9 reasons why you are still not married



The sun shines, the days are getting longer, the bride turns into urban monuments. It seems you already at this age when everyone around you were overgrown, and now you are with your freedom in the minority.

Mom has a meaningful pursue lips on the next girl in the dress "Cake system", and the girlfriend, thoughtfully looking at their wedding rings, asked "Well, why are you still?" And truth, why? Yes, a pile of reasons. And all - respectful.

You are not good

This is an absolute self-sufficient reason. You can continue to explain anything further. From relatives you can, and you will not be able to. But friends after such an answer should be accurately needed - or they are not my friends, but the ports.

You are too independent


And it's not even that you have no problems with paying bills, a challenge of plumbing and a mammoth care. You really like to make decisions, without looking at anyone, and personally manage your wallet, time and body.

His family has not surrendered to you

Avoid communication with his relatives is easier when you kind of just meet. If you are in the status of "his girls", this chayka is still ashamed to tell you how to live correctly, sculpt the chinkly and washing the floors. And it will not hide his aunt Vika in your apartment, which is traveling to Simferopol. Try to make sure that, being a legitimate wife of their Vassenki.

You are busy business


Well, seriously, just a little later to push - and you will allocate your own department and will be transferred to the Berlin branch. You dreamed about it since the days of the bows and golfikov. In the long run, the investment in a career is even more wise. Love can be found in 50, easily. In bulk such stories. But the career takeoff during the same years is an exceptional phenomenon.

You are just busy

You have on the map still full of unsounded countries. You still have a hundred times a militant hypothetical family day bowls. You learn Hebrew, save the little homeless Iguan, are determined with sexual orientation - shorter, not to trifles.

You have already been there


I got married and returned from there alive, you want to wait a little with the second visiting. Still fresh memories of flying frying pan, sobbing in a cat and a cozy inspector of the registry office, where the same aunts in the fudelines, which they told you a few years ago, dissolve your marriage.

It's not worth it


Are you aware of how much is the average Russian wedding? Modest such, almost Nishchebrodskaya, without a designer dress and rental of the castle in Ireland? 500 thousand rubles. 500 thousand rubles! You can get a car to this money, or even two, if I'm getting smoking. Make the first installment and straighten into the mortgage. Live half a year as the Queen, on the Balinese shore. Buy 11 363 chocolate bars and chups for surrender. And what, instead of all these joys, you suggest to spend such a bunch of money for salads for four custodial devices? Yes, do not wait.

You and so good

You live together and do not understand why the state must certainly bless your union. In the stampe there is some sense, of course - when one of you is called to work abroad. Or one of you military, who is chased back and forth on garrisons. Or you decided to jointly buy an apartment. And that and children give birth. But if there is nothing in history - but why?

He is not the same

Well yes. We will be honest - you are not bad with him, but you yourself understand - this is not a big love. You have not met big love yet. And if both sides are suitable for both parties - excellent.

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