I scare home: the most rice cosmetics reviews



What to you - to beautiful or smart? If "and there, and there," then it is for your cosmetic forums. It shines such that we can only take and learn!

My leg soul

I bought myself a balm on grape leaves. I went to wash my head yesterday. Well, everything, I think, I will be beautiful with a beautiful one. Shampoo washed away, the balsam began to apply and feel that there is no usual effect. Moreover, the hair somehow even tougher became ... I, of course, I admit that I didn't even go to the site, but simply ran through the catalog and ordered, not based on the product information (there was simply not there in the catalog), and From its own visual feeling-opinion-presentation.

In general, briefly the final of the story: it is a balm for the legs! Wise without information - this is the courage of the spirit! The visual sensations can also slip the cream ... (here and further - ed.)

Combi skin, more problematic, fatty. And in general I am all fatty ...

No, well, why so self-critical! ..

My friend and I rested in Turkey, and there I was constantly disagreed by one Turk. I almost do not paint on vacation, he saw me without cosmetics for 10 days and was backed every day. When I passed in the penultimate day past with full make-up - I did not find out! I was delighted, but when later on the same day lay on the beach boots upstairs - he figured me out of all naked tel and approached ...

Clear is clear. Want to hide - Krable priests, girls!

Last time Favorite feet for legs - half-liter tube from Ikea: about 30 rubles. - And "Understand"! I use not sore, legs - like a child ... And, most likely, the soul (feet) "warms" the price ...

The price of the legs warms the price - it is better not to say. Is that if the soul of legs like a child!

She washed, pushed


By virtue of his profession, the husband is especially attentive to different kinds of trifles and details. I acquired him a new deodorant, or rather the antiperspirant. Surprised and pleased him of the fact that in this means of hygiene finally, the pshik goes under the right angle. I do not know how other homosapions use antiperspirates, but in my practice direct corners is not exactly observed.

Men's homosapions are so harsh that they are suitable for cosmetics with a square, plumbing, caliper and theodolite.

We must pay tribute to manufacturers for their efforts in the field of men's hygiene. Finally thought that a bottle of a male shampoo should be a priori inverted, and shaving foam was dosed with one click. We look forward to neonoski, which will be in pairs themselves.

And please, self-cleaning, with the aroma of lemon.

The cream for the chest did not try, the son is constantly asking for ...

Oh, understand. It is impossible to get to your own breast.

I tried a varnish in different ways to sfotkat, but the photographer from me is the same as the swimmer - no. On the daylight, my handles have acquired a cheerful sulfur body tint ... But I'm repent and try!

Hue cheerful - France ...

Arina: "And you are stronger! The mouse is brocured, but they continued to eat cactus ... So you are with masks))) I tried everything! " Karina: "Well, so you want a beautiful and well-groomed chapel! How many more jars waiting for me ... "

And then as many jars with a means of baldness ...

All liked it. Later I will throw links. I just washed, it was very tired.

I needed, I didn't think, I would not get to the house ...

I sit and cry


The whole collection is not suitable for me at all, the lip colors will become for 10-15 years, the shadows - the eyes like a crying cow ... And I have a makeup to this makeup and shoes, and dresses ... What am I unhappy! I do not even know how to live on ??? I sit and cry ... well, even though the husband flew a few days - I would definitely decide that it was crushed.

When you feel bad, write this review. And you will understand that you still have the rules! That's where the universal trouble.

Do not buy them! I had to buy a shadow dress, then shoes with a bag ... ruin, not a beauty!

So after all, the classic: to the bag car, to her husband ...

Good scrub. Even if he does not catch anything, apply it - one pleasure!

Lieutenant, do you like children? - No, but the process itself! ..

I bought the ISL tonalnik, the first time it was put to him and went on a date. The club on the couch relaxed on the shoulder at the MCH, the next day he said me that his entire jacket in my tonel. I joked for him not to wash it, as the tank is almost 3000 p.

I wonder, and the relationship is this tool how does it strengthen?

For the first time in my life I have a rash! The skin was Ta-Aka dry first, but I thought it was normal ... then it seemed that some kind of uneven skin became ... and today rash! What, sorry, shit before just did not have to use - never had this! If someone knows something - please tell me, Clean the fool, maybe I did something wrong?

Clean - this is on another, less secular forum. But the installation of shit does not use - we can give it.

Moroccan shampoo turned my hair in the fluff. Today I collect them all day on my head. Somehow I do not really have such an effect!

Indeed, not very - a whole day down on the head to collect. Roll-field straight.

Shampoo for horses


As I usually bought a mascara in the market around the area, because he is the most glorious ... about the pros. It does not appear very long (almost 2 hours). Makes a view of air, and the eyelashes are light, like a deer fluff. It flows not streams, but jets. It is washed off by any detergent, even without chlorine. The only remark - it is necessary to blink more often, but you quickly get used to it, otherwise the eyelashes stick together and the eyes no longer open. In general, brush the eyes, be sexy, smacks!

No comments - every word diamond. Learn, girls.

Deeply cleansing face mask - this is normal! A thick consistency, a rich green color, frighten your home, well, so normal.

The result for the face is not so important. Homemade fused, you can relax.

Girls, recently heard about some kind of shampoo for horses. According to some reviews of acquaintances, it helps even in the most running cases. A little scary, I don't want to lose all the hair in general, but maybe I'm afraid I'm afraid?

We are also scary. But it's scary than everything ended. Horse-ah!

Yes. I use the shadows of "Ruby Rose" for 5 years and they always satisfied their bright and expressive shades of purple and blue colors. My eyes acquire radiant shine and a certain piercing image that I want to portray. I am always painted on a date brightly. I focus on my eyes and goes to me. I become more expressive and brighter. Also brightly, as we live your life.

It was a cartoon!

Do not be poverty!

Shampoo Sweep miserable, so a little unusual sensation seems to be in the process of washing that does not wash. But these are all false feelings.

The world, according to some philosophers, in general, the sum of false sensations.

And who ordered a mask from the "Bal Agafi" series thermal for the body? This is a complete Alles! Grandma Agafya, you - Baba Yaga, who wanted my death with a sophisticated way!

Cosmetics BDSM-series: We care about you with a sophisticated way!

Scrub Skryabat is normal. And the smell remains. You are sitting like that, and next children are spinning, the noses are driven, they ask, what ate ...

And they touch the hungry so ...


I bought a specially dark shade - as a Bronze, not to look a pale.

Um, sorry ... who? Oh yes…

Tension tank in oil. Perhaps this is a not enough hot woman, but for me these grains do not melt immediately. Well, and so - my beauty is in place.

Not a sultry woman, not a dream of a poet - but beauty is in place, already OK.

Dove's mask is such a brave all in a striped yellow-white, the challenge threw her naughty hair. The chapelur is at least short, but it's not entirely meek, after chemistry it dispersed, died. Balm-mask came to her and the shine brought!

... Only the roof took, here are such things.

If the girl by the age of 30 could not learn to be beautiful, then she simply fools - so the folk wisdom says. I am in sayings and signs sacred, I don't want to be fool ...

The first part of the last phrase contradicts the second part of the same phrase ... But in general, wisely!

Assembled: Julia Sheket

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