Cultural shock: 13 things that roll your brain abroad



Alien country - ethical dots. For all globalization, we are damn different, and it is better to prepare for these differences in advance.

Dragon Tips (USA)

We leave for tea in the restaurant only if I liked everything, the food is delicious and the waiter is the cut. And in America - always and everywhere. At least 15%. More precisely, so: if you leave only 15%, it is equivalent to the spit under the feet of the owner of the institution. You need to leave 20-25, and not only in the cafe - all hotel workers, taxi drivers, porters, bartenders and others expect the same.

Homeless (South Korea)

Get ready to change your idea of ​​homeless. In such a modern country, as Korea, we do not expect to see the crowds of 50-100 homeless people right at the intersections, in parks and on sidewalks. And they are.

Sophisticated relationship with toilet (Greece and Thailand)


Both in Greece, and in the country of smiles in almost every toilet, the lacrimal requests do not throw toilet paper in the toilet and even the more empty cardboard cylinders from the used rolls. Throw everything in a basket. With pipes in these countries and the truth is trouble. Three-four papers, irresponsibly washed into the toilet, can tightly score them and turn the toilet to Niagara Falls.

Wide Assortment (Finland and USA)

In these countries, you can buy milk, bread, sausages, as well as bullets, rubber dildo on the outskirts itself in the outskirts. If suddenly winter and invasion of zombies, you will easily survive these troubles on one assortment of local labaz.

Purge me (Vietnam)

Vietnam still is not a particularly rich country. But Vietnamese do not give up - they work like horses. And it is still confused - they will seriously believe that touching a healthy and wealthy person brings good luck, and do not miss the case to stroke or acquire a stunned tourist.

Unforgettable schedule (Italy and Spain)


From noon to three, you will not buy anywhere anywhere. Because people have dinner time, and this is holy. Lunch breaks can easily be able to crazy an unprepared Russian traveler who are divided by stores that work 24/7. In large cities, it is simpler, but in the remote towns, the city is simply dying for three hours. It concerns even supermarkets. And on Sundays, they also do not work.

Quiet phones (Japan)

If you in the public place stuffing up the phone, you will look at you as if you were cut down - four-storey and with re-entry. Because in the country where everyone sit on each other on their heads, it is customary to respect someone else's peace and turn on the vibration.

Food on a plate (China)


On with taught that it is impossible to leave anything on a plate, it is impolite and in general is not good. The Chinese, obviously, taught something exactly the opposite. Fencing people will never stand here because of the table, leaving a clean plate. Half of food is initially intended for the release (which is why the portions here such as the Gargantua would pass).

Emotional landing for the train (India)

To take the train, you will need a player skills in American football. The knees are working (they are kicking), elbows (they are shoved), and Taye nails (they can scratch the fellow travelers). It is desirable to yell "on the board!"

Excluded closely (Mexico)

In Mexicans, personal space takes about one and a half millimeters. Therefore, unfamiliar people will constantly press you during a conversation.

Hot greeting (France and Italy)


People here are wildly loving and kiss constantly - both at meetings, and goodbye, and boys, and girls, and the best friends, and the people you met two minutes ago. The number of kisses varies from two to three, and the order of soching the cheeks is fastened only by long practice. At first, you will certainly face noses.

Full front nudity (Germany)

The Germans have long won every shame. They calmly sunbathe on Topless beaches, and even in what the mother gave birth, and on TV in the prime-time you can easily see someone's naked ass.

Contliminate signals (Bulgaria)

If you have never happened here, you will be shy for a long time - Bulgarians nod your head, when they want to say "no," and wind from side aside when they mean "yes."

Eat what they give (South Africa)

South Africans - just like us. Exhibit on the table for guests all the best. The best can be some kind of fried beetles or lobes of unknown animals. And in no case cannot be refused, because disrespect and swine manners.

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