Retablos: How and for what the Saints Mexicans


Retablos is the pictures that Mexicans ordered to artists to thank their saints of patrons and personally, the Lord God for the fact that some trouble walked them or managed to cope with her.

Painting-Retablo assumes the image of the resulting and text with gratitude and accurate indication, for which the customer retabilo thanks the saints. Probably, the custom itself was inspired by the images of the acts of saints on official icons. Many of the retablos unfold into an exciting or touching story.

I, Vicente from the area named after José Lopez Portillo, remained without work. I did not have a good formation, and therefore I set off an illegal migrant in the United States in search of an American dream. Neighbors told so much about it. During the crossing through the river, the two of my conduits, who I paid, threw me on the mercy of fate. At a dangerous moment, when I was almost caught, I prayed to Queen Mexicans. She helped me get lost and get to the whole. I promised her rertablo. After a set, the time I went well. And now I return home and speaking promised. Mexico City, 1990.

My son Paco had a high temperature, and he saw skeletons around him. They laughed and wanted to drag him with them. I was frightened and prayed to the Virgin Sapopan, so the son fell the temperature. In the end, she heard my plea. Pakito slept the heat, and he even began to eat a little. Thank you for the Most Holy Virgin.

I thank the holy baby with Athakes for the healing of my right eye, which hit the barb cactus. Peter Munos, his spouse, witness. H. Jesus Arais. June 5, 1939, San Luis Potoshi.
Ramon Teyste presents this rertebly to Saint Patrick in gratitude for a personal acquaintance with Chalk Gibson during the filming of the film held in his state. And he even took part in the crowd.
My sons loved to walk with them for a walk. But since he was very thick and clumsy, one day he stumbled and fell. We thank the Sapopan's virgin, that the boys managed to save him, and the poor animal did not hurt too much.
I was desperate after I was fired from work. I did not know how I contain my family. Then I had the idea to sell takos at night. I got metered by the Holy Goer Fadda, so that I did everything. With his divine help, I went very well, and now I have a lot of visitors. Blessed Be, Saint Judas. Magdane Romero, Puebla.
I repaired the roof, stumbled and fell from the stairs to the stump. Stump-sticking chip stunned into the stomach and passed through. I prayed to the Holy Fork and asked him to send me relief. I recovered and recovered from this deadly wound. Lorenzo Garcia dedicates this ex-head. Patchuka, Hidalgo. Passionate Week, 1956
Our elephant was always obedient, but on April 3, 1962, right before the speech he was born. We thank the girl Guadeloop, that we were not injured, and that the animal eventually calmed down.
My son Arturo became Lunatic, since his father left for earnings in Morelia. Arturo opened cabinets and dressers and digged them. In desperation, I walked around the Virgin Sapopan, as I was afraid that my son turns into a real thieves. The Most Hard Virgo heard my plea, and on August 18, 1940, my husband returned home. And my boy immediately cured, for which I thank.
My daughters began to hide and lost in the burned forest. They were frightened, since everything around was black and dead. They could not find the way back, but suddenly hundreds of yellow butterflies appeared and began to circle around them. Girls went behind them, and the butterflies brought them out of the forest. Thank you Sapopanskaya Sapopan for this miracle.
Louis Rojas thanks Saint Yakov by this Retablo for the fact that during the Earth-Station he managed to run out of his house before the house collapsed.
Rafael Chavez presents this Retablo Saint Cecilia in gratitude for taking it with the first violin in the city symphony orchestra.
We went fishing, and our boat gave flow. There were many hungry sharks around us. We asked for patronage in the Most Holy Virgin Rosary, and miraculously were able to get to Sushi before the boat drowned and sharks were devoured. Thank you for it.
When I got sick, death declared me. She approached the bed, and I was very upset, because I did not want it to take me, because I was still so young. I grabbed the crucifixion, praying the Lord Wonders about the patronage. Before the crucifixion, death retreated. I was saved. Thank you for it.
Hussfa Gutierrez went to the city to sell fruit. On the way, her donkey was whisked because of the bite of the wasp and dropped the hosefa right on the stones. She hit her head so much about stones, which she was harmful as the devil and death came for her. Josefina thanks his guardian angel, who flew and several sickles led her to consciousness. Death and the devil were forced to leave with anything. Josefa thanks for the fact that they remained disappointed.
Thank you San Juanskaya for having sent me a man who pulled me out of prostitutes and offered me to marry him. Now I am very happy next to him. Glory to you, Most Holy. Sofia worst Ruiz, Guadalajara, 1955
In September 1939, Grad threatened the sowing of Toribio Ortis. He was reserved by Saint Isidor, and Hrad did not harm him crop, for which he thanks this retablo. San Andres-Chalchikomul.
I was very thick, and my cousins ​​told me that with such weight I never get married. But I did not lose faith in the Most Holy Virgin, and thanks to her, one of the most beautiful young men in the city fell in love with me, and I am in it. After a beautiful engagement, we played a wedding. He considers me the most beautiful woman in the world. We are very happy together, and love even helped me lose weight slightly, although it does not care at all.
My twin sons are very restless. On July 3, they ran out of the house and went to ride in the Red Kon Jose Padiya. This horse was very recurrence, and he threw them off in rocky terrain. I thank the Most Holy Music for the fact that they are my children miraculously fell not on the stones.
After the birth of a small brother, the behavior of my daughter has changed. She became a gloomy, irritable and rude. I was concerned, but then my brother left us his cat, as he himself leaving the capital to earnings. Since we have this cat appeared, my daughter behave as before. She is playing and talking with a cat. Thanks to the girl for this miracle.
I led the bus, and he refused brakes. The bus was heading towards the cliff, but thanks to the Most Holy Virgin San Juan, he ran into a tree. It kept a bus from falling, in thanks for what I dedicate it to Retablo.
My bride's parents did not like that I visit her, so I began to climb her on the balcony in secret, along the Power Stair. But one night my mother-in-law overturned the staircase when she opened the window in the kitchen to drive barking dogs. I thank the girl Rosary for the fact that my mother-in-law was deeply worried about what was overthrowing me, and now because of the feelings of guilt, she allows me to visit my bride when I want.
I got rumors to my wife, as if I had flirted with a worker in a pharmacy. The wife was furious from jealousy and wanted to drive me out of the house. Only thanks to the Most Holy Virgin Sapopanskaya, I was able to calm her down and convince that these are just dirty rumors from some old gossip.
Amalita Moreno enjoyed a light breakfast in the garden when the cat pushed the flower pot right on her. He fell on his head, and she cloudy and got two in his eyes. She patched the Virgin Sapopan, not to go blind. Her prayers were heard, and on the same week she had already seen without problems.
The demon played a cruel joke with me and my daughter. He did so that the coals from the stove fell on us and set fire to our clothes. But thanks to the Holy Cross, we were able to put out the fire on time. Thank you for it.
Dolphino Gonzalez studied horseback riding, and the horse dropped him right on the cacti. He was seriously injected. Dolphino thanks Saint Jude Faddia for rapid healing and for learning how to ride the right thing.
I thank the Lord Souls for the fact that he was driven by the terrible beast from our lands. He killed our herds and even Christians. In gratitude, I dedicate this retablo.
Holy Juda Faddia, thank you for hearing my prayers. How good that my old woman cured. She often happened fainting. The doctor said it was from insufficient nutrition and, perhaps, her anemia. I could not feed her, because, selling bowls, I did not earn a lot. Now I'm old and can not work. Formerly, we lived well, I had a herd, but our children were forced to sell it to cover their expenses. From three sons no one cares about us. They all went to California, in Los Angeles. For 12 years they live there. Occasionally send us three postcards and a little money. But the most important thing now is that my old woman Francis recovered. Browulio Bernal, Tlaskala, 1950
Behind the girls from the school of St. Martin chased the dog and bit them. Their moms thank the virgin Sapopan for the fact that the dog managed to catch and after some time the examination showed that she was not mad. Sapopan, August 4, 1963.
Pigs of a neighbor devoured my cabbage. They were very voracious. I prayed to the Holy Franciska, and the sagi created a miracle, so my neighbor began to keep pigs in Khlev. Thank you.
Karicaturist Rudolfo Peres was beaten and brought into prison for the caricature on the governor. This retabilo, he thanks St. Patrick for survived. After he decided that he was better to move to another state.
On September 14, 1919, the bandits were attacked in Keretaro on the way. They selected all our corn donkeys. Glory to you, the Most High Deva Guadeloop, that they did not kill us.
The Most Holy Deva Sanctus miraculously saved the boy Juan Silvero Galler, shot down by the car.
At the celebration of her name, Teres Martinez and her sister met two strict and attractive men. Now the sisters became their brides, for which they are grateful to the Blessed Virgin San Juan.
Thank you with a high baby with Atici for finding my son Antonio, who was kidnapped and held in shack. His strongly beat. I have been looking for him for a long time without losing faith in you. We got to you, and now I dedicate it to Retablo.
On August 2, 1959, the dog of the girl Angelit Torres shot down the car. The dog was seriously injured, but the girl prayed to the Blessed Virgin Sapopanna about her health. Sleepy Virgo heard her plea. Angelita thanks for it.
Juan Carlos Reynoso was very afraid of height. To overcome fear, he took up parachute sports. This retabilo, he thanks the Lord of Merciful for dealing with this problem.
Thank you, the Most High Deva Guadeloop, which helped me to escape during the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Laura Ekirtus.

Source of pictures and translation: Retablos

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