same ambitions.

Nightmare Third. "Gerontology. Is there any life after thirty, forty, fifty, six - yes what are you talking about? ". Simply fear of aging.

Think, these are only ahead of old age with Botoks go? Yeah, marked. "DOO, they speak with approving voices of a man, as Jack Nicholson makes great, and our clint estigious, Doooo." And they themselves are compressed by a wet palm fresh photo of Silvio Berlusconi, and, losing sneakers, run with him to a beautician with the words "That I am at His age - only so!"

Fourth nightmare. "Tagaianka, I am your immortal arrestant."

Since in our time the mining of the mammoth and earning money is sometimes associated with the breakdown of the Criminal Code and even the Constitution together with the guarantor, then each risk has a risk. Perhaps this is explained, at first glance, completely wild, the desire of men to listen to Chanson and watch, for example, "Brigade-2, heir".

Fifth nightmare. "

strong>How - Nafig? " Or how to live if you ignore everything.
The nightmare has the origins from the time of primitive communal system. By any ways, male individuals should be seen, listened and preferably over. Otherwise, the person dries, cares, breaks off on the close and result in the result. Do you need it?

Sightmill sixth. "And you have the whole spin white" or public shame.

Men are so arranged that it is much terrible to sit in a puddle than women. They are afraid to forget the words of the spell at the conference, the hymn on the audience or the words "the fool himself", said with his beloved. Accordingly, we can conclude that the proverbs about God's dew came up with women.

Nightmare seventh. "French runny nose."

Yes Yes. Men are also afraid to get sick with interesting diseases. And talk to this scrupulous theme, since the years from ten in the courtyard, "the older boys told." So, one senior boy told how publicly rumbled into fainting in the barracks, passing the urgent service in the army, during the checks of the bedside tables. Major, who loved to speak Vitiyevato, opened his bedside table and, envy the mess, crumbs and red ants, cried: "Oh, horror, gonococci!"

The nightmare of the eighth. "Polestoy" or "But who needs it at all, this Viagra."

If, God forbid, someone will mention this deadly misfortune, nine out of ten men are knocking on the table, spitted, barely, turning figs, in general, they drive off to attack, instead of less, drink, drink, nervous and stagger on someone Babam. Naive.

Ninth nightmare. "Skeleton in the closet."

Women, remember, they lie everything. For various reasons, but still. If you feel good in a man, it can be found in it: a snack, a pack of condoms, love for cats, a photo of Sasha Gray or the second phone. Trust, as they say, but check. In general, men - those still briefs. But they are similar to people, and not on universal soldiers. And, by the way, the above nightmares are nonsense. The most terrible nightmare told our designer. He sighed heavily, folded his hands on his stomach, covered with strange long scratches similar to sabers blows, and whispered: "The worst thing is to keep the cat sick otitis when she dripped into her ear."

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