"OMEN", makeup with gloves and hijabs in athletes: What did the world given the seventies


The late twentieth century can be called as goodwill, great and terrible wizard. Never, mankind did not kill himself on such a scale. Never have ever achieved such jumps in the development of art, science and actually human thought.

One of the most brightest decades of the twentieth century is the seventies. Let's remember what they gave us?

In 1975, we learned that ordinary people can stop the war, and the flowers are better than bullets

Long anti-war protests in the United States, in which in one form or another, in the end, almost all sections of society began to participate, gave the result. America stopped the war in Vietnam.

The most active fighters for the world were hippie, the movement of young and hairy. During protests, they offered the American analogue of the Omonovans flowers and even invested them in aimed at the protesters.

Methods seemed to be madly, and the wrestlers with the war of the Yaro were cried for non-patrioticity, calling almost the traitors of their homeland. But in the war for the minds, the flowers were, fortunately, stronger bullets. Although they defended worse: a lot of young men and girls died in the struggle, without applying to the enemy and Tolika similar damage.

And any flowers and songs may be powerless against the gang of armed scum in power

"It rains in Santiago," the password who gave a signal to the armed coup in Chile sounded. During the coup by its participants, several thousand citizens of this little Latin American country were killed. The country was covered with political concentration camps, but very briefly. And not at all because the people contained with apologies were frowning to the will.

One of the most famous victims of the coup was the poet Viktor Hara. Trying to inspire people sitting with him on the stadium turned into a concentration camp, he began to sing. People were not inspired, a miracle did not happen, Victor Haru jailers brutally killed on the spot, without having to stretch the process for four days. In Almost 20 years old, a military dictatorship regime was established in Chile.

Humanity began to prevent in the Middle Space

Soviet lunoys were stagnated by the moon, several space research stations were brought to orbit, the Viking apparatus was removed on Mars a giant cosmic person ("stone sphydrix"), and mankind was once again assumed to Martian. Humanity generally loves to believe in them, because alone with him is scary. And not surprisingly.

We have received a visual evidence that humanitarian progress can always return to the Middle Ages.

The Islamic revolution took place in Iran, and it determined that his appearance that we were so well familiar. Athletes in hijabs, ban on women to study many disciplines in institutes, gay executions for homosexuality.

Йоко Оно и Джон Леннон выпустили альбом с песней “Woman Is The Nigger Of The World”

Faintly? And use comparisons with women and girls as insults politically correct?

The album was released in 1972, but since then nothing has changed. Women still remain a certain "separate caist", which requires less food, more control and different kinds of separate, special pink items, which representatives of another caste use Zaplas and Zashkvar. What, in general, speaks everything about what caste is considered higher.

Humanity received a computer mouse

The device patented in 1970. To less than in half a century to refuse it in favor of your own fingers.

We took the first step in mobile era

With the appearance in 1971 the first network of mobile communications. Then it was assumed that it was needed only for use in cars. Will you not carry the phone with you just like that?

The world of fashion has enriched in the concept of basic wardrobe

And before this was called what is now called the wardrobe capsule. In addition, mankind with creak recognized female trousers, loved and sobbed a "mold", the turtleneck became a normal alternative to the shirt and shirt, and jeans are classical and universal clothing.

Styles Safari, Militari, Folk and Low-Tech (which is now also called environmental), too, with us from the seventies.

Music "Disco"!

And although it is eternally actual, it did not, without ABBA and makeup with glitters, we no longer imagine the history of European culture.

And the seventies presented us with the Queen group and that Freddie Mercury, whom we love.

Skinheads and Panks

Two currents, which, how many of them enter into a wide culture, remain marginal. By the way, the originally skinheads were anti-cancers. Actually, there are still many skinheads antifa. The britheads of the fucking racists themselves are called Bonheads, from the English word Bone (bone or ereginated member).

Classic horror films and Soviet comedies

Frame from the film

"BOM", "Dawn of the Dead", "The Hills have eyes", "Women's Day", "Alice, Honey Alice", "Jaws", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Cutting Devil", "Bikes from a crypt", " Girl from the alley "," Stepford Wife "," Print Devil "and eight films about Dracula with Christopher Lee.

And also the "garage", "the incredible adventures of Italians in Russia", "Service Roman", "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession" and "the irony of fate, or with a light steam!".

We combined these movies into one rubric? No comments.

"Star Wars"

Once in a distant far galaxy, Princess Leia, Khan Solo, Luke - I am your father, Chubakka and all-all. Would your laser sword be what color?

By the way, another cult film in the genre of science fiction, "someone else's", also donated to us by the seventies.

I would like the tenth of years to remember the twenty-first century for something like that, and not a bunch of remakes.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

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