7 false phrases that each of us spoke at least once in life


To lie is not good - you were taught this in childhood, right? This already started it all about a lie to salvation and other garbage. But what to do with self-deception is not good in doubly, for some reason they did not say. But nothing! We will open your eyes!

From Monday I will start a new life!

Who generally invented that new life should be started from Monday, why not from Friday? Or from January 1, and not, say, from 28? Science (and we too) are unknown by heroic cases of will, when a person met a new year with Olivier and champagne, and the next day happily went to the gym.


First, most of the gyms do not work on January 1. And secondly, in vain or what did you preside the basin of this Olivier? It can now have three days. So if you want to do something - quit smoking, go to the hall, - do not wait for Monday. And especially on January 1. Act now!

I can lose weight when I want

No you can not. Otherwise, you would have long been our own health, and I would not live in the formation of cosmic jelly. Look in truth in the eyes - the wills of the will do not get to you. But this is not the reason to eat the mountain fast food or buns. The evil coach quickly modifies you and helps to get on the right path.


Moreover, it is clear that the more awesome look will be the coach, the better for you. No money on the coach? Well, some sports and evil girlfriend there are definitely (they are now everyone - thanks to the cursor hobby, crossfit and run). So come on, adjoining it and the Competitive Spirit will make her job.

Self pass

Sick side? Nothing! We just need to lie down a little! To the doctor? Yes, there is no time. Familiar situation? Do you know that such a careless attitude to his own health is fraught with the consequences? No, it is not necessary because of each silence run to the reception to the therapist. But if you got something wrong, then the blow to the examination. It will not be worse from this, and it will be calmer.

By the way, many women do not pay attention to disturbing bells, and then it turns out into serious diseases of the breast cancer. But we do not even intimidate you, but just ask: be attentive to your health.

This time we all seriously

You part every week and a half weeks. You are crying for friends, you start a new life, and then you for some reason we meet with him under some kind of idiotic pretext and you happily notify everyone that you are together again and you have it forever. Girlfriends, by the way, probably already hate for these pairings: you are already determined - either together or not.

At least stop composting brains to friends - they are exactly what. Otherwise, garbage turns out: you are about him about how he offended you, changed, beat and jealously to each post, they, it means, everyone did not feel, and then - Opo! Death number! "You returned to this mint again." WTF ?? Let's clean, girlfriend. If he really checked you, drank or beat, then it is more than a serious reason to part forever. You can not cope with it - Bay in Nabat and run to a psychologist, they know how to work with it.

I will help him correct!

The story is old as the world. He drank, used something forbidden and led a bohemian lifestyle. Here you appeared. Everything is so rapidly twisted. But he still drinks, does not intend to change his lifestyle. But you believe that the power of your love will be able to change it and help him get rid of the harmful habits.


And now - surprise! - bitter truth. If he does not want to correct, you are powerless. Of course, you can endure and hope for the best. But the likelihood that something will change extremely small. Moreover, if there is no attempt to do something from him.

He will leave his wife and marries me

Haha, and here is not. You really think that, having lived 15 (or how much) years in marriage (as he says unhappy) with this sad Grymza (Meager, Kikimor - I need to emphasize), he is now divorced, turns the past, marry you and you will begin with pure sheet? Think myself. Of course, the soul suffers is being improved, but this is necessary to have such a crave for spiritual growth and enlightenment, in order to voluntarily obrace on 15-year-old torture.

And all these conversations about the fact that she does not understand him and does not support and sense from her like a goat of milk, the eggs of the left are not worth it, if at the same time he doesn't make it anyway. So if you are already a year (or two) you believe promises, then it's time to terminate this matter and start building your life.

The boss will notice my talents and increase me


You seem to live in a fairy tale, true! No one notice your talents going. Especially if you do not demonstrate them and do not focus the attention of the leadership on our successes. The point is not that the boss is an evil troll. In addition to you, and so things are full. There is not to cultivate from the staff of the stars. So do not lose and show that you know how! Double flip-mines back - the most! The main thing is to choose the moment!

Illustrations: shutterstock

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