12 films about food that will be returned to you taste for life


We are not at all obliged to share the opinion of those who believe that food is just fuel for the body. Too much in the light of people who honor food for pleasure and art. The fact that the time spent in the kitchen is magic, and not a banal life, a lot of films are shot, and Pics.ru remembered the best.

"Food and Maiden" (director Minor Kurimura, 2009)

A little-known Japanese film, which was shown once in the summer on the IMKF, and then forgotten well. And very in vain. The plot lines around the girl who works as a cook in the Japanese restaurant, where the guy comes regularly, which does not eat any of her breast. The girl is very trying to cook him culinaryly, for example, laying out the prawns of recognition, and he is all on the side. The fact is that he simply cannot eat food, cooked with strangers. In the film there are also side plots that reveal other aspects of human relationships with food. At a minimum, entertaining.

"Julia and Julia: Preparing happiness by recipe" (director of Nora Efron, 2009)

The film-medicine from a bad mood and a bad appetite removed the queen of the pending romance to Nora Efron ("unquesting in Seattle", the Writer "When Harry met Sally"). The picture is biographical, based on Memoirs Julie Powell. According to the plot, the main heroine (Julie) is attached to cooking through the book written by Chef Julia Child, begins to slowly master the spoons of the chewls and tell about this with the War Bog. At some point it really begins to seem that all problems can be solved by staging to the stove. Just like that for yourself.

"Chef Adam Jones" (director John Wells, 2015)

The history of the return of a talented and famous in the past the chef of the Highest Mislenovsky level was to play Keanu Rivz, and David Fincher was going to directed. I suspect that it would be a completely different movie. In the existing version of the gifted kitchen psycho played Bradley Cooper. Its image was collected from all known star telepobovarov, such as Kohnon Ramsi. In fact, an instructive story came out about how blind passion and love for his business can return you to life, and even just as they can throw you out of it.

"Ratatuus" (director Brad Berd, Jan Pinkawa, 2007)

Cartoon that can not be included in this list. The conflict is already laid in the very idea: the rat, which the entrance to the kitchen has been ordered from the same time, as a person got the fire, eager to cooke and think of his life without a cook cap. This "existential drama" also appreciated the film academics, giving the "Ratatnu" Honored Oscar.

"Mental cuisine" (director Fatih Akin, 2009)

Film-holiday and film party in one bottle shot a festival pet Fatih Akin. There is a suspicion that "spiritual cuisine" is such an art cabinet, which is welcomed by the film worker. On the main character of Zinosa Kazanzakis, 33 misfortunes are lying. Among others it turns out that from his god of a forgotten restaurant, they want to make a brothel. Kazanzakis need to save everything urgently. He strongly risks, resisting the villainets of his detractors, hires a steep cook, and then see themselves.

"Spices and Passion" (director Lasse Hallstrem, 2014)

Indian culinary traditions against the French speck are confronted in this film in order to defeat friendship. Bastion of French gastronomic values ​​protects here the owner of the respectable restaurant Madame Malori (Helen Mirren). But even Megera's heart is not a stone when it comes to professionalism and true talent.

"Cook on wheels" (director John Favro, 2014)

About the fact that you simply do not make a restaurant business that you didn't have a retelling business, but honorated my "cook on wheels" John Favro. Having lost work in the prestigious institution of the Chef is absorbed by the idea of ​​making his diner on wheels the best in the area and even further. On the screen in full growth, shameless romanticization of Food Tracks, which decorates the flawless diva Sofia Vergara. Excellent cinema about delicious street food, if you do not transfer this business model into our latitudes.

"Delicates" (director Mark Caro, Jean-Pierre wife)

Well, how to do in the kitchen without black humor? I warn you, this "juicy" Ginol-Hi French directors transmit people with strong nerves and no less strong stomachs. The owner of a strange and mysterious house is part-time and butcher in a shop on the first floor where all residents buy meat. We have to tell that they are also the source of the entire meat assortment in the store. You probably do not believe that it is not only terribly, but also ridiculous?

"Round Raoul" (director Paul Bartel, 1982)

Another lot from the special forces "black comedy". What you can't do for the sake of dreams, that's one married couple thought so when lovers realized that they had no money for their own gourmet restaurant. He lost its work in a wine store, and she was not very fun to work nurse. One day, it is quite by chance they kiss an uninvited guest in a pan. It turns out to be in money, and the doves decide that the frying pan can continue to apply it is not directly intended.

"Mystical Pizza" (director Donald Pitr, 1988)

Such beautiful and imperious Romomov seems to be no longer done, unfortunately. But the "mystical pizza" can always be reviewed again. If you forgot what there is a secret of a real pizza from the town of Mystic, it's time to refresh memory.

"Waitress" (director Adrienne Shelly, 2007)

"I came up with a new cake, it is called:" I hate my husband, "says the main character of this film. Jenna works as a simple waitress in the most ordinary diner, but she has a talent - she masterfully invents and bakes different pies. And gives them an exhaustive name! Jenna from those girls that they do not give up hands before the difficulties of fate, even if this complexity lies in the premissible and garde husband and in unplanned pregnancy from him. Everyone can endure if you even love anything in this life, even if it is just the pies.

"Journey" (director Michael Winterbottt, 2010)

Winbott moved the "journey" from the series taken for the Air Force channel. Two friends, but more rivals, go to the gastronomic tour in the north of England, although at first the hero of Steve Kugana was supposed to go with his girlfriend. The trip was paid by the newspaper for which the text should be passed, but Kugan's girl threw, and he called the Korean. Elegy mood of gourmet tourists will change hundred thousand times, dishes, restaurants and landscapes too. An excellent film wider for those who are going in the near future, and for those who are not - too.

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